Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jul 1997, p. 21

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The Canadian Champion, Fniday, JuIy 4, 1997-21 CLASSIFIED ClassfiedHOURS MONDÀY TO FRIDAY C lassirii d 9:00 AM -5:00PM V~~~UNMM SFa.aru 75$3300 9i/staes &eer oays Champion for our new "Milestones" section. To announce your speci ai event, cali Thre Chanipions Classified Department at 875-3300 01 Births KLPC -Erde, Tracy &Heici are pleased toi announce the arrivai of Hugo, weighing 'iat 8B lb.ý 13 az. on June 20, 1997. Special thanka ta staff at Joseph Brat monal Hospital, Dr. Prac- savica and Dr. Ptach. Hugo wiIl b. the second grandchild af the Klepedi family ai B.C. and Hayes farmily of Quebea. PRESOKry -g Wanetta &big brother Kyle of Hilton are pleesed ta announce ttt birth of Amande Carol-Lynn weighing 9 lbs. 5 oz. ai Hilton District Hospital on June 23, 1997. We wish ta exterrd s heartfeit thank you ta Dr. Koslowski, the. stellar 098 staff and HolIy McGaf- fin <RHT) for her support, encouragement and maeae throughout. 05 Birthdays BIRTHDAY PARTIES et Springridge Farm. Wagon ridas, farm animals, aollect a chickens egg, haystack jumping, privaI.e party roam snd lunch. Hilton, 878-4900. 12 hntnnhv PHOTOGRAPHY - Wedcinge, portraits and spa- ciai occasions. Reasonably piiced. Rfrences. Cali Steve or Louise (905) 878-4560. 14 Weddina Services WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY - 100-115 proofa in album plus negatives. 15 years expenience. Reli- able aid reeisonable. Picture Perfect Wedding Photography. 905639-6710. 30 Deaths AICOPIAN, Elai - Peacefully et the Hilton Dis- trict Haspital on Thursday, July 3rd, 1997, Elenl Akoplan, laving mather ai Harie aid her hue- band Tassas Vanellie ai Hilton. Aise loved by graidsons Chris, Simon aid Géeorge. Resting et the J. Scott Earty Funeral Home, 21 James St, Hilton froni 7-9 P.HM. Friday. Funerel Service will h. heid on Saturday ai 10:00 AHM. tram St. Bar- bares Churcli, Brampton. Interment ta fol10w in Evergreen Cemetery, Hilton. ANGLIN, Pamtels Angele - Aller a long and brase battie with Liver and Kidney Disease on Wednesday July 2, 1997, at Toronto General Hospital. Pamela in her 28th year. Beloved daughter of Cecil and Sherril Anglin. Loving nia. ter of Paula and Jacquelinle Anglin. Dear grand- daughter of Mr. & Mrs. C Wilson of London, England. She wilI be sadly missed by triends and family ail over the world. Restiflg at the J. Scott Early Funeral Home, 21 James St., Milton from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Wednesday July 9th. Funeral service will be held on Thursday, July 101h at 1 p.m. From Milton Baptiat Church, 900 Nipissing Rd, Milton. in lieu of Ilowers, donations 10 the Liver Foisndation (1 -800-563-5483) or the Kidney Foundation of Canada (416> 445-0373, would be appreciated. 30 Deaths CROALL, Kenn.th Albert - (Former Hetra Police Office, long âime employas af Haplehurat Carreclional Centre, Hilon.) - Suddenly et Nis residence in Campbieliville on Tuesdsy, Juty 2nd, 1997, Kenneth Croal beloved husband af Myr- na <nee Clark). Lavinig father ai Unda Mnn Croal ai Hanitaulin lskand and Barbarla Crol st home. Aiea loved by his grandsans Wesley and Talon. Survived by his brother John Cral ai Dumfries, Soisnd. Cremation has taken place. If desred donations ta the Arthritis Society or the Heari and Stroke Foundation in lieu ai fiowers would be ap- preciated by the