The Canadian Champion. Fridav Juiv 4.,1997-9 Water issue Ali-Frencli language program on shaky ground continuing efrom CHUDLEIGII on page 3 "However, we are unique. Toronto has (0 gel their waîer from the lake, waier which must be treated. We have an option. Our groundwater supplies are clean." She also explained that in some jurisdic- lions ozone treatment, whie more expent- sive, is used because the waier gels no chemnical additives and is therefore clean- er. Incressed use of ozone is msking the process chesper, she said. Mr. Chudieigb said thai aI some leveis Milton is seen as tbe baîîieground on chlo- rîne. He said a chance meeting wih a senior federai heaiîh officiai led tbe bureaucral 10 ideniify Mr. Chudieigh as a Milton resi- dent as soon as he brought up the issue of chiorine in drinking waier. Top web nod Halion's business devciopmenî websiie won the 1997 Superior Wehsiie Award frons tbe American Economic Devciopmenî Council. The site, ai was one of'95 ccononsic develtîpmeni sites cîsmpeiing for tbe prize. FRI1D A Y, WE E K END JULY 4 '97 FLYERS, IN TW~N RURA JULY 6-7 '97 Biway (P) INTOWN ONLI Cashway (P) A&P M&M Meai Shops Lobiaws Sears (0712) (P) Sears (80721) ffIN TWN NLY Twicî thei Deal Pizza (P) RURAL L P Paril A&P Loblsws &Mort - FiatDelivery -Frei Hom Service-* Repaira & Insstallations 2" WoodenlMelai Blinda - O8,sd Ckeaning 25'x64' 28"x64' 3T'x64" 40'x64' 55'x64' $21.q $25.0 $32.0 $37.M $480 i METAL IN WTH VALANCi 'BLINOS CAMS8 iC TOMIZID TO FIT AT NO CHARGE 3 - GEORGETOWN v ~ CINEMAS I\235 GUELPH STREET 873-1999 OMEN IN BLACK [P] Evenrgs 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. Wed., Set &Sun. 2:00 p.m O HERCULES EM Evenns7:00p.m. à - pml Sut. &Sun. & Wd.2:00 p.m O BATMAN & ROBINS E venings6:50 P.01-& 9:20p.m Wed., Sat &Sun. 2:00 pm Fdg5t".ig scomî Special to The Champion If she could afford 10, Pal Pickneli said she'd take the Haiton Board of Educalion 10, court over what she lermed the unfair trealmeni of sludents seeking French-tirsi language instruction. Ms Pickneli, chair of the board's French Language Advisory Commiitee, (FLAC) is not happy wiîb the decision by trustees not 10, provide space in an Oakviiie sebool for alI-Frencb instruc- lion. The decision essenliaiiy icaves Ihose studenîs who have regisiered for an ail-Frencb program in 1997-98 wiîbouî a sehool and in limbo until the newiy-mandated French Language Sehool Boards come mbtc existence in 1998. "If i had somebody wiiling 10 put up the money to back our case, 1 would be wiiiing t0 take the board tc0 court," Ms Picknell said after the board voled 14-4 10, rejeci Gladys Speers Public Sebool as a French-scboot site ini Septembher Ni's Pcknel said fleillS. sic [lo tic fi 1551: members of the FLAC could bankroli a court chai- lenge, unlike tbe board. There are legai decisions on the books wiîh regard te, the toucby French-first language issue." Canada's Supreme Court ruied in Prince Edward Island thal 15 students was enougb 10 begin such a sehool, but il aiso said Ibere is an expeclalion of a reasonable busing distance. Ms Picknell said the onus is now on ber group 10 take the next step. Eariier this year, sebool board trustees passed a recommendalion 10 provide French-first language instruction, but oniy where student numbers warrant il. The numbers game, and the financiai implica- tions, were the ebief concern of the 18 trustees, especiaily afler board superinlendent Bob Williams tld ihem the number of confirmed French-first language registrants bad piummeted in the las( few weeks. Bll up in the air Ch)ic trustee is geîîîng a haile aiixious about a not-so-littie legal bill banging over ber head, as weli as over the beads of some colleagues. Board Chair Linda (ilover expressed some dis- appointment feiiow trustee Tim Kingsbury's rec- ommendamon, conceming tbe legal costs incurred by ber and four oîber trustees, was nat addressed at a recenî board meeting. Ms lover, Milton's Fia Beiford, Joe Paveika, Penny Sieberi and Ethel Gardiner each have a lawyer's bill for $6,919.25. Il represenîs the cosî t0 theru for defence against confliet of inlerest charges reiaîed la, board budget voting in 1996. The ailegalion was ieveiied in civil court eariier Ibis year by Dave Houston, a member of the Taxpayers Coalition Burlington. The case ended by mutual consent of bolb sides. "I'd like t0 gel on and know wbere 1 stand finan- ciaiiy," said Ms lover. future and thin< of value Union Energv xxants to heip von intlei stand the changes ihat are going on iin tht natutrai gas i ndnstr rv. Thise gox ( rinsi uit-regnilaiet(i ru rgv indtstry i s lseing Ui glt ltn i on Lisergy has lseei specifîicallx' iesigised Ioi ul)erite ini the ileregulated nattîral gas i ndi str\ andti 1 bring s oi ail oif the energv pru its andi services vos ll oued in tise future. lie- liîn Luiergv xviii provide von with tise samevte comnfort and service votive counte to expect over tihe pasi 85 vears f ~from our affiliated companies, Uionui Gas and Centra Gas. Ail three entities are owned by Westcoast Energy hiîc. We'd iike to give yon free information that makes sense of what deregtîlation nseans 10 voti. Cali toli free 1 888 774-2222 and we'll send you a free bookiet on natural gas deregulation and more information about Union Energy. emai l@un 0 tnlon energy *e t ng en rg s lu io s fo yo r f t r