6--The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Juty 22, 1997 *COMMENT BE 248 THE M ain D ý StMPO E,1 Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Fax: 876-2364 Classified: 875-3300 Publisher A.oiatue Pubioher Geîerol Maaoger Edennî Cirîu1aîjoe Manaoger Qffce Mnageri Predu-on Manager Thie Canadian Champion publiShed taice aneely ai 191 Main St, E.. Milton Ont. LOT 4N9 j8on 248), s one oi The Metroland Peintiig. Publishing & Dislibuiing Lid. grnup of suburban compa- nies which incindes Ajax / Pickeing News Odventiser, Allision H-eraid/Co crier: tarrie Advarîce. trampton Guaidianý BurieQion Post: City Parentý Co1ingwond / Wasaga Connectine East York Mireor; Etobicoke Guaidian. Georgeton Independenti Acon Free Press Kingston This Week Lindsay This Week, Maikham Ecnnmisi & Sun, Midiaed / Peneianguisaene Mienne Mississanga New s; Newmaîiiei / Auînea Eîa taneî Northumberland Nons, North York Miieni. Oakoîlle teanner Qeitia Today,' Osihawa n Witiy / Clariegion / Poil Perrn This Wîek. Peterbnrough This Weeký Ricnmned OHi / Thoiehili / Vaughan Libenal, Ocaiboiougi Mio Uxbridge / Souniiille Tribune >Tnday's Seniors. Adneeiising is acnpiod on thi condition mhal inothe eveni ni a innogiapina erir thue portion ni thi adneeiisieg space nccupied by the erneous item, teiheî mith a reasonable allnwaice tor signatnre, will not be chaioed toi, Oui the balaceof nihie adueoîisemeni wiii be pail for ai the applicable rate The poblîshie îeseree nhe ih Io culegnio advertisemiels ni declîne. ['30p DAE1wIra l'Y H E MADE AoRrji KIV>s 1TINK SMOKING 1 ýN AP5ARETTES IS COIL. We'd be junior partrn Right now Milton Mayor Gord Krantz is supporting tl Toronto Services Board (GTSB) because he tbinks it wi for development in Milton. And, he is quick to point out, Halton Region bas beet but effective wben it cornes to moving forward the p agenda Mr. Krantz favours. StilI, Mr. Kranîz sbould keep a long-term perspective many years to corne, no matter wbat growth benefi obtains, this community wiIl be a small voice in GTSB de Meanwhile, the chorus from Toronto will wail away, c this, tbat and the other thing from the supposedly more afi urbs. The pleas may include tax money, landfill space ai scbemes aimed at bailing out unwieldy Toronto infrast capital projeets. Make no mistake, the GTSB will become a new level pal governiment, GTSB czar Mult Farrow bas already ai mucb. For in truth, what does municipal government do foi part beyond provide services that will faîl under the umbt GTSB? Where the GTSB gains power, others will lose. So wbile in the short term the GTSB may prove Milton than Halton Region ever was, if Mr. Krantz is n supersedes Halton - in the long run Milton may not hi gets served up as a junior partner in the business. It gives us some paus We're prepared to give Dusty Papke, the new director tion for the Halton public school board, the benefit of the the first major decision to come out of bis office seems we say, odd. Contradicting recommendations contained in the boar vaunted Renewal Project, and seemingly ignoring the facî is still millions of dollars over budget, Mr. Papke bas increase the complemnent of superintendents. He claims the new superintendents are needed. Ac( Ministry of Education guidelines of one superintendent 5,000 students, Halton sbould bave eigbî or nine supers, may well be so. But the fact remains, tbe board is short $5.5 million dc 1997 budget. And, altbougb the cost of the new super migbt be mucb less than that, bow is the board now su approacb the secondary teacbers and ask for the bugec( tbey need? Again, giving Mr. Papke tbe benefit of tbe doubt, lei superintendents are needed. StilI, is this the message wants to be sending to tbose tbey still are negotiating witb, especially the secondary teachers? How, in good ci can negotiators for the board go t0 the bargaining table an concessions wben tbey, tbemselves, baven't been tigbte belts? Appearance still counîs for sometbing in Ibis worl board is sending out the wrong signaIs 10 botb teachers ai ers. We are aIl doing more witb less, s0 wby can't tbe Halît From The Burlin Pages of the Past r mne most One YearAgo -ella of the From the JuIy 24, 1996 issue Officiais reported that a shift to province-wide actual better for value assensment (AVA) would have a negligible impact igbt and it on Halton residents. Residents in communities with older ke what it property assensmenîs were expected 10 take the brunt of AVA adjunîments. "Becaune our current anseaisment num- Rob Kelly hers are dloser to the current market we won't experience the samne growing pains as placesi like Whitby and parto of Toronto," naid Mr. Jimn McQueen, Milton's director of zfinance. - Seventeen-year-old Milton District l-igh School situ- dent Alysia Gabriel lost ber long battie with cystic fibrosis. of educa- Gabriel bad been an outaipoken activint for sufferers of the Joubt. But dineane, working closely with the Cystic Fibrosis i bit, shall Foundation's Toronto chapter. A service was held for Miss Gabriel at Grace Anglican Cburch. - 'Me Ministry of Natural Resources announced itn new 'd's much- initiative to curb rabies in the Milton area. Small, yellow the board packeto of rabies vaccine were 10 be dropped from an air- iecided t0 plane onto green spaces in the area. -ording to 20 Years Ago for every *And that From the July 27, 1977 issue - Otto Jelinek announced that, contrary toi as front page illars in its story published in 'Me Etobicoke Gazette, he was not con- intendents sidening running in any of the Toronto ridings, but would Pud ANP CLFM NITAE) LOVE 1T, ANLIVEN stick toi bis decision of one year prior and mun in Halton. Jelinek had been contacted by representatives of the Etobicoke Centre riding, the Etobicoke Lakeshore riding and the High Park-Parkdale riding. Jelinek denied allega- tionn he was waffling on bis choice of riding. "This is the choice I made and this is where lIlI seek the nomination," he said. -Halton Region Conservation Authority (HRCA) offi- ciaIs were preparing 10 present an appeal toi the Ministry of Housing in regard to the proposed expansion of Glen Eden Ski Ares. The HRCA's expansion proposai was turned down by the Niagara Escarpruent Commission (NEC) because parts of il conflicted with NEC policy. The pro- posaI included an additional ski run, the construction of a triple chair lift and the building of a new ski chalet. Bill Warwick, director of the HRCA's conservation services, was confident the appeal would be granted in the authori- ty's favour. 50 Yea rs Ago From the July 24, 1947 issue -Two of the four bandits that ruade off with $105,000 from Campbellville's Bank of Nova Scotia and two femnale accomplices were being held in the Halton County Jail. The other two bandits, Leo Brunnel and Garth "Dusty" Miller, were the subjecîs of s province-wide search by Ontario Provincial Police. Posters bearing photos of the wanted robbers had been sent 10 border cities and larger centres throughout Ontario. by Steve Nease YOU SHOULD ONE! ,~-s liant Oliver Neil Oliver David Bos Rob Kelly Karen Huisman Teri Casas Tim Coles -1 1 - -x-