22-The Canaedian Champion, Iley July 4, 1997 1q2 Sr beries r ---- -- -- -- -- -- - 40 ACRES BUMPER CROP! STRAWBERRIES: &RHUBARB Ponies, Fr.. i4ay Rides,I Ai ai a, Piaygmound Northr of 401 on Hwy 25. Drive " East on #10Sideroad. j "SAM JAM. L----We do ntwth! RUTCHINSON FARM 6202 WaIkmr's Lino (2 km S. ot Delry 335-2515 ýStrawberries READY PICK& PICK-YOUR-WN Wulduys: 81amSpm111 Wmsksnds: Ilamt-lpma Burlungto,, s Grower of Fie Produire & Ftowers GARAGE/YARD SALE SATURDAY, JULY 5 8 A.M. - 2 P.M. 3198 STEELES AVENUE W (Bstwme Bronte & Poil Rond) Lincoln Arc Welder 225 amps, garden tirailer, fumiture.. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE GIANT GARAGE SALE 341 WILSON DRIVE, 044 FRIDAY, JULY 4 -4 - 9 p.m. SATURDAY, JULY 5 -7:30 a.m. - 11:30 &. Puzzles, nic-nacs, coins, Il Ed. prinIs, bas lots snd much mucli more. Rein Date, Saturdsy July 12 GIANT GARAGE SALE BAT. ,IULY 5TH. BAN-i PN 795 STEELES AVE. <BETWEEN THOMPSON & WILSON) 878-4464 FURNITURE, TOYS, BIICES, ETC. MASSVGALESL JAURDYJU&YS 8 AM - P.M BITUEST. OFFT ER AD MLIMIYGAR SALE AT.RA JULY 5 8:3 AN - 1 PNM 561 CTHILD'ST VE THET BESTL GARAGE SALE E SAT.SNJULY S B:3 AN -21 PM 51 WILS DRIVE. CAN ETQUES, -OUSEHOLD ITEMS YH ES ARDG SALE EE AT. SN JULY T&H a B AN - 2 PN CANATIS, SUNERL MTS, SU SCARVE, BASAE VASES, 1Y B&W T AR SIE AKETS RANATE . ULY TH GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, JULY 5 8 A.M. - I P.M. 877 CABOT TRAIL Baby tread mutl, indoor barbecue, Rattan Loveseat with cushion & manl other household items. GARAGE SALE SATURDAVI JULY STH 8 A.M. - 1 P.M. 122 WAKEFIELD ROAD aSOMETHING FOR EVERYONE GARAGE SALE SAT.RA JULY 5 8 ANM -23 PUM 9493 HIGHWY 25 N (ACROSS FRON CHUDLEIGH'S) SOMETHING FOR EVERYONEII GARAGEIMOVING SALE BAT. JULY 5TH. & SUN. .IULY STIl. 7:30 AM - 2 PMU 0241 TRAFALGAR RD.(ACROSS FROM WYLDEWOOD GOLF COURSE) LOTS TO SELL INCLUDING SOFA~ OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, PATIO SET, BRAIDED RUG SET. GARAGE/MOVING SALE SATURDAY, JULY 5 B A.N. 22 LORNE SCOTS 875-0506 20 yeara of callecting. Sold aour bouse. aur business. Now selling the et. Raîndate Sundsy, July 6 -9 am. 'il YARD SALE BAT. JULY 5TH. 9 AN - 2 PN 4426 HENDERSON ROAD S. 0F LOWER BASE UNE, W. 0F HWY. 25 ORTON GARAGE SALE Vuhiclun, test trailers, boat, diningroomn set, couchr- us, iridge/freezers, snowbiower, microwoves, toys, fo mosny to mention. Cashr Oniy. Northr os Hwy. #25 pasi Ospringe until road tsirns fa gravel, continue sortir to T and fors rigirt fa Orton 2 ils #18 & 20 Elizabet Cro., Or.o July 5 & 6th, B amn te 3 pmir 105 Garden & LandscaDe GARDENING SOIL, manure, tinple mix, sand, gravai, tmees, shrubs, perenniats, annuels, water garden supplies. Pickup or Dely Taylor Nursery. 876-4100. NATIHEWS TREE SERVICE. Tree pruning, Ire. topping, Ire. remnoval, hedge trimming. Free estimates. Competitive rates. Fuly insumed. 519- 856-2597. 120 Livestock PONY NARE, 7-years, 12.1HH welt-schooled, goad home only. $950. Burflngtan, 905-690- 0159. 138 Home Imrovement DECORATIVE PLASTERING. Interiors end exterlairs. Best rates on ombedos, celiing centera, panel mauling, columns, restoratian work, fimeplees and customn wodc ta your design. For al types of plester work tramt drywall ta stucco. Cal 825-760. DRIVEWAY PROBLENS? Cali Mal-o Construction. Tar & Chmpping Contrectors, na washouts, no grading. casE emstIbn esphal easly repelred. CoXmI» éiveway Rebeiidln Service. Fre. estimales. Cal 905-859-0229. 145 Gênerai HeID Wanted NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS The Ontauio Human Rights code prohibits dis- crimniraticin because of age, sou, marital statua, race, creed, nationality, anceatry or place of onigin. In compimance with this code Ibis newspaper reserves the right Io make necessaiy changes in edvertising cily ACCEPTING Applications. Oakville baaed ad- vertiaing company looking for Fultime Cameer Minded Individuala. Positions range tram Mail- roors to Management with Paid Training for in- experienced entry level applicanta. For interview cati Sandi, 849-1642. Students aisa welcome. ACDZ Lic Drivers required. General