Photos Sy GRAHAM PA/NE Moonlight fun A big crowd turned out Friday night downtown for the Moonlight Magie festîvîties, despite concerns of bad weather. At top, Cassandra Hale, 5, bounced around with frlends on air cushion white (left) dancers per- formed on Main Street and <above) Elvis, or et least a more than reason- able facsmmlle, impresaed many jstrollers. r ----- ----T ----- - - 1 DENTURE HEARING AIbl & IA CLI NIC CENTRE itLoppers,UBAL Mar * ul Dentures and Partials M. IANNUZZI &i ASSOCIATES I Soîs ORn MUs Samne Day Relines, Repairs Hoaring Ald Specialists I TopSR USand Adjustments 10 Years Experience I *e 1t. lno/ icouint fnr Seniorsii ~ IN TO WN ON LY Spîctrnm F/ooring Tie/eman'o /rdîrors ViEn S Pizza & Wings RURALOlDRU Sears (0651/53) (P) i *No GST - No P.S.T To--iflb I Also Avallable: ILOW COST DENTURES Battery Club Info. Aml -rePakn I HOUSE CALLS MEMBER IThe Denture Clinic is Iocated in theI IDERRY ROAD MEDICAL CENTRE A.P I I(Across from the Milton District Hospital) [ý3 q = 2 2LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU i ~ ~ 72 MILL ST. 3006 DERRY RD. 878U-1100U GEORGETOWN #106 MILTON I----------------------- ----------- -1100---- I199 DONNE VILLE SE WAiteflanpe c/s/A. V6, Anto, Ar, P.W, P .Lks., Tilt, Cruise, Cassette, AI/ny Whee/s. On/fy 59,'000 kms 199 CADILLAC SEVILLE STS Grien/Tan LesAihr Fn//ytsadid. Ony 68, 000 Arns Oniv MM557 1994 SA FARI SLX 1994 SEINDIRD One swner, Anrgundy/burgundy c/othA 8 passenger, RediGrapAite clotA V6, auto, air, p. /scks, AM/FM, air conditioned, PD. L. tilt, cruise, cassette, deep tint, steres cansette. On/y 60, 000 Anit. rn//y whee/s, on/y 52,000 Anit OnIy $189M44 O,7Iy $150, 199 DELTA 88 AmethyntlGrey c/niA. V6, anis. air, P. W, P L., P-r 1996 CORSICA seat, cassette. Ba/ance ef factery warraety. On/y WOitalGrr C/iSth V6. anton air P Leckn, AMIM seeo ecan- 43,000 nis. nette Balance n/tfactnry warianty. Oniy 27, t00 Ains OnIy il On1 Iy $14M. 1994 OMC 15064X4 EXT Blac/dgrey cloth V8, air anis. AMIFOI tires cassette, csnssle, Aid lner Ony91, 000 Anis OnIy $Iton& 1994 AMWC 1505> SLE EXT Blaclgreyonucketn V8, aut. air PW. P lochs tilt coie, console, cannette, Aid ner aliny chien On/y 77000 Ais. s'aiM *SALE PRICES ARE PLUS TAXES. SES DEALER POR SETALS. LEASE BASES ON $2.SA0 DOSAN +APPLICARLE TAXES. ST MONTHA SECURITY DEPST & LICENCE. ALWAYS MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 'IWE WARRANTY & SERVICE WHAT WE SELLII