lamily. Arrengements tfirougli the J. Scott Earty Funeral Home, 21 James Street Milton. SOHOUTEN, Chris A. - At Hendersen Haspital, Hamilton on Thursdsy, July 3rd, 1997, following a brief ilînesa, Chitrs Scltouten ai Hilton, belaved husband of Dina. Laving lallier ai Albert and his ifie Denise ai Haotaâ, Chris Jr. and his wife Geil ai Sootedale, Arizona, John and has wife Jen ai Burlington and Linda and her spause Tadd Huson ai Burlingtan. AIea laved by grandchildren Amy. Jason, Jenna, Dans, Jeu, Stacey, Geaffrey, Curtis, Hichelle, John, Sydney and Natalra. Dearly loved son ai Albert aid Gerds Scouten of Hilton and sadly misaed by tire brathers and four sisters. Resting at the J. SSot Earty Funeral Home, 21 James St., Milton from 7-9 PHM. Saturday and 2-4 and 7-9 PHM. Sunday. Funeral Service will h. held an Handay ai 11-00 AHM. et Holy Rasiaiy Raman Calhalic Churdi, Hilton. Cremnation ta follow. In hieu of fiowers donations Io dm. Canadien Cancer Society wauld h. appreaiated by tie lemily. WHALEN, Kenn.th - Suddenly et hie residence in Hilton on Tuesday, July let, 1997. Ken Whaien beloved husbend ai Linda. Laving lalher ai Janice and her husband William Kats, ai HitnTreaa Hamilton. Sandra et home. Aise laved by grandchildren Chrystal, William, Alexse, Candice, Dayna aid Kyle. Sadly missed by has mather-in-law Lillian Stevens ai Hilton, 8 brathers and 6 sisters ai New Brunswick. Predeceased by hie parents Lawrence and Ar- themife Whalen and 3 brathers, ail ai New Brunswick. Resting ai the J.Scott Early Funeral Hame, 21 James Street, Hilton. Funeral Hase will be held on F1iday (tnday) at 11:00 a.m. from Haly Rosary Roman Catholic Church, Hilton. In- ferment la lollow in Evergreer, Cemetery Hilton. 32 Florists 37 In Memoriams OLEESON, Fanny - In laving memory ai Our dear matier aid grandimother who passed eway July 3, 1968. To us you were se speciel What mare as Ihere la say Except to wish with ail our hearte Thai you were here ta-day. GLEESON FAMILY WILSON, Doreen - In laving mnemary ai "Nan" wha left us July 1lst, 1995. Always in my thoughts, Etermally in my heart, Hissed very mucti each day. Love You Nain, Shahl. 40 Card of Thanks THE FAMILY ai the Set.e Mary Bergin, wauld like ta lhaik relatives, friendis and n.ighbours, for carda, fiowere; & donations, an the sad lose af a dear wife aid mather. Aiea thanke ta Haly Rasary Churcli & J. Scott Early Funeral Home, for their greai support. MICHAEL BERGIN & FAMILY NHE FAMILY & 1 wauld fike ta thaik ai our friends and relatives who cared for and brightened Merv& Mie. for tie peet thme years and eupported us in hie paesng. Gertle Wfson 55 Notices GIRLS WANTED f rom Canada between 6-19 10 compete in this year's 1997 Toronto pageants. Over $20,000 in prizes & acholarahipa, including trip to nationala in Las Vegas. CALL TODAY. 1-800-367-2125 EXT. 218 51 Summer Camps MYRDDIN SUMMER RIDING Day Camp, June' 30 - August 29. 5 fun filled days ai activites 8:00 ta 4:00 p.m., 2 rides daily, demonstrations, stable management aid a home show, $175 + GST per week or $40 par day. Cali Margaret Godson 905- 877-6698 beave a message. 60 Auctions plflIMU imi S of Clappison's Corners (Hwys 5& 70 Found FOUND, Girls Venture bicycle. Please cai ta iderrtify. Afier 6. 875-3351. NIKE Grey a purple hat, et th. back ai E.W. Foster Sahool. Phone 875-0074. 78 Firewood FIREWOOD, hardwood, ail quantities available, spadial an 3 bush corde. Aise flrewood loge available. 