Ri1dicys have right stuff for NCAA Continued from page 25 VUt uý i Iý,,Y -Fo a t d i WsIiile îîîakîîsg soute faicxcasn i the lield, bis stinîs at shortstop were limit- ed as senior Jason Murray had an outstand- ing season. Sh5îytoc. Finishing the season with a .280 average, Jeremy started a lew more gantes and s0W a few more at-bats than his brother. His "I'd say my beat memory of the pant numbers aiso, inciuded nine doubles, twc year was a game-winning bit 1 made homers, 19 RBis and nine stoien bases ir agaînat Bowling Green in Apil. That was 11 attempts. Buffalo bound for basebali The Milton HJM Insurance Red Sox will shuffie off to Buffalo Ibis Sasurday. The senior men's basebaîl îeam is once again organizing their annual bus trip souîb 10 catch somte Bisons action. This year's event lécatures a two-for-one special, as the Cleveland Indians' AAA farm team hosto a double header. The cost of the two games, viewed from Pettibones tndoor Patio (overiooking Pilot Field), plus drinks, an all-you-can-eaî bof- ft and transporlation is $55 per person. The bus wilil cave the Walîzing Weasel aI approximately 1 p.m. Bison game limes are 2 and 5:30 p.m. Departure will be shortly atter the final game. To reserve a seat, or for more informa- tion, cali Ken Armstrong aI 876-4607 or Gien Turner at 878-6477. Athietiques kids shine at York eContunued fram page 26 the event. in the under- 17 boys division. H-e followed Caylanne ran the 100m dash 10 a person- Ibis up witb a silver medal performance in ai best 15.9 seconds for ber second silver the shot-put, huriing the sphere 9.63m. of the day. Eieven-year-old sister Caylanne Lyail Noie Coutrouzas was the shot-put victor finished second 10 Melissa in the higb with a personai best throw of 5.76m. 'Me jump with a 1.i10m effort. i1 -year-oid J.M. Denyes student aiso leapt She was also a first-time participant in 3.49m in the long jump. pretty înuch every departiment and csrly remember two bad weekends where 1 didn't hit. I'd say my biggest impmovement was in the field, though. I've got a lot more arm slrength now." Jeremy wiii toil at shortstop and third- base with the Hamilton Cardinais in the Senior tntcr-County league while Shayne competes on the Great Lakes Collegiate circuit with Euclid, Ohio. "This wiii be the firsi time we've ever piayed apart, which wili be strange ai tirst but probably a good experience for boih of us," expiained Shayne. Jcremy added, "We're going 'to try to show the scouts what we can do with the wooden bat tbis summer." Milton Ladies SIo-Pitch G W L T Pts Mike's Barber Sbop 7 5 1 1 il Milton Legion 7 5 2 0 10 Charley Fitz 7 2 3 2 6 Duffenin Aggregates 7 2 4 1 5 AlPurpose Glass 7 2 4 1 5 Churchili Collision 7 2 4 1 5 Te Canadian Champion, Fniday June 20, 1997 -27 CAS HWAY ,' -IDIGCETES A AI . ONDITIOe M.A.R.C.H. *Water Furnace Systems Gas Propane and *Heat Pumps - Air. Ground Electric Fumaces & Water Sources High Etticiency Air Filters *Central & Room Air & Humidifiers 785 Main Street East 876-1138 (Service) 875-2700 (Sales) DELREX ALUMINUM LIMITED -Alumînom Awningo -Eavestroughs .Roaling -Siding -Fascia -Canapies -Storm Doars -Windows -Sollit in Livnog Coloors Also a flt lineof replacement windawo 877-5383 MILTON ALUMINUM LTD. S5, SEAMLESS EAVESTAOUGH SOFFIT AND FASCIA SIDING WINDOWS AND PATIO DOORS Cal for a free eotimate 878-5214 MA RUC.H. MECHANICAL LTD." 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Cluster Files, Spider & Wasp MASTER GLOSS LTD. SControl Specialists 5Vinyt & Atuminum BOO80K HOW re Roa Ct & Sidîîsg & Windows W ! eyoyals Dealer 5" Seamîcess Gutters 'Pli 1y'~u-y me 30 yrara roprarrar 519-83-5079ERROL MacPHEE 519-83-507 (905) 878-5337 GLENGARRY TENT RENTALS 'lènts for a(( Occasionts F aeiily llReirinin ~~ Spong e ist *Asctioi Salesi *Laive Par-ties Colleen & Keoe-th MiacDonld (905) 876-3785 àài ,eT oo -s1811 L Let eut- Champion Team ni Award Winning Professionals hi-tp you Fultl Design & Pr-oduinof e Camsera Ready Ar-t Eiecotie Page Design Ideal for Flyrrs, Neosletrrs, Brachures, Pre Listo, Ciwogue Busines Carda, Forais, Leterhead, Resuars & Nlerîis Zbt (caliabin Cijaniplin 878-2341 191 Main St.E. * mpcu 700 Main St., Milton ~n 878-8171 'Tfax 878-8025 *oAR EM -Nul'! e e L. - - -11 __ ýl-_,ý,ý-----. ý - - - - 1 MW