Painting on a big smile Actually, Hunter Dales, 4, dldn't need much help breaking int a big smlle as Beverly Faulknor applied some fun makeup during the grand opening of Cashway on the weekend. The store made donations from avents such as face painting to the Debrah's Home charity._________ Crime Stoppers 0 F H A LTO0N Good deed is punished Someone trying 10 lend a band to people in distress in soutbeast Milton found out the hard way how some will take advan- tage of the good wiII of others. At 7:45 p.m., Monday, June 16, a man was stopped for the traffic light on Trafalgar Road at Burnhamthorpe Road when he was approached by a trio of peo- ple claiming their car had broken down. They asked for help, and for the victim to follow them to their car. The man fol- lowed them up a laneway off Trafalgar Road near Lower Base and was confront- cd by the group who demanded cash and his jewelry. The complainant tried 10 run, but was threatened by two members of the group, who held a basebaîl bat and a metal rod. The victim threw some cash aI them and ran away. Two of thc suspects were described as male, white, in their mid 10 Igtte teens. One stood five-f'oot-six taîl and the other was a little taller. Both had slim builds and short brown bair. The third suspect was described as femnale, white, 30 to 35 years of age, five-foot-eight 10 five-foot-nine with short dark hair and a heavy build. The car used by the suspects was described as an older model four-door light green compact witb rust on the trmnk. Do the descriptions of the suspects and their car ring a bell with you? If so, show the victim in this crime there are stili peo- pie who care about their community by calling Crime Stoppers with the names of potential suspects. If you have any information that leads to an arrest in Ibis or any other case, you msy be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1,000. You need not give your name and your information will be îreated witb complete anonymity. Crime Stoppers does flot subseribe 10 caîl display. Cal] 1-800-222-1IPS or 825-TIPS. Crime Stoppers of Halton is operated by a board of directors; made up of 18 civil- ians from ail areas of Halton Region. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 24, 1997-11 SMAL BOAT .. BIG RESPONSIBIUTY Ride Smart From The Start 1"II both Fiïne Dinrn andiCaterîîng I wvouid 1,se f0 tbank ct/i ofyou., u'îfb Doînenhc fears and jy D-attorta Doinenico II has baci the mnost successfui tbree daY opening the line ivas ail tbe uvav1 Io f Oc parking lot ani to, se ail of yoi bac/s was u'onderf id Trattoria Donhenico tut/i be o)fJering free good'c/e. the Trattoria n'a, ail year rou nd. :.o please reserv four table. AnY special occasions., dining or cafering Chef Domnentc uill g. ive 10% off. Dornenic s nzother straight froin hta/y sends ber praise & ble:sting to ail 0f you & invites you Io try Trattoria Dontenico. So please cali & reserve your table to avoid dtsappointmnent. (As u'e /snou', this is Little ItalV in Milton) Tbank You! 550 Ontario St. S. 876-0499 - MACA SRIE YOUR FINANCIAL ADVISOR G.T. LOBAL20/20 FUNDsO ,ààTR 4ARK* Templetoti 1 can assist you with any of these areas: " RRSP - RRIF " GIC - Tax Preparations * Life Insurance * Estate Planning Cail me with any financiai questions. FINANCIAL PLANNING AT NO CHARGE *MUTUAL FUNDS -LIFE INSURANCE *ALL FINANCIAL QUESTIONS ANSWYERED *CASHABLE CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE 151 Robinson St. Oakville 815-1325