Labour posi- tions available. Cati 876-0272. Bol-Mac Services. CAFETERIA HELP wvanted. Grill Cook and Counter Persan. Please cati 905-854-0441. ESTABUSHED Oakviile residential dleaning tirm requires seit-motivated people, fuil-time. Fniendly, ctraiienging worc environment. Good communication & manual SUiIS necessary. Must have good driving record and be bondable. Own tranportation tai Oakville office requimed. Training provided. CaI 827-0141, Monday ta Friday, 11 - 1 only. EXPERIENCED 310 BACKHOE Operetor for lue excavating company in Homby. Please caI and ask for Steve ait 847-8429. FULL TINE Counter H.ip, Counter/Restaurant experience preterred. Apply in person with resumne ta: Benny's Dl 295 Main Street E., Milton. FULL TIMEIPART TINE Counrier help, midnight sitt il p.m. - 7 am. Apply in person only ta Caf- teei lime Danuts, 406 Martin St., orner ot Martin & Steades. MILLSIDE RESTAURANT requires sn Ex- perienod Cook and s Short Order Cook. Appiy in persan ta: 243 Main Street E., Milton. CAREER OPPORTUNITY Tire Miltron Canadian Champion iran an immediate opuning for a full rime Tele-Salen Reprenentabive. Reporting ta tire Generaf Manager, you wil bu resonoible for planning and implementing tefemarketing fuaturen and programo. Tis punition rersuiren an entbusiaofic individual wirn cao maintaîn a punitive altitude and a proactîve approacir to ail situations. If you bave previaun telemarketing experience or feel tIl you bave a reaf flair for oelling, pleuve forward your renume by Juiy 16 for a corfîdential interview to. Atic caainC>mw 191 Main Street East Milton, Ontario IlT4N9 Attention: David Bos 166 Careers JOBS JOS! JOS! We have long and short term assignmrrents availabie in your area for: PRODUCTION PERSONNEL WAREHOUSE STAFF AIl jobs require steel toed boots, reliable transportation, flexibility f0 work shifts, and ail to lift up to 5Oibs. Please catI for appoint ent s à'%~ OMServies 634-4445 Stffn s.m Or clients are sueig lire foliowing individuals surh excellent Englîsr communication skiffs: Accoanr Receivable Clerk: Ety level, 1 year espenience Accounfo Payable: 5 yearn experience, AS400 spof son Generai Accounting: Pari-irme, AS400 oysiemn eopenience For more informion contact tire Adecco office near yu THiE EMPLOYMENT PEOPLE Burlington Oakville (905) 681-2411 (905) 842-5173 166 Careers ioeinent rifinnoîs W oulti you ike ta work wth enstomers ta develop their investinent andi mûlrement plans anti sei Royal Bank products Usai will enable them to achiere their goals? Do you: eset and parsue YOUR 0WN irigi stanodard of excellence? -proaciively create sales opportoniiies? Yen arc an ida candidate il yoo aoswered "yes" and have: aa proven sales record wtth a minimum of 3 years experience in tire banking, inourance or invesonrent industries * finascial planning skills - ability robe Mutual Fonds licensird - PC skîlls * ICB Personal [mnancdaI Planning (PFF) or CFP Join "hi progessive sales tems and earn commission and honuses rird iv performance. Yvu wili manage pour work sciredule iv meet murh clients ai thir convenrence încludîng eveniogs and weekends. Working clvseiy wiili branches of tire toyal Bank Financiai Croup you wiii assîsi yvur customes in purclrasing toyaI tank pruducts based on yvur svund invesoneni planning. If pou are inieresred in ibis challenge, pIeuse furmard a detailed resume vtonA aeKOrc 1027 Speers Rd. - Oakvilîe, Ontarno 1.61 2X5 A-%ROYAL BANK &W,,,hdm, NiuObuIAL OidsiOiqi 5 .,-dM.*i. ,àilnrIHI alO -1 Child/Youth Coordinator for a tait truie cvoira.i positioni working wîtir 610o 16 year oids in rire devetoprrient of social and persosat skitis. Tire nuccesofut applicant siroutd possess a degrire/dipiomna in sociat work. cbiid/youtb work or relatird degree witb a oniimuon of four years groap-work experience. This position requires aii energeric. setf-iîioivated irîdîvidua i tir stroug inierper.oirat skili. Submîi resurise aoit relereoces bv Juiy 10,. 1997 Io: Carole Itei Executive Director Milton Citdren & Youth Centre 917 Nipissirîg Ro,îd. Milton L9' 5E3 905-876-1244 or [iLS 905-8n76i1273