Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jun 1997, p. 4

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4-Th cancfi Ch'npion, fuedy, June 24, 1997 s EEALTR CUSTOM DESIGNED for each vehicle model and year. HE.iw Durv TOWING CAWAci1v can 10w Up 10 6,000 lbs. grass towing weight, 600 lba. longue weight. The towing capacity may be increased Up 10 10,000 Ibs. G.T.W., 1,000 Iba. T.W. when using a weight distribution system. A typical application is used for towing utility trailers, boats, R.V.'s or horse traiters. Limited Lifetime Warranty. "Sooner or Later, You'll Own Generas' May ôrannoyed about talks -From TALKS on page two Mr. Kraniz rejected the notion that nmuch ol discus- sion with Peel will boil down to a simple mathemati- cal formula for assigning costa. He suggesîcd the details in any deal are most important. He will be pre- sent during talks, but hie will not have a vote. "I would have preferred to be part of the grasaroots negotiati ng," he said. "Negotiations are not cut and dried." Mr. Krantz said hie had neyer before, in his entire 30-year political career, pur pressure on his colleagues to, assign bim t0 a position. He said hie lobbied for a seat at the table because il was necessary te, protect the interests of Milton. "t want it to be a win-win-wjn for Halton, Peel and Milton," said Mr. Krantz7 "I might he accused of self- iahness but that's okay, we've been driving the thing for 13 years." MVr. Krantz Iarncrrlcd lus position as "a tiger vâth no teeth" at the taika. He said it is much easier 10 affect the nuts and boîta of the agreement at the table rallher than trying to make adjustmcnts when At comes 10 counicil for approval. However, "I have confidence in the commitîce," he said. "I'm not going 10 be argumentative. 1 hope we can cut a deal." Mr. Krantz said he was confident the cost 10 Halton of any deal would be much lesa than the $86.9 million estimated for the project by Joe Rinaldo, Halton's commissioner of finance. Mr. Krantz aaid hie wants 10 protect current property taxpayers from having 10 pick up expenses associaled with growth. However he said realistically there will likely be some smaîl percentage of costs that will end up being paid by current laxpayers. Cops will drop their mops soon The official shearing of more other kids. than 80 Halton emergency services Sgt. Goulet decided t0 shave bis personnel is drawing dloser. head to show Lyle il was alnight 10 At 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 6, be bald, and other officers fol- men and women from the region's lowed suit. This soon evolved mbt police, fire and ambulance services a fundraising event where officers will maise rooney and awareness of obtain sponsors wbo pledge money cancer by having their heads t0 see thein sport the dlean look. sbaved. Sgt. Goulet's gesture has since The event will take place at grown and as aresult of callnges Halton Regional Police headquar- 10 other police services across ters, located at 1151 Bronte Rd. Canada, more than $450,000 has The genesis of this even acually been raised for the Canadian took place in 1994 when Cancer Society. Edmonton Police Sgt. Gary Goulet In Halton, Constable Vince met a five-year old named Lyle Mulholland look up the challenge who was stricken with cancer. Lyle and so far bie bas enlisted 80 men lost his hair as a result of and women t0 take part. People cbemotherapy and unfortunately he wishing t0 make a donation may Vince Mulholland wilI became the object of ridicule froro do so at any police station. razor for a good cause. 1996 FINANCTAL REPORT A MESSAGE FROM REGIONAL CHAIRMAN JOYCEL_ SAVOLINE 1 arn plcased ta present dhe reaulta of the Region of Halton's 1996 adaptsng ta change. We bave a strategic planning procesa that assista the two Scbool Boards - we bave expanded aur previaus streamrlin- financial operationa. 