French visitors: in aamnenmen euy U> Youths like friendly Ontario By KAREN SMITH The Championà French exchange students visiting Milton say they will always remember l Ontanio's open country and beautiful land- scape, but most of ail they wîiI remember the people. "The thing we wiII remember ail of our lives is the families who have been very P nice and friendly," said Veronique Antrope, 23, a group leader. Two groups of French students in spent their time touring Canada'a Wonderland, Crawford Lake, the Milton Leisure Centre, Kelso Conservation Area 19 RIAS an Trnt.199 CA VALIER 4 or. white on gra, pwr tecks, automnate air eonditioning, Somne have also been taken by the their Green/grey dotS, auto., air eunditioning AM/FM stereo AMIFM caso u n>' 25,300 Iros. Balanee of Factory host families to Ottawa and the United cassette. Balance uf Factory Warran>'. Oui>' 40,000 kms. Warrant' States. OIy $130r"7 On! $14M7 Laurence Beyrand, 16, went as far as * ,, saying Canadians are more accepting of 0 people and friendly than citizens of her homeland. She said she will tell people at home they should go to Canada. "tt's very nice. 1 like the landscape and * the people." ) ~~~~~ ~Laurence said she finds that French and 1995 DONNE VU E~CDLA EVILLE SS Canadian youths are about on the same White/Taupe c/ot> V6, Auto, Air, PW, P.Lks, Tilt,194CDLA EIEM level -something she observed ut a Croise, Causette Ai/o>' Wheelu. OZ 59 000hmu Green/tanLeaherFuirLoadedOn6,00kts. recent party. And the maIes are gentlemen, $i L,m, for 1 a3 m.ufI7, she added. However, there's quite a difference in Photo b>' GRAHAM PAINE laws persaining to alcohol and cigarettes. Veronique Antrope, 23, of Versailles, France spent In France, Laurence said, she could go to some time recently pickung and sampling strawberries ait bars and buy cigarettes. Andrew's Scenic Acres.* see FRENCH on page 14 ~X. ~1994SAFARI SLX 1991 SUNDIRD One uwoer burgond>' burguody dlot> 8 passenger, RedIGraphîte cluth. V, auto. air p. lochs, AMIFM, ai couditioued, PO L. tit, cruise cassette, deep tint, stores cassette. Oui>' 60, 000 km>s raly wieels, only52, 000 kms. P E 'Y "S a~~~OIy oflaly$59 PISINCIVELAMIES FASHIONSV Amnazing 9 I L $IL Continues 1993 JIMMY SUS 4X4 1996 CORMMA 4 dour white on grey, une uwner puwer wi ows & Wl iterey cluth V6, auto. air, P. us ko AMIFM stores cas- l cuks, tilt, cruse cassette, unly 52,000 hms. selle, Balanceof t atory warran>' Only 27000 kms. 7 On! $15oUfl OnIy$49 . 1990 DUICK LESADRE LTD 1994 SFIC 1500 SLE EXT Ont owner, grey on orsi' (slp loaded incîsding dual pur Black/grîy lucketi, V8, auto, at, PW, P lochs it ruscn soass On/y 07,200 kms. sols, cassette, bodiner, alloy wleels. Onl 77,00ks linIffy $1505 0 OnI0y $180Mf *SALE PRICEO ARE PLUS TAXES. SEE DEALER FOR 5E/AiLS. à '~LISSE BASES ON $2,0002 DOWN .APPLIABLE TAXES, ST MONTA. SECURITT DEPOSIT & LtCENCE - ALWAYS MORE TO CHOOSE FROM "WE WARRANTY & SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" EVERYTHING FAUST GO! . FALL STOCK ARRIVING DILY. MILTON MALL 878-1414 Also in Guelph, Milton, Qakyjille, Aurora & Burlington