8 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday June 24, 1997 * Njmpî ELL Renaissance Fest boosts marketing to boister crowds By STEVE LeBLANC Special to The Champion ilton's newest tourist attraction, and ils host, will enjoy Mseconds this summer. King Henry VII bas grown tired of firsl love Catharine, and bas begun courting his soon- to-be second wife Lady Anne Boleyn. His royal highness' domain - l6th century Englasnd or the Ontario Renaissance Festival, depending on how you look ait il - meanwhile will be enjoying ils second full season amid the local tOerist oftheniy. h Uine site, the first fuil-scale park of ils kin inCandaarehopng ora much beller lumnout Ihan tbat of If increased lead lime and pre-season opîimism are any indica- tion of whaî's to corne, they'll certainly gel Iheir wish when fes- tivities begin next month. "Last spring was one of the worsl ever in lerrus of weaîher, and getting the festival constructed by our deadline was a nighlmare," said director of uperations Marc Vaillancourt, who runs the Ontario Renaissance Festival with general manager Adam Smith. "The weather bas cooperated this spring and we've been out wak- ing up the site alrnost every day. Things are 100 per cent better than they were this time last year. The festival catered to roughly 25.000 patrons last somrmer, only haîf of projected attendance levels. This was due in large pan., Mr. Vaillancourt explained. to a sate stant. Having been given the green-light in late January, festival oper- ators were unable to prepare an effective advetlising campaign, wbich would bave included exposure in num-erous seasonal and tourist mnagazines. Increased public information Mr. Vaillancount and Mr. Smith have had more than enough time 10 dojust that this past winter, as well as secure air and sereen time with radio and television commercials. "One of our biggest sources of exposure will stili be through Metroland com- munity newspapers. A strong GTA (Greater Toronto Ares) visitor base is very important 10 us," Mr. Vaillancourt said. "We'd love 10 get the 50,000 visitors we iniîially proje.cted last spring, but we're shooting for 35,000." Hesaid the festival will pmoceed along the same time-line as KigHenry Vtll's life, more specifically surrounding the lives of hshandful of wives. This, he added, will give visilors someîbing nweach year. 'Fortunately, he took enough wives 10 give us new material for qieawhile. When we bit number fOve, welil stant ail over again." this summer. Construction is nearly complete on a fulI-scale Shakespearean-style global theatre which will bouse at least three shows a day. In-house productions of Romeo and Juliet and Cyrano de Bergerac will also be presented. In addition, the festival will feature a new sword fighting per- formance - te, complement aftemoon jousting competition - as File photos by GRAHAM FAINE Good, old fashioned fun for the whole fammly dominates at the Ontario Renaissance Festival in Milton. Jugglers, artists, and varlous delectables vie for the visitors attention. The highlight la a joust between armored knights. well as more food and craft vendors, including a glass-blowing visiting us. artist. 'We're very excited about the way things are shaping up." "We'll stili have many of last year's talented performers and ail The Ontario Renaissance Festival's six-weekend season starts of our tasty treats like the smoked turkey leg and the steak on a July 12. The site will operate Saturdays and Sundays (plus the atake," said Mr. Vaillancourt, who is currently interviewing situ- Civic Holiday Monday) from 10:30 arn. to 7 p.m. Admission will dents for summer employment. "The word ia really getting be $14.95 for adults, $13.50 for seniors and $7.95 for chi ldren. around about the festival. 'Me other day 1 talked to a lady from Advance tickets - with significant savings - are available hy Nova Scotia wbo's coming west this summer and is interested in calling 1(800) 734-3779. P CELEBRATE ANAD DAY cd Ure... ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM Tuesday, JuIy 1 10 arn - 5 pm à Admr-ission by Donation lamcraINb 'Iactrfliin 'SrIliW 'là l For more information: (905) 878-8151 JULY 1 7m20 1997 GRIAT CANADUAN ANTIQUE TRACTOR FIELD DAYS JULY 17 & 18: New! OId-Time Music Jamboree 12-5 pm FRIDAY JULY 18: "Evening with the Walters Family" Country & Western Music Dinner& Show. Saiturday, July 19: "WiId Harvest Banquet" il Officiai Célébration of the l5Otb W_ Anniversary of Massey Ferguson JULY 27 ALLuDAY@ FIDDLE@FEST!' Fiddle IL Stop Dance ,Jamboree! THE MILTON CHAMBIER OF COMMERCE