Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jul 1997, p. 8

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8- The Canadian Champion, Friday Juiy 4, 1997 Halton to have two GTA seats By KIM ARNOTT Special to The Champion The latest of the GTA proposais is now on the table, and Halton municipal politicians will have a few weeks to, comment on ils viabiiîy. The newesî plan, which calîs for the creation oî a Greater Toronto Services Board to co-ordinate services and infrastructure planning, was presenîed 10 OTA mayors and regionai chairs in Burlinglon recently. Retired Oakvilie civil servant Milt Farrow, who was commissioned by the provincial govemment 10 create the strategy, bold the politicians that his recommendations wiil ensure the Greater Toronto Area remains economically viable. "Much of what is in this report, if nol ail of il, came from my discussions with the people in this room," he said. "The main reason this whole thing was put together was 10, make sure the GTA slayed number one in the worid." The plan catis for the creation of a 28-member board 10, co-ordinate infrastructure deveiopmenî, resolve inler-regional issues, operate GO Transit, * BAHi One Planet One Peace About 1.50 years ago, the maldngs of modemii- iy made mundializaion possible, necessaiy & mnevilalsle. iaha'îs believe the porential for permanent peare syssonybnos witlî the God- gîven New Worl Order, is a key to our unfokiing undeestanding ofthe prophesied lCingdom of Cod os Earih. ............l. 871- 04 Reginmal .......1-800-433-4 Nationa ...... (905) 889-8168 MILTON4 GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 S10:00 arn, - Broaldng Bread 11:45 arn. - Sunday Sctsooi 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednosday 7:30 p.m. Prayor Meeting and Bible Reading "God sent bis oniy begollen Son loto the worid, that we mlgbt live througi, hlm."l 1 John 4.9 SvenhDayJ% Advets Church Hugs Foster Hadl Ç~ 43 Mary St coemer of HuW & Kiir Pastor jac Friesm 639-730 (uurlirgon) SERVICE SATURDAYS Christ-centered, Bible believing, friendly! pro MI develop a long-term wastî for the GTA and provide and liaison wiîh various lev Under Mr. Farrow's rec would have two representa regional chair and one a throughouî the GTA woul lion and would be re-aligne Advisory rural and urb wiîh represenlatives drawn municipalities, would prov member decision-making The new board would ha' issues as water and sewe regional transit, GO Trans HOY NrOSAR ROMNCTHOC CHURCH S139 Martin St., Milton 878-6535 T.T.Y. 878-9044 Mass at 5:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 arn. & 10:30 a.m., Sunday OUR LADY 0F VICTORY Milton Helghts No Sunday Mass ST. PETER CHURCH Oth Une, Wafalgar No Sunday Mass Revs. Eaul Talbot PP, David Wynen, "Terence Seh; 0-Sister Audrey Burns CSJ 123 MAIN ST. MILTON, ONT, - Ministers - Rov. Bob Hyde Director of Music Judly HunIer Corne to Worship SUNDAY, JULY 6e 1997 10:30 arn: Worship Ordinary Tîme Sermon Title: WEAK LEADERSHIP Nursery Care Avaîlable Summer Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 amn - 12:30 pm Vacation Bible School July 14 - 18 Level access to the sancruary ta avaitabte from the parking loi tý_Information Lino 878-8895 Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton tht Church on tht Hill 878-2411 Rev, Dr. Mark McDermott Sunday Services 8:00 amn - HoIy Communion 9:20 arn - Informai Worship Nurmery Pro"ra & Babysitting 10:30 arn - Sung Eucharist Prayers for Healuzsg Thursday 10:45 amn - HoIy Communion Call the Chureh for Transportation -Everyone Welcone- KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main Street E., MItton Minister-The Rev. Rod Lewis Diaconal Minister-Colleen Smiths 10:30 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP Nursery Somi-er Sunday Sehool (children ages 3-8) VACATION BIBLE SCHIOOL For ail children ages 4-11 August 11-15, 9:00 - 11:30 oam Pre-registration - Call Amy Smaith 878-9873 For information cali 878-606 Parking on Mary Stroet Whsotchair accesa and washrooma Iiprooîded se ihai ait may cons and woship SI StGERGES ANGLICA CHURCH Lowvville (7051 Guelph Lino, juai forth of Dery Rd.) SUND)AY WORSIIIP 8:30 arn & 10:30 amn Altemating Hoiy Communion & Moming Prayer 10:30 an Consemporary Service in the auditorium. Nusry and Sunday School prosîded et 10:30 NO Service of Prayer for llealing Rectos The Reverend Canon Charte Masiers For urer information call the church office 878-1363 NEW LIFE PENTECOSTAL 6620 THIRD LINE, MILTON L9T 2X5 1InSoâàterecioD&ThqsoRd. Phono: (905) 878-3358 Sundlay, JuIy 6, 1997 10:45 a.m. THE APPOINTMENT WITiI GOD Pastor Rogge begins the sermon series enlilied... «Things la Corne" with the message,,, '1E RAP TRE COMMUNION WITH BE SERVED Jr otdeus Osavi (Asso3-51 Sr. essdros Cesi (6-11) 6:30 p.m. EVENNG EVANGEUSTIC RALLY Pastor Rogge continues the sermon series... "Things 10 Corne" with the message... 'WATDOEU IEAVÉOI LOOKIMe? New Aduits Bible Study Summer Senies.,. 'f4IJQTOC Ab* ohf aPaog & auIhm Corne take a Biblical look at the awesome events that will unfold in the last days. Il you've oser wondered about the... *RAPTURE -i LLAR ENIU SOCIR ETYL VE trI YItîMC de'\LlpiW 1II0,Md 'A iOU ICI1v(ý lL costs to vanous munîcipalities based on a user-pay ely don't have a model, explained Mr. Farrow. great deal of "We've got a lot of infrastructure in the ground in this area and we've 10110o optimize every nickel blemsl with this." before we build any more," he said. .................... Thal is likely bo involve service delivery which N0 ORD RANT crosses municipal boundaries, such as the pro- _________________posed water delivery for Milton by Peel Region. and Milton Mayor Gord Kranîz secs that, as a posi- emanagement strategy tive thing. a forum for discussion Mr. Krantz says he believes co-operation els of govemment. beyond "man-made boundaries" makes sense, and ommendations, Halton is generally supportive of the plan. tives on the board: 'Me "I really don't have a great deal of problemts layor. Rcpresentation wiîh this," he said, following the presenlation. d be based on popula- The proposai also seems reasonable to d every three years. Burlington Councillor Denis Lee, who also holds a an issues commillees, seat on Halton regional councîl. from each of the aiea "Given the provincial govemment's mood and ide guidance 10 the 28- position, this is pmobably as good a way as any for ody. us 10 address the problemns this area is going 10 ve the final say on such face," he said. r developmcnt, inter- "But there are a tremendous amount of warts it, wasîe management and wninkles that need to be worked ouI." -Advertisement- AS FOR THE PACKAGE! THE BEST WAY TO TRAVEL IS TO HAVE ALL VOUR PLAN- NING COMPLETED ahead of Lime in conjuniction wvilh your travel profes- sionals - so you can go and enjoy! THE DECISIONS will have been made, the arrangements made, and ail your reser- vations put in place. Then you can relax, and look forward (0 the trip! 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