24-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 24, 1997 a~ Shut down' in disastrous weekend: coach astrolîs %xseekenid hy the Jr B M.îsericks, a potentiaIllv exciting xekndi nto a Special te The Chamrpion vxho tuok hax k to-batck beat ings tront llliAstllîîi.î Owen Sound and Six Nations. "Some guys jusl aren't showing up 10 Jim Leworthy hasn'l pushed the pantic but- While Milton may hiave enîered both play.and we're geîîing no leadership'," said ton jusi yeî, although his trigger finger is games as the underdog, the myslerious Leworthy. "Il seema as lhough every lime getting mighîy iîchy. absence of Adam Cunningham and Jeff Milton runs mbt an aggressive team, we His concemn comes on the heels of a dis- Currie plus an overail Iack of effort lumned shut down. '7 AVALII '7 AVALE - I « AU By STVE LeBýLANC ecsc T1here are plax Crs (in this teamn that are button yet, but 1 mnay very soon.- Losers in three of their last four outings, the Mavenicks now sit at 10-7-I with only a one-point lead on Guelph for the fourth and final Founder's Cup play-off spot. Owen Sound intimidated Leworthy's club early Friday at Tonell Arena and ran away with a 16-6 victory. With Jimmy Leworihy Jr. away ai the prom and Mark Biesel serving a Iwo-game suspension, Milton had major trouble scoring aIl night and were restricied to two goals in each framie. The Flying Duichmnan siarted a litile slow but unloaded wih 10 goals iii the second period to put the gaine on ice. Leading the biti par ade wiih Iwo goals and seven assisis was Joit Low while ('raie, Ainsworth inrnied a bat-trick and added ihree hielpers. Currie and 1-fartholi each tallied twie f'or the bomne team. Contribuiing siingles were Darryl Brown and David Colucci. Kevin Eansor worked the nef. Milton's offensive efforts were even more ineffective two days later in Six Nations, where they scored jusi twice in the final 40 minutes and took a 16-5 beat- ing ai the hands of the Red Rebels. Easnor was shell-shocked over the final two frames with 13 goals againsi. He received little help trom bis teammafes, who have aIl but forgotten how 10 play defence. Leworthy scored twice while Graham Darling and Craig Hedley picked up two assista a piece. Single tallies came front Shane McConnell, Adam Richards and Paul Wade. Rob Henhawk and Vemn Hill highlighted Six Nations' explosive efforts with six- point showings. Leworthy will address his teamas lack of commilment tonighl (Tuesday) ai pradtice. "Il's not ail of-the guys mind you, but some of these players are Ielting the team down. If Ibis continues, it's going lu be an early summer for us," he said. A medal fest for local club Il rained gold, silver and bronze for the Milton Jiu-Jitsu Club recently. More than 20 students compcted in a junior toumnament June 15 in Oakvil1le. Leading the pack with firsi place efforts were Naomi Flint, Daniel Kelsh and Sarah Kingdon. Dcrek Baily, Tyler Borilis, Maîîhew Rosenbloom and I'hillip Tinglcy grabbed silver medals whilc Katie Blasco, Katie Jensen, Shannon Laing, Robert Lee, Christin Noîsis and Kevin Rae scored thîrd-pI are honours. Fundraiser at MDHS The Milton District High School senior girls basketball team will hold a threc-on- three basketball tournameni Thursday ai the school. The fundraising eveni is open 10 boys and girls in grades 5 10 13 with competi- lion divided mbt four age groups. The rosI of the day-long rompetition is $20 per teamn of four (three players and an altemale). Final registration will lake place ai MD lonighl (Tuesday) from 4 10 6 p.m. For more information, raIl Martha Gleeson ai 854-2714.