PTE. U.J. (JOIE) WATERS 21 CHARLES ST. 878-9005 MILTON1 YALL l'AI SePtember 26, 27, 28, 1997 (Aon..11,' 4th Salualyî Milton Fair Gexends " Agrîcultural Displays * Liveslock Shows & Compelitions -Homecrafi & Children's Exhibits * Petting Zoo . TrucSk & Trîctor Pu Ils *Barrel Racie0 * Dernolîîîîîn Derbîys *Englisfr Horse Shrows -Farnily Enterairirenl ICOMING EVENTS: A( o.n Wcckly, Aoca 111 Qnar9c H-se Sh... RENTALS: Borrrrrr Ire Meetinrgs, Heurl r Darrer, Prlis c. F'rmoe nfomaio cl 4Ha iton Agricultural (905) 878-5689 \ /Society :MEMAIL BO=F ETc:0 IT's NOT WHAT WE DO. IT'S How WE DO IT.' 420 Main Street East Milton, Ontario (JP) Pears LSales Representative The besi surp-ia le non. Member 1W06 Club. 22 Ontario St. S., Milton, Ontario L9T 2M6 Toronto Line: (905) 825-4485 Fax: (905) 878-7029 Res: (905> 878-6859 (905) 878-7777 W/lA ~(Miltowne Realty Corporation W/M»lIndependently Owned and Operaîed NEW &USED AUTOMOBILES SALES & LEASING Siessor Motors (Milton) 878-0089 388 Main Street 878-1797 Milton, Ontario L9T 1 P8 875-SLES 420 MAIN STREET EAST MILTON 878-1848 m 12:30 - 4:30 ENTERTAINMENT AND DEMONSTRATIONS Main Stoge including: 12:30 - Milton Center for Music & Theatre Arts 1:*00 - The Dance Shoppe 1:30 - Milton Springers Gymnasties Club 2:00 - Milton DistrictPipes and Drums 2:30 - Milton School of Jiu-Jitsu 3:00 - The Song Spinners 3:30 - Milton Steamers Square Dance Club 4:00 -Gord Dance Studio ROTARY PARK TONS TO KEEP YOIJ AND THE KUDS DUSY including: Carnivai Rides Kids Games with gresait prîzes Face Painting Community Group Dispiays Beer Garden Free Admission to Splash Zone Free Admission to Main Pool Skate Park and much much more 6:00.- 10:00 P Di DANCE PARTY Main Stagje featuring: The Amazing Sound System of D.J. Mike Flemming Come on out and have some funý before the skies iight up!l 10:-00 PM FIREWORKS DISPLAY -(Can be viewed from Rotary Park) )ýeç Mecuw. Rrn-ohte U V-~ R. Th n,4 e,.e M;..Ld CELEBRATE wANADy DAY a w.. ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM Tuesday, Julyl1 10 arn - 5 pm Adimission bDy DonatioDn MIunS CrW8 0 'Ictoes 'uiu 'vSoI I'1Mc For more information: (905) 878-8151 FRIDAY JULY 18: "Evening with thie Walters FamlIy" Country & Western Music Dinner & Show. r.m .otatn e S Addtin e Rec Iom ek Blig or saUiw i:,ail! 878-862 IWiss Fuels 878-6380 32 Steeles Ave., Unît 15, Milton BULL'S AUTO BODY SHOP (Divsion of M ilon Co lson and ParIn Lîd.) COMPLETE CAR COLLISION REFINISHING SERVICE GLASS SERVICE AND FRAME REPAIRS INSURANCE PREFERRED SHOP (905) 878-2721 Fax: 878-3251 155 Nipissing Rd., Milton, Ont. L9T 1 R3 TRAVEL CANADA with 878-2886 Brining lte world 10 trou since 1961 q& In the "'Wid Harvest Tent" as a speciai pari of the Officiai Celebraion ni ibe 1501b Anniveraary of Massey Ferguson - Dinner Begins at 6:OOpm Show: Storts 7:3Opm. For TICKET Information Caîl (905) 878-815%91 Licenced Under the LLBC M 11 b:eýj1,b;,de of Events7l