10- The Canadien Champion, Friday June 20, Mountsberg talon tales Il should be ahoot. On Saturday, June 29 from 10 a.m. through 4 p.m. Mountsberg is hosting ils annual Talon Taies. This year's programn includes the 25th birthday celebration of Oscar the Great Horned Owl. Oscar came to Mountsberg 25 years ago poorly nourished. Nursed back to healtb the owl now lives at Mountsberg perma- nently. There are a number of activities scbed- uled on the day including face painting, a wiidlife tour, the exhibit gailery and a horsc drawn tour of the park. For more information cali 336-1158. * OLDING MrGsdaR us-A & ~ROBINF nîng, ng 6ave p.Si àOm 9r,:20 Yv. pletd &iig Sund 0p.M 'gtin c cur entl feinghs uni musica expe1ri-M GudlckRuning BA., p..C. s a:2 rmer setIC FO SYunG II. c2ea0 e byM Fancis Baloisn M.Ed.,ARCTi 90 righe ast cidrntaom pre-à ensiu e anetd exciing, andoc 0larigmsc fyare havinertfan. Toufsiise- ents are MInrdCe 1F O le aigdsm icUN anIdRE thelagug 0mu. The routh ralos f socia iteaction arsd deeand aun l alo enrge istniue mual devep aenetion san Parents eganintegra art 3f the 8leartgprcs Taion qutre aotclers commxerenctn nsafr ember, plae anse scntac tecr My JoalckR nse .. ARCTisafre Miltonmusicteac r dmsu dct MaICF R YN aILDEcetd F dFay & Sauduyat 7:00&95 tnght m PGSonday -Thurada y at 7:00pm ni htly Sonctuy Matinee ut 2:0O pm VI--EILENCE ,u, not w d e.fthjd BATMAN ROBIN Fda y & Saturday aI 7:00 & 9:15 PG Sunday -Thursday aI 7:00 pm nightly aySunday Mafiee at 2:00 pm SPEED 2: CRUE CONTROL Fniduy & Satorday ut 7.00 & 9:15 Suniday - Thuroduy ut 7:00 pm nightly PG Sonday Mutinue ut 2:00 pmn Minister of Transport AI Palladini shows off a Highway 407 transponder, but nobody hoping 10 go west from Milton along the new road wiIl be using one anytimne soon since extendiflg il that far is stilI being studied. I m'iIAjIIIIIe.-aapru** Mc $ FO :OOF $ OF $ 4 OFF B. ETI1FRÉE ANY2KG ANY 3 KC/4KG :ANY 6KM/8 KG ANY 18 KG CANNEPDOG BAGOFPOG BAGOFPOG BAGOFPOG BAGOFPOG & CAT FOOP OR CATFOOD OR CAT FOOP ORCATFOOD OR CAT FOOP 369 GCANS NUT EN E -TOP ALT PURYEIH NO B-PROPUCI' FREE! W ith purchase of ---- - - - - - - -r NNUTRIENCE EXETSO 1 IMM WM CRntync&n REWARDS OUR CUOTOMERS!PEMU 1 EW7a Kti fit Buy 7 bags of 6/8 kg Nutnenoe TRINQEIO5 O BSU 'FEE! ! Cat Food or18 kg NutrienoeDog 14 O4ZBOX (D iFood and gete th BAG FREF umnSoey ®îk asiong as you need to buy H01TDOG Poedtoct EACH oé the 7bags - ust ge a stamp on the SSOPNL m/aner OJ 1 Good la any18 kg DogI1 Askabutomr tsfof TOP 10 Item SA )UE2,9404 $) 75 L_ý.t Uk f .1 alsoféaufrenonfrequenf buyer ce! S N U E2,9 , & -W[ FLEAFRE$H'N EASY: nTRIJ ýD FREE PRODUCr CLUMPING EXTENDABLE ltAINING TRIO KIT (AT LÈITR DOG LEAPS SEMINARS FR7.5kg bag. #C73 Extends up to16flt. o ]ýpb--u5 DG178* 97 $1788 BuLonon: lune 28- DELOX $ 2O WTRCDEN8 Juyî OGCRRER :$4ILO~ ROU~ Bapo: Jly 5 .OE io.. 135 F. pcdtes Att . Clase wilt E M ODEI. : DRABL4IE $ LA97 EED London b lne 1-3 Pm OEL OO. 13 : FRMBE.....'- %F: O FFRARE FIHYPO CRRERS IAMKML%!U 1p-Fm $3&44 FISH meFOR 2 lit $444 A5S$ORED$2I97 . ANEUS $~4 CRE CORY J .HYGRO CAT ~ O2 BRAMPTON (905) 874-9999 W Sb"1 E «W fuy. 410 Leao kStc, , S dg len 0avU Ia.- EdenAn &LLE. I NUSR TOPIA IH-RPIE - DOG *O SM L PET - e.MN More study required on Highway 407 By BRAD REAUME The Champion Financial, construction and operating aspects of Highway 407 West need to be- studied further before building the toit road can begin, according to Ontario Transport Minister AI Pailadini. Mr. Paiiadini's announcement at a press confcrence on Highway 403 under the Ninth Line overpass Wednesday momning teft Halton officiais shaking their beads. Not oniy was the region not informed of' the announcement but, according to Haiton Chair Joyce Savoiine, notbing new was announced. "There isn't anytbing new," Ms Savoline said. "This confirma wbaî the minister bas ben teiingus ai aiong." She naid the province seeme serious about compieting the highway, whicb sbe described as "the missing iink" in Ontario' s road infrastructure. The centrai section of the Highway 407 toil road was opened June 7 and remains free to motorists for one montb. Plans have existed for some lime 10 extend Highway 407 westward througb -Oakviiie and Burlington, using the space left for the extension of Highway 403. In fact some of the work for the new highway is currentiy underway, adjacent to Milton aiong Nintb Line. But those commuting south won't have the option,at least for a wbile, of heading west. The announcement was made jointly by Mr. Palladini and Rob Sampaon, minieter responsible for privatization. The minis- fers said the achedule for the compieted highway remains 2000, with the analysis studies compieted by the end of Ibis year. "As we've aiready seen in our experi- ence with the existing Higbway 407 Central, private sector involvement in this projeet could recuit in the extensions being buiit faster and more efficiently than they could be buiit by the govemment alone," said Mr. Sampson in a prepared statement. TMe studies will insure that the best deai for taxpayers is struck, Mr. Sampson said. Rough go f or those eating cake It may be impossible to find tbe cause of a food poiaoning incident at the Buriington Sound of Music Festival, according to Haiton's medicai officer of heaitb Dr. Bob Nosai. So far more than 45 people bave come forward with simiiar compiaints. Each person said they ate a 'funnel cake' between 10 p.m. and t1i p.m. on Saturday nigbt wbile attending the festival. Symptoms began between two and eigbt bours after eating and inciuded rapid beartbeat, headache, and muscle tremors. 'Me effeets persisted for five to 12 bours, witb weakness, tremors and fadiai pain the iongest lasting. Dr. Nosai toid members of Haiton's bealtb and social services committee on Tuesday that batter from the waffle-iike pastries was not avaitabie for anaiysis. He said tbe symptoms were unusuai for food poisoning and therefore point to a chemnicai contaminant in the cakes.