2 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday J une 24, 1997 Woman gives birth en route to hospital A Milton woman is the proud moîber of a baby boy eager to get started in the world aller giving birth in an ambulance. Valerie Balien, 28, ot Homby knew the baby was on its way aller wak- ing up at 7:15 ar. June 5 wiîb contractions. But whaî she didn't know wasjusî bow soon. Unable 10 intmediateiy contact ber busband, who was on bis way 10 work, she pboned ber doctor, who said she probably bhad ail day," Ms Baben said. But soon after ber waîer broke and ber oniy choice was 10 eal] 9-i - 1 The ambulance, operaîed by Barbara King and Michelle Monîeiîb of the Hailon-Mississauga Ambulance Servtce, anrived within 10 minutes, but it stili wasn'î in lime. At Derry Road, just cast of Ontario Street, the baby was ready te, corne mbt the world and the emergency vebicle pulled over onto, the side of the road at 10: 15 a. m. 'She (une of the attendants) saw the bead sbuwing and asked the other attendant 10 give ber a hand delivering the baby," Ms Bahen said. "He was jusî curning and he wuuldn'î wait." Ms Baben and ber busband Patrick became parents lu Owen, a bealtby eigbî-puund, tbree-ounce baby boy. She said Ms Monteiîh and Ms King did a greal job delivering the baby. Ms Baben and ber new son arrived safeiy aI Milton District Hospital. 'FlOto by (IHAHAM FAINE Valerie Bahen, 28, recently gave birth ta son Owen. The litt1e guy was born in an ambulance en route ta Milton District Hospital. By BRAD REAUME The Champion A few days aier being rejected in bis bld to bc on the teami negotiating l'or water with Peel Region. Milton Mayor fiordj Krantz is stili angry. "Disappointed? Ycah, I'd even say rniitftd. flot to get tise sup- port ol ry coileagues," said Mr. Krantz. 'It was cven suggeste,! that someone on the committec stop aside, but neither would do it." The committee la composcd of Halton Chair Joycc Savolinc, and two Oakville councillors, Li Behrens and Stephen Sparling. Ms Behrens chairs Halton's administration and finance commiltce wbile Mr. Sparling is the chair of planning and public works. ' Mr. Sparling* said he did flot want tu give up his seat because - he bas ushered the procesa along for three years front bis commit- tee chair position. "Frorn rny own point of' view I've been driving this for quite a whilc," Mr. Sparling said. -1 feltJ this was an issue I've been living Stephen Sparling and breatbing for a number of years." Mr. Sparling said the mnajor concem keeping Mr. Krantz off the commitice was its potctr. size. Peel Region bas two negoliators; increasing the si,'c ot hec Halton contingent cuuld lead to more Peel counlterparts and esen- tuai gridlock, be said. Mr. Sparling said mucb of the ground work for negotiations will be donc at the staff level. Mr. Sparling also had reassurances for Mr. Krantz. 'Ive gui notbing but lime for the mayor of Milton. He's been leading the chtarge on Ibis for years," said Mr. Sparling. See ANNOYED on page 4 Ta - Reie fo Woodso Ownrs For information regarding the New Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program, landowners are encouraged to attend a Special Meeting presented by the Ontario Forestry Association. Place: Milton Senior Citizens Centre 590 Childs Drive, Milton Date: Friday, June 2lth Time: 7:00 pm * Replaces managed Forest Tax Rebate Program Applications for New Incentive Program MUST be in by August 31 st This Year. Everyone must re-apply! For further information cali The Ontario Forestry Association (416) 493-4565 Krantz is stili Iannoyed over talks rejection M ITýýZlll