'Ibese oesulta oeflcct a marked improvement ta bath Regional Counicil and staff ta focus on die most important ing efforts to addrcss the fundarnental reforni of local govemment Halton's economny over 1995. issues facing Halton. Strategic planning bas becomne part of thc reg- service delivery in Hailton. The project, callcd thc Halton Ares Tflrough our continued efforts at coat management, Halton generat- ular operating environment in aur Corporation. Services Review, will determine wbctber services can be transfered cd a surplus of $6.4 million, wbicb will be used An die future to- In 1996, Halton assurncd thc housebold waste collection pmogrami in 10 anotherjuisdiction, sbared, pnivatizcd or partnered in some other maintain dic delivesy of services and Uic current taxation levels. Our Burlington, Halton HAlls and Oakville. As a result, Uic solid icaste way ta improve Uic value of these services in Uic eyes of our ais- enviable financial record As recognized by Canadian and Amietican ptogramn As now largély flnanced from an ares municipal speciflc tomera, Uic taxpayers of Halton. Ibis could resuIt in major changes bond rating agencies who bave assigncd Haltonsa "AAA" credit rat- waste management ptvperty tax levy The $14.5 million An tax rev- An services, standards or dcivcty methods. ing& Uie highest available. enue for solid waste, was collcctcd fromn Builington, Halton I-ilas In Uic coming mordis, wc anticipate dmcr will be cbanges in Uic For Uic fowth consecutive ycar, Halton's total expenditures bave and Oakvil pn:pctty taxpayers. Milton continues toi operate ils Provincial - Municipal relationship wbich may bavesa significant decreased. These reductions helped offset provincial funding reduc- own houseliold waste collection prograrn and As cbarged a tipping impact on aur budget An fuiture years. However, Regional Council's tions over the samie pertod and bave allowed Coujicil to avoid dras fe for Regiatial waste disposal and vanous diversion prograna. continued wilingness to explor innovative ways of delivcsing ser- tic culs An services, In addition, along wiUi aur seven local govemment Isartners - tie vices to aur customers An Uic moat cos effective manne positions us The Region of Halton bas long pridcd itscîf for anticipating and Ciy of Burlington. Towns of Halton HAlls, Milton and Oakvillc and weil ta deal wi th ese changes. If you bave any questions, plesse EXPENDTUE FUNDED BY PROPERTY TAXES General governinent Social services Protection t0 persons snd property HeaIlli services Roadways Planning and development Recrestion and cultural services Waste managemnent' FUNDED BY USER RAT7ES Water/wastewater coer FOR AVERAGE 1995 HOUSEHOLD ACF UAL 1996 1995Ç $ 9,821 50,921 41,717 7,421 3,357 3,002 1,00Y7 12,037 Total expenditure 170,738 165»22 165,718 property taxes - General Purpose 65,652 67,747 61M ProPerty taxes - Solid waste 14,540 14,450 Wastelwastewater billings 48,664 48,21 48,430 Solid waste disposai/diversion fées 1,824 2,163 14,466 Ontaio grants 46,682 44,M7 53,094 Otiser revenue Ille6 20181 18,091 Total revenue 1i8,62 2 ,5 195,347 Excess revenue over expenditure 17,88 31,82 29,629 Net transfers to reserves snd capital 17,884 25m49 22,134 Surplus for the year $ - $ 6373 $ 7,495 $ 43.64 $ 50.4 182.87 12.22 14.95 6.42 5.15 88.35 34.09 57.36 184.74 13.40 15.06 8.1 5.28 69.99 360.87 353.61 $ 76491 $ 741.64 contact mie ai anc ormde numbers ustea bcsow. FEINANCIAL IIIGHLIGHTS ($000s): 1996 1995 Cash andI shot terna lnvestmnents Net long terni debt Captal fund Reserves Reserve funda DehI per household Current expenditueihoeehod $ W4ff4 74p89 67,U84 62897 105.0. 180,479 81X95 60,U82 67»85 52,3 692.41 1,587.67 *Note: In 1996, Uic Region assumed garbage collection responaibilitica from the City of Burlington, the Town of Halton Hilîs, and Uic Town of Oakvilte. Copies of Uic 1996 Conaalidatcd Financial Statements auditcd by KPMG frors which these highlights were cxtractcd arc available from the Corporatc Services Department upon request by calling extension 7042 at anc of Uic flambera tistcd below: Frora Burlington Frora Halton HAlls Frora Acton Froca Oakvillc 639-4540 878-8113 853-0501 825-6000 CAM WELDON, CA Director of Financial & Purchasing Services and Regional Treasurer 11 51 Bronte Road. Oakvitll, ON L6M 3L 1 1 à www.region.halton.on.ca STATEMENT 0F CURRENT OPERATIONS ($000s) 1996 BUDGEF $ 10,81 46,003 40,48 8M80 2,W6 2,65 1,139 16,530 41,349 38,2» 36.435

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