4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 20, 1997 Q1 Quaker SIat 1 aîurîng Ou aeiand FRAM ouilrs UNE quiet Brakes. " Guaranteed Quiet * Vehîcles.Specific Frua " 0E Style Chamfers and Siots for Perfect Match BRAKE " Premniîm (lnntrcain£irl 1 01,1;- PARTS " Wear Sensors Identical to 0E - Shear Tested " Premium High Temperature MoIIy Lubricant " Limited Lifetime Warranty LER IR "Sooner or Later, You>ll Own Generals HAVE YOUR COOLINO SYSTEM' lnspected & fiushed befooe heaclng out on that long TREK! UM Environmentally conscientious. Our used anti-treeze is taken away to be recycled. lcIrua!S 7 3505 U1pper Middle Road 55 Ontario Street M (in Loeb Plaza, Burlington> (in the Milton Mail, Milton) <905) 336-4274 =M(905> 875-3776 Dump may get T.O. waste By BRAD REAUME The Champin Halion could soon be taking Toronto's garbage. 'Me Greater Toronto Services Board (GTSB) report released Wednesday by Miii Farrow acknowledges the need to plan for landfills in an overaîl strategy. However, nowhere in the text does Mr. Farrow exclude the Halton landfill from use by the GTSB. Halton officiais seemed stunned by what they saw as an oversight. Mr. Farrow was charged by the provincial govemn- ment to create a framnework for coordination of major services like water, sewers, GO Transit, roads and waste management. According to Halton Chair Joyce Savoline, Mr. Farrow provided assurances that Halton's landfill would be proîected from use by other municipalities. Currenîly it is the only licensed landfill site in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). "He made the statement to exelude the Halton land- fli site," said Ms Savoline. "He said its size was insignif icant in terma of greater Toronto's total need." Ms Savoline said Mr. Farrow's failure to put the exclusion in the report must simply be an oversight. She said she would investigate immediately. The report was released by AI Leach, the minister of municipal affairs, who asked for comments to be for- warded to his office. "The problem with garbage is bigger than Halton can handle," Ms Savoline said. "So why fix one prob- lem by creating anoiher? Il doesn't make any common sense." In addition Io the landfill exclusion, Mr. Farrow rec- ommended that representation on the GTSB be donc "T1he problem with garbage is bigger than Halton can handie." JOYCE SAVOUNE exclusively by population. Halton officiaIs had said ihat land area should be considered to balance oui urban and rural needs. Mr. Farrow cails for a 28-mem- ber board with Toronto getting 14 representatives and Halton receiving two. Durham would get three, York four and Peel tive. Ms. Savoline said she had impressed upon Mr. Farrow that with Haion's significant urban-rural aplit the Regional Chair and one other representative are not enough. 'To leave one type of municipality out is grossly unfair," she said. Mr. Farrow also recommended that the GTSB oper- Ste GO Transit. He reinforced bis position on repre- sentation by population in suggesîing ihat three repre- sentatives fromn Ham iIton- Wentworîh be present for GO Transit discussions, while Halton would gel only iwo. Halion has six GO stations to Hamilton- Wentworth's one. Mr. Farrow recommended ihat the GTSB be given a broad mandate of -matters of interesi to the continued well being of the GTA." He also suggested inter- regional disputes be settled by the GTSB and costs be apportioned appropriately. REGIONAL MUNICIALIT F HALTON PLANNING & PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT NOTICE40 ROM) RENAMING NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 2 10, pamagraph 111 ofTîhe Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, and other powers thereunto enabling, the Regional Municipaliiy of Halton proposes to pass a by-law to rename the following streets and/or sections of the steits wiihin the Town of Milton: Current Street Name Location (From/To) Propoed Street Name - 5th Lmne (Regional Road 8) Steeles Avenue to 5 Side Road - Nassagaweya-Esquesing Steeles Avenue to Town Line 5 Side Road (Regional Road 22) Appleby Line (Regional Road 8) Trmaine Rd. (Regional Road 22) On Wednesday, April 23, 1997, Council approved Report PPW38-97 authorizing the road renaming and advertismng of the above noted streets. On Wednesday, JuIy 9th, 1997, in the Halton Room at the Halton Regional Centre, 11 51 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario, Counicil through its Planning and Public Works Commitiee will hear in person, or by his/her Counsel, any person who laims thai he/she wil be adversely affecied by the pmoposed street naine changes and who applies to the Regional Clerk no later than Friday, June 27th, 1997 to be heard. If no person laims ihat heishe will be adversely affected by the proposed street naine changes, the by-law will be prepared, approved and the naine changes registered at the Registiy Office. Furtiier information conceming the street naine changes can be obtained from: Mr. M. Krusto Transportation Technician Regional Municipaliîy of 1-lton Planning & Public Works Departinent 1151 Bronte Road Oakville, Ontarno, L6M 3L1, (905) 825-6030/878-8113 ext. 8142 JOAN A. EAGLESHLAM 4%REGIONAL CLERK www.region.halton.on.ca sk About s u MA7S il M rner Specials - - ý:A