Farrow admits it's a new level of politics By BBRAD REAUME The Champion Milt Farrow trieti to, waltz with his words but he eventually admitteti the pro- posed Greater Toronto Services Boardi (GTSB) is another level of govemment. Me. Farrow, special ativisor 10 Minister of Municipal Affairs AI Leach, was at I-lton Region last week to defenti bis report 'Getting Together' which calîs lfor the formation of a services board 10 coor- dinate major municipal services such as water, transit anti waste management across the Greater Toronto Ares (GTA). Oakville Councillor Kevin Flynn pusheti the issue that the GTSB would be another level of govemment. Mr. Farrow admitteti the board would have the powers of a level of' government but he saiti it would be responsible for coordinating services rather than actually delivering themn. "It sountis like a level of government that you can't phone," saiti Mr. Flynn, who noteti it was nice 10 finally hear an admis- sion of what he considers the obvious but unspoken. Halton officiaIs said they were pleaseti Mr. Farrow wrote 10 Mr. Leach requesting that the I-lton lantifilI site be removeti from consideration hy the services board. However, Mr. Farrow matie il clear bis position on the lantifill, as well as bis whole report, is only his suggestion 10 the minister. Mr. Leach can chose 10 accept the proposaIs, modify them or rejeet them outright. -I tirmly believe that over the long haul there are millions anti millions anti mil- lions of dollars 10 be saveti," saiti Mr. Farrow. Halton officiais raiseti concernas with representation, rural issues, as well as the ides that the GTSB would eventually grow into another level of municipal. govemn- ment, likely taking the place of one of the two existing levels. tI dun't know which level of govern- ment will disappear," saiti Mr. Farrow. "Il coulti be either/or. There are different lev- els of maturity between regions. Some regions coulti go anti somne municipalities coulti go. In the next t'ew years there will be structural changes in the GTA. We won't continue 10 have 28 munici pali ties." In his report Mr. Farrow calleti for a 28 mnember board baseti on representation by population. Toronto would gel 14 mem- bers, matching the number from 905 municipalities in York, Peel, Durham anti ,,it sowîds like a level Of S governtnent that Phone." KEVU FRYU Halton. The smallest region, Halton would have only two representatives. Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale pointeti out that Peel's five board members insures the mayor of (?aledon, a amaîl, largely rural, municipality, would be on the board, wbile only one mayor of Halton's two major urban areas coulti be given a seat. It is expecteti that one Halton seat would go 10 the regional chair. The other remains 10 be determineti among Halton's four municipalities. Halton officiaIs saiti they were more comfortable with each municipality having equal representation. Mr. Farrow dis- misseti that position, saying a majority of municipalities, even in areas outaide of Toronto, agreeti with representation by population. There was substantial discussion on the rural versus urban issue. Mr. Farrow saiti that virtually aIl eoncems of the services board are urban in nature. Burlington Councillor Ralph Scholtens saiti bis munficipality coulti be considereti rural by people in Toronto. Halton Hilîs Mayor Marilyn Serjeantson wondereti if ber municipality woulti be consitiereti rural, even though they have a neeti for every service the boardi coulti potentially offer. Representatives of the rural community saiti they felt their voices woulti be lost in the services boardi. However Mr. Farrow said the board would have little 10 do with them, anti not jeopardize their relationsbips with current govemments, because only urban services would be coordinateti. .OTatl IV, MY SISTER 'S CLOSE7r-,T. STORE WIDE SALE ~ 5%OFF INCLUDING ALL WEDDING DRSSES & ACCESSORIES 42 Bronte St. S.,Undt11, Miton 875-0232) The Canadian Champion, Fnday JuIy 18, 19W7 - 9 Cops crack down on insurance Ontario Provincial Police plan 10 turn up the heat this summer on Greater Toronto Area highwayt. 'to proîssote the imîportance of auto însuralîc. the OPP anti Ministry of Transportation have co-ordinat- eti the "Partners in Road Safety" prograns. The effort will see a vauiety of agencies workîng hand-in-band. These include the Insurance Bureau of Canada, the Transportation Safety Association of Ontario and the Ontario Trucking Association. The Insurance Bureau has provideti insurance industey directories anti celi phones to assiat OPP officers in nabbing uninsureti drivers by calling Fri~y LaI 1Z97 Alxaia Crpets (P) Black's Photography (P) Blway (p) Oashway G0odiets (P> MA&M Meat Shops Vito's Pizza & Wlings Rural Only A&P Weekend Fivers. JuIy 19-20/97 A&P Sears (0742) (P) P= Partial industry staff, who "i be On stanbY ta verify insur- ance slips. C)PP and Ministry of Transport offiî'ers can also access this aystemn to weed out uninsured commercial motor vehicle drivers. A direct line 10 dhe Ontario Trucking Association will belp officers communicate quickly witb relevant trucing companies. In the past, OPP investigating officers were limiteti t0 dealing with company authonties by phone or let- tee only after they had returned to their respective detachments. SALEPRO * *IQUIR We require an energetic sales person for reg::ular fui 1-timne employment. Applicants should enjoy working with people and have an aptitude for ladies fashion. Excellent career opportun ity. Qualified candidates apply to: Peggy's of Oakville 125 Cross Ave. OakviIle, Ont. LG5 2W7 Phone (905)844-5361 Fax (905)878-7055 erience 400 Years offun in a single day. l t etry Tudor village overflowing with non-stop family entereainment including magicians, minstrels, and full armour combat jousting. Over twice the crafts and artisan displays. Softdrinks, aIes, wine & mead tco cool and smooth thy brow. Feaaîing fit for a King! 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