i As oNLY iCASHWAY à June 20 -29 *. i: P.- The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 20, 1997-15 DOORSOPEN*i AT 8 A.M. 700 MAIN STREET EAST, MILTON Vinyl Decorative Arbor YIUIh1 *SoIid Vinyl MU11 lu No Maintenance. IIs M 36 x 42"x 84" -les-,"- soi~ î EL 1 amn pleased tu invite you to juin us as we celebrate tihe grand upening of yuur new Cashway Building Centre 700 Main St. East, Milton. We at Cashway are cummitted to providing yen unr custormers witis quality products at cumpetitive prices anidnsusti impurtantly the isest possible service. knuw yuu'll ise pleasantly surprised with the fresh new look of the store as welI as thse improved pricing and product selection. In our changes we have added a new centre aisie sales desk and a separate cuntractor desk isuti of wisicis have experts D tu assist yos witis your pruject large or smnall. Our staff, many wiso are fansiliar faces are Milton - C very pruud of tiseir new store and are anxious toise yuur Proect Partner. Once again, on iseisalfuf ai of us at your new Casisway Building Centre, please juin us for tise celebration and added excitemnent on Saturday, June 21, 1997. Bring tise wisule family, we'll have iselitn isalloons, giveaways, face painting, refresisments ami a special cisarity isariseque witis all pruceeds going lu Deisoraiss Hume. We loek forward lu bisesg yriur Prqiedt Partner and most umportantly 1 look fosward lu meeting you persoually. $tore manager :ashway Building centre Yours trsay, Manager, Cashway Building Centre LHRYI OW..NX DAY DEIVR & 10S/ SAIFATO GU*N D À 3Uz»z«ýUwMAý ý m"=c»u6 "Unemmun