905-75-1623 80 For Sale SUT ON IT, donit ait in it. Replacement foam for cushian. Residential/Commercial. Fields Upholetery, 9 e.m. - 9 p.m., 7 days weely. 875- 4427. 80 For ale 18 I. DIGITAL Satellte Slysteam. 80 ciainels; fre. for one yeer. Only $7.00ilweelk. 14800-267- 946. 4 STACKING ami chairs, NI. new, $10 eada. Cali 878-3013 enytime. AZTEC INTERNET ACCESS - Suri due net with North Heltonas own home grawn internet pravider. Conipatitive ratles, walk in aervice, kre business listing. 873-2141 Fax # 873-2596, www.aztec-net.com COMPUTER SPECIAL: Pentium 120 with CD drive, fax modem, Windows 95. $17.50Yweek. 1- 800-267-9466. IRRIGATION 1,000 fi., 3 in. aluminumi plpe, 8 h.p. pump, quantity Rainbird Sprinknlers. M0- 878-0679. NORDIC TRACY, ski machine li.e new, $300. 87840635 ah.er 4 p.m. SEAT Sale. Freehen up your dînette/diningroon chairef RaIl ends. Limited quantities. Prom $18.95 es. seat. Febri a &labour icluded. Filda Quality, Customn Uphalstering. 875-4427 9-9. SPRING Savinget Na PST on aiy uphalatery or- der-April anlyl Sofas f rom $598. Sofabeda f rom $447. Chairs fram $196. Speciale on dînette/ diningromr chairs. lnteirest fraie eccounts. Fre pick-upidelivety. Senior discounts. Pmlad Ouality Custamer Upholstening, 7 days/week, 9 s.m. - 9 p.m. 875-4427. SUMMER Pria. Brei. Ho G.S.T. Speciel Sale Prices oni maiy quelity decorator febrice. Sofas fronu $598. Safabeds from $447. Chairs tram $196. Int-ime eccounte. Free pick-up/delivery. Senior discounts. Fields Quality Custom Upholanng, 7 days/week, 9 - 9 p.m. TECHNICS STEREO System, 5 CD player, double dede, 200 watte. $10 per week. Free delivery. 1-800-267-9466l. IWJO AIR CONDITIONERS $150. as., 1 Armoir, $150., 1 king size, 6 drawer waterbed. $125. 876-0223. 101 Hay & Straw 16 ACRES standing hay. 1-905-689-4228' eveninga. 102 Strawberries TAZIARS P.Y.O. STRAWBERRIES, 6 kms. west of Campbllville, laI Uine and 3rd Sideroad. 905- 854-2319. Strawberries Rhubarb & Romaine OPENING FRIDAY, JLINE 27 PICK VOUR OWN/READY PICKED "THE FARM"I De Paoli 873-2050 877-7976 CALL FOR AVAILABILIIT 8:00-8:00 Mon-Fni 8-5 Sat. 8-2 Sun, Holidays 8-12 nous. 15th Sideroad, 1 km west of Trafalgar Rd. First farm os north side, Stewarttows. IPIK YOWRu OWN liDA WB[ERDIIES AT CH.ARLES GREIG FARM Bob & Mabel Devolin Steeles Ave. E. s Trafalgar Rd. N to 15 Sideroad at Stewarttown, 1 mile west of Trafalgar Rd. 3rd drieway west of RR tracks. OPEN 8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. DAILY, FREE RECIPES Weather & conditions perrnitting! 877-7484 PEAS e ASPARAGUS a RHUBARB Baking * Gifts * Play Area 7256 Bell School Une, MILTON e 8784 37 In Memnoriamns BUCHANAN, <Jimmy) - In ioving miemory aisa dear husbend who passed away June 25, 1969. A spedial emile, e epecial face, A part of our lemnily we can neyer replace, No hand se soit and gent. Na heart se tender aid truie Na sorrow tif. could bring us, Could equal losing you. Tliere will always h. a heertache, And often sulent tears. But elways preciaus memanies of days when you were here. If teardrops could build a stairway and memnories a lane, We'd walk right up ta heaven, and bring you home egain. Jimmy there you wliI romain ta, walk wlth us throughout our Ilves, Until we moiei again. Sadly mlsaed, deepîy Ioved and forever remnembered by hie Iovîng wille Cathie, son Jameis, dsughter Leurs snd grsnddsughter KrIstl. Gond Nlght Pape

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