14 - The Canadian Champion Tuesday Juty 22, 1997 Papke says sehool board short-changed 'trer¶.Pîpkuepage2 11h had îhree scitool iecused education supeenten hive education superîntendenîs, a business man- dents for 8,000 studenîs, plus îwo academie ager and a facilities services superintendent for superintendents and one senior business officiaI. 43,000 studenîs French students in Milton 'tram YOUTHS on page 3 The biggest difference in the way of life cornes at meal tirne, Ms Anîrope said. Site explained the Frencit eat a large thrcc-course meal aI lunch and don't cal dinner until about 8 p.rn. Tite excitange program itas been made possi- ble by tite Toronîo-bascd The Language Worksitop, founded in 1979 10 teacit youtits dif- ferent languages. Milton co-ordinator Ursula Crawford said the program, mn for the firat lime in Milton, bas operated smootitly. The lown has embraced the prograrn well by volunteersng 10 take in lite young visitors. 'Tite kida have been fantastie and the families exceptional," site said. "Titcy've really shown thern a laste of Canada as mucit as possible in titree wceks." A total of 1,000 youtits corne 10 Canada every year in lite program. stao, Mr. Papkc îndîcated. "We've got 85 achools in the region so that's 17 sehools for each superintendent, which is stili a fair number. We really need b focus our atten- tion on our sehools and support our principals." The director said teachers, students and staff at elementary and high scitools can expect b sec more of the superintendent assigned b oversee a school board sCi up That being the case, Mr. Papke said Haltqn, with more than 43,000 students, vould be ciii- lied to between cight and nine education superin- tendenta "So we'd acîually have 10 hire four or five more just 10 get up 10 Ministry guidelines," he said. designaîed "farnily of sehools". As for the tive education superintendents he "Otiter people will bave 10 do sorne of the wilI have aI his disposaI, Mr. Papke said there niîîy, griîîy everyday office duties," he noîed. will be a reorganization of titeir duties. Mr. Papke said he understanda the Ministry of Only Mr McNally, lite business superintendent Education - whicit inîends 10 implernent the and Gerry Cullen, facilities superintendent, wili govemment financing ofeducalion in Ontario by retain their current positions because, said the September 1998 has a funding formula litaI director, titeir responsibililies are specitie 10 their uses 1:5,000 as a ratio of superintendents of cdu- '97 Ford F-Series XLS B B B Includes Automatic & Air Conditioning * Most Powerful Standard Engine * Chrome Bumpers * Dual Airbags - with Passenger-Side Deactivator * 8' Cargo Box - Largest n Class * Rear-Wheel ABS * Lower Two-Tone Paint * AM/FM Stereo Cassette No Extra Charge XLS Package: * Chrome Styled Steel Wheels * 60/40 Split Bench * Colour-Keyed Bodyside Mouldings 24 ONTH 255* downpayment or equivalent trade un $49* IVUORE A Month Choose F-Seroees XLS Supercab or 4x4 CHOOSE THE PAYMENT THAT'S RIGHT FOR YOU! D,,py,~Ft Eq.~MFt T,~. 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The day tnp includes a visil 10 lite Ealon Centre for browsing and lunch, then 10 the Toronlo waterfront for a cruise on the Trillium Paddlewiteeler witit orchestra Twilights. Caîl 875-1681 for tickets. Tbursday July 24 Ttc Victorian Order of Nurses itolds a foot care clinic aI lite Milton Seniors Activity Centre, 500 Citilds Dr., frorn t 4 pin. Tîte cosi s $15. For furtiter inter mation or an appoinîment, eau 875-1681. Foot care choies are by appoinîment only. Ttc Halton Women's Centre presenis 'Choosing and Using Vour Lawyer' wiîit local lawycr Karen 'Fitompson ai 7 pot. Tite cosi s $6. The centre is located in Hopedale Malt, 1515 Rebecca St., Suite 210, n Oakvitle. For information, cati 847 5521). Ttc senior citiceus' noonthi> l)iners Club mecîs for gourmet diniuîg ai a local restaurant. Paoicipants mcci n tue padlng 1(41 of lite Mîlton Seniors' Actîvity Centre. 500 Chiids Dr., ai 5:30 pin. or tic car pool or 6 pot. ai the restaurant. ('ail h75 1681 for the location. Friday July 25 It's Summer Barbecue l)ay ,ut tic Milton Seniors' Actîvîty Centre, ) Childs Dr., ai 11:45 ain. Hamburgers aid toi dogs are sers cd. Monday July 28 Tite Victorian Order et Nurses tolds i foot care clinie ai Lowsîiie Uîîîtcîl Churcit, 5800 Guelpit Line (ai Briiannic Road), from I lu 4 p.m. The cesi s $15. For furtiter information or an appoiniment, caîl 827-8800. Foot care choies are ty appoinîment only. Monday July 28 - Aug. i The Milton Citildren and Youtit Centre holds Sommer Day Camp for children aged 610 Il years from 8:30 a.m. 104 ~.in A visit lu lite Ontario Agriculturai Museum is lite feature of lite week. Cali 876-1244 10 register.