4-The Canadien flhemni,-,., T, ~ h i., 'Y) 1007 Milton council is on board SAVE 20 TO 40%OFF with the review of services ALL CAR & LIGHT TRUCK TIRES Installation - NO CHARGE Balancing - NO CHARGE Valve Stem - NO CHARGE Discarding - NO CHARGE Sooner or later...You'll own General!f Check out our... Class Il 9 Series <r • Removable tongue • Trailer hitch - Low profile design •3500 bs two n capacity • Cusor des gned Removable draw bar EXIDE BATTERIES Bulit In Canada ta endure our harah Canadian Climatel "Covered by a Nation Wide Warranty" By BRAD REAUME The Champion The Halton Area Services Review (HASR) jumped a hurdle when its preliminary recommendations received approval from Milton council recently. Mayor Gord Krantz supported the process, which is taking a close look ait the operations of municipal gov- ernment and school boards in an effort to find efficien- des and savings for local taxpayers. "For the most part it (work on the HASR) has gone very well but the differences are there," said Mr. Krantz. "If we all buy into it, then it could go. It's not a majority rule. The review will continue with an eye on getting a completed report by the end of July. Some recommen- dations of the committee will have immediate applica- tion while others will be of a longer term nature, coun- cil heard. Mr. Krantz said changes to HASR proposals are possible but require the approval of all organiza- tions at the negotiating table. The process has sub-committees looking at emer- gency services, property assessment and taxation, tran- sit, roads, planning and the administration of the provincial offences act. David Hipgrave, Milton's chief administrative offi- cer, reminded councillors that the process is locally driven and not being done at the behest of any provin- cial agency. He said the final report on the project will include any proposed employment shifts and resulting savngs. Milton Fire Chief Harold Penson, a member of the emergency services team, said the committee was looking at a regional fire department which will also bouse ambulances. "If ever there was an opportunity to take on some of the vested interests and throw out a lot of history and parochial thinking," said Councillor Brian Penman. "We can redo the service in the best way. I hope we don't cling to a lot of old notions." Mr. Krantz wamed that a regional fire department "We can redo the service in the best way. I hope we don't cling to a lot of old notions." UMRAN PENMAN would lead to more full time firefighters and likely much higher costs. Regarding changes to assessment, Jim McQueen, Milton's director of corporate services, said timing of the change could lead to problems with the delivery of tax bills. Mr. McQueen said his team is considering a unified computer system for tax and utility bills for all four Halton municipalities. The transit team is looking at every option from a unified municipal transit system for all of Halton to the purchase of service from private companies, according to team member Helen Lisi, Milton's acting town clerk. The roads review team, chaired by Milton's director of leisure services Jennifer Reynolds, provided a fresh look at Halton's significant road networks. Streamlining the regional road network could lead to lower maintenance costs, council heard. In the area of planning, Mel Iovio, Milton's director of planning, said the team did not concem itself with planning principles but rather the financial fallout of changes to administration. Councillor John Challinor was concemed that the planning process might get too centralized. He said the major difference between municipalities is forged through local planning, and suggested complete decen- tralization of the process be considered. "This should be much more of a local issue," agreed Councillor Wally Hunter. "Planning is one service you have to bring down to the local level." IA ILID 'ý CAINADA'S LARGEST FASHION FABRIC DISTRIBUTOR FINAL DAYS! 54oM i St. E itn8803 HEE HO IT WOKS Ou 1 fulmteo ntof*0ce ecadieatFbiln Reua c, n e t e net2FEE aei ef e ti *y2,19,o eetdi-tc For sale or store information, or ta make a comment or suggestion, call our nf-lne at 1-888-780-0333 (or 780-0333 within the local 416 and 905 area codes). And visit us on the net at www.fabricland.ca I. Miftori Photo F 1 Georgetown Photo r - Acton Photo foto source roto source rote source Milton Mall Georgetown Market 352 Queen Street Miltoti, ON Place Plaza Acton, ON (905) 878-3361 Gcoigetown, ON (519) 853-4814 (905) 873-1237