Crime Stoppers 0CF H AL TO0N Brazen thief grabs a boat and a traier The thett of'I boat, tr r and mor l'romo a Campbellvillc-area home has investigators seeking help to identity thre person responsible. Duning thre Thursday nighit ot May 15, a braien thief took a boat, its motor, and the trailer they sat on from a driveway on Jessie Avenue. The trailer was a 1995 Reme. gray with Nlue stripes. It carried a 1995 Princecrati, iloga and blue, that was equipped wiîh a 90 horsepower Evinrude motor and Shimano tishing equipment. The estimated value f'or the complete package was placed at $25,000. Do you know somecone who started bragging about a new boat thai hoe should flot bc able to afford? Maybe it's the one. If you bave any information that leads to an arrest in ibis or any other case, you may be eligible l'or a cash reward of up) 10 $100 You need flot give your naine and vour int'orrration wril bc îreared wi'th conipletc anonvirrrty. (iritle Stopper-s disot stibscribe tir rail dispiar. Cail I 500 21"-ITPS or 825 '[I1S. fCiri Srir;;ers of Hioil rr opria(ti/ bi, a biiord rî diretrs mrodie ip/ of 18 cir'il- iols r oir niu areao.i rHa/topi Region. Tire r ewrjiol fuuî le filirirri .iupf- prt oif bin,esis. riîîusrr-v. siervicec.i ibs anrd irri'nîte cjiZehi.. Tihe bnord nof directors reî,ses tire muonrev, deides oth ie anrrimitr of reivards, anrd octrroiir Pais tire retenrdrs. Crimre Sropper.i i1. ilrcirrpnrrated as a chritable orgniza- tin, rirereforre aili dnuationrs to tire reîr'rd ,firid aire rnis dedrîctibie. Dr. R. Strohan- 106 W (Oppositi ~kefie1d Rd. e of Milton Mali) By tAppointment (n'rs'riirig atp.otitirieftnt r.atkble) 878-5882 ge-O N R0 RAL) SERVICE Radiator & Fuel Tank Repairs Aluminum Walding Silver Soldering 400 MOROBEL DR., UNIT 4 M ILON The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 9,1¶997 -9 False alarms to cost public, businesses "e iii mlHAi. TON on paiei 1 dtirlis. 'tiet Carirpheil Isalid tire pirgriii ls rloi a cash grab because ullimately it is hoped the nuim- ber of taise alarms will dirrinish. The goal. lie said, is 10 irc up police lime. There arc about t12,000 mnonitored alarms in Haltnrn. According to police the number is risitrg * -I * Two - at i,, - 0 p miltonr NIavor i d Kiadut,' va ated Ir ril fire programn was ngid or allowed l'or some "dis- cretion and common sense. -We apply aIl the laws with discretion," said Chiet Campbell. 'This is flot an attempl 10 gener- aie revenue. Council asks us to off'set cosîs, ibis Jîre Rýiildii. tliiiii ,,.riiîisîie ol rrdr defended the faise aiarm charge as a user tee cov- ering extra cosis 10 the sysîemn which represent an extra service to specific individuais. Il is expected the alarm monitoring companies wiii charge back the false alarmn fees t0 their customers. - ý ý ý ý ý ý ý ý ý 1 w a ys to look perf ormance r ;"7'9---- FAST a'97Sunfire Coupe 2 9 (36 months/*L,500 down) 2.2 litre engine rear spoler \~PASSLock® theft deterrent sy~ 5-speed transmission standard 4-wheel ABS duali air bag s AM/FM stereo tinted glass power steering easy entry front passenger seat (excludes freight 5620) FASTE R '97 Sunf ire GT 254 * (36 months/$1,500 down) i I emi I I I I I 2.4 litre SF1 150 HP twin cam engine electric sliding glass sunroof AM/F streowith CD player 1L6" aluminum wheels air conditioning tilt steering/cruise control remote keyless entry Iua Ii b standard 4-wheel ABS i5-speed transmission Get what YOU want f rom your Pontiac l Performance IPt!~I M Team fln 3uic~l * s e j st