The Canadien Chamnion. Fnidav June 20. 1997 - 23 Dateline Dateline is a f ree listing of comlng events only. The column is available to local community groups to assist in promoting their fUturo, events. Orily charitable or non -profit cornr-nunity groups may use this service. We can onîy guarantee one issue of pub- Iicity closest fo the date of the occurrence although more inser- tions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed f0 P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905)878-4943. The final deadline is noon Fndcay for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by tele- phone. Friday June 20 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., hosts the Suminerlime Barbecue of hamburgers and hot dogs from 11:45 arn, [0 ý l5 Pm, Saturday June 21 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre hosts the Symphony of Fire and Big Band Cruise. Participants travel by bus to Toronto and board the Sam McBride. The boat cruises the Toronto water- front while passengers enjoy big band music and an intemnational fireworks display. Caîl the centre at 875-1681 for tickets. The Golden Girls Bowling Reunion Banquet takes place at the Royal Canadian Legion on Charles Street. For more informa- tion, catI Alice Brush at 878-3045, Marie Harker at 878-6917 or Ev Caftan at 878-2163. The Ontario Academy of Music in Milton holds its annual con- cert at Victoria Park at 12:30 p.m. Academy students performn a variety of music on keyboards and engitars and sorne vocal music Bing a picilc lunch aîid lavi nchair Evening Star Rebekah Lodge No. 79 holds a bake sale in front of Knox Presbyterian Church during the farmers' market. Saturday June 21 - 22 The Milton District Hospital Auxiliary holds its annual Strawberry Fair on the hospital grounds from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday. Along with strawberry shorteake, the event features craft and bake tables, children's games, baby and toddler show, dancing, music and games of chance. esee DATELINE on page 24 ONEIDAC %#/r 6d«, c5a4 Choose any 5-piece place setting, 3-piece hostess set or 4 pee serin set ...yours for tesame low price per pattern groupmng NOW AT '1/2 PRICE! Aqiuariuç 1-air Deçign For the past 22 years, Aquarius Hair Design has kept Milton in style by providing their expert services in hair designi for both men and women. These experienced stylists can help you discover the look you've been searching for. Aquarius Hair Design understands the importance of that special day, whether it be your wedding or your prom, and are just as excit- ed to make you and your friends look and feel your absolute best. It's a sheer pleasure for the designers at Aquarius hair Design to provide formai hair styling, and makeup, manicures and other beauty services, such as up-dos for wedding parties, proms and other special occasions. Please give us a cali at any time during the following hours to make an appointment: Tuesday & Wednesday 9-6 Thursday & Friday 9-8 Saturday 8:30 - 4:30 A Great Cut deserves the BEST care! 460 Steeles Ave. Dorest Park Plaza Milton, ON 878-9049 500 Steeles Ave. E., Milton 227 Main S. 1p 878-00 ONE PERFECT L OVE ONE PERFECT RING Colleen Steiner 875-1836 By Appoiniment Only Bill& Diana's Disc Jockey Service fisc Jockey * 1service 4 Music for ail Occassn Business: 878-8125 Home: 878-51U9 Professional Travel & Crusse Officiais inquire about our.. 16 Martin St., Milton * 878-2886 Bringing the world to you since 1961 150 Main St East, rilton, 875-313 SCRUPLES * JOICO SOMA e TOSCA PAUL MITCHELL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 1