Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jun 1997, p. 31

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The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, June 17, 1997--31 21 eroal EVANLY RAYS ... Rated #1 in Canada. Accurate answers from gifted psychics. Harness your destiny. Achieve Success. $2.QSînute 18.., 2,4 hms 1- HEAVENLY PSYCHIC $2.99/min. 18+ 24 hauts. 1-900-451-3783, Daiiy Horoscope. 1-900-677- 7770, $5.00 - 24 haurs. 230Vhce for Sale 1997 GRANDE Cheroke. Ltd., V8, iaaded, 9,000 K, fake oser lease, save $150 per rnnh. 878-0754. 1996 FORD PICK-UP RANGER,15,OOo Kma., $13,000, great buiy. 416-252-2737 or 875-3214, ask for Dorathy. 1995 CHEV. LUMINA, 97,000 kms.,' certified, ioaded, $13.000 O.BO. Cai 905-607-3910 or 875-2122. 1990 MIATA, blue witii hardtop, neyer aeen snaw, 52K, womnen dniven. A must ta see. Beat aller. 905-877-2521. 1989 MAZDA 323 LX, hatch, 125,000 kmns., auto., sunraof, midnt condition, $3,800. 878-1516. 1986 FORD TAURUS WAGON, white/navy intenaor, 151 km., excellent running condition. Wili certily. $2.500. 876-2745. 1984 Chevy Blazer, nover winter driven, lawered, customn paint, adarm systen w/remafe, rebulit, trans. & mator, headers, caver indluded. Excellent canditon, $4,500. 873-4692. 1983 GMC Full Size Windaw Van. $650 as is. 877-2328 (leave message.) AUTO INSURANCE. We masure new drivers, those with tickets/accidients, no insurance. Best rates. Cal Warren, 519-853-4284. CREDIT PROBLEM? No credit or bad credit. On UIC, FBA, WCB, Bankrupt? Need another chance? Shart of caah? We can help! Future Car Credit 905-339-6700. SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILV BUSINESS WITM FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SELL - LEASE LARGEST SELECTION OF USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 270 Lecial NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTI4ERS Thase wiih dlaims against 1h. ESTATE 0F GRACE ELEANOR ANDERSON, late of Milton, Ontario, Retired Schaol Teacher, who died an February 27, 1997, are natified ta send full particulars ta the. undersigned by JuIy 4, 1997, alter whicli the. Estate wiii b. dsbributed with regard only ta dlaims received. Dated at Hamilton, Jun. 3, 1997 THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY 46 King Street East P.0. Box 710 Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3K7 Estat. Trustes 280 Wanted to Rent ACCOMODATION FOR DEAF aduit atudents.' Rooni a board or apartnent for Sept. 97. CJIi E.C. Drury School 87-2851, Ext. 303. 285 For Rent 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, available Juiy lst. $995 monthiy + utilities. Phare Dennis, 878-7200. 3 BEDRooM TOWNHOUSE, appliances& flnished basemnent. Available Juiy. References required. $1,050/manth. 875-0006. ACTON - $1.100 ail indluaive, 3 bedroom, 5 appliancea, availabie Auguat 1. References. Joanna (519) 853-3365. AVAILABLE JUNE, bright and cheery, 3 bedroonis in Acton. Garage, nice neighbaurhoad. gas heat. $895 +. No dogs please. To view oeil 519-853-5658. COUNTRY HOUSE for rent, on acreage. Three bedroonis, 2 baths, juat north af Milton. $1000./ month, first and st monthas rent. References required. Available Juiy 1sf. Repiy ta Box 2250, c/o Canadian Champion, Box 248, 191 Main St., East., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9. j 285 For Rent 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, 600 sq ft. + finished' basement. You can own for only $5,000 down plus $1,350 a month for qualhfied buyers. 878 8806. 290 Apartments For Rent- 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, park, yard. im- mediate possession. 8446273 or 844-9340. 2 BEDROOM - part ai century farmhouse - private entrance and own wrap around porch. 4 appimances. Na' peta. Suits couple. $875 + hydro. JuIy 1sf. 905-854-0536. 2 BEDROOM, Baaemenf Apartment, $850/mon- thii nduding ai utihities. Available June 15, Orbe bedroom, $650/pius hydro. 878-3636. 2 BEDROOMS available now, Acton. Fresly decorated, 2 appliancea. No pets. References required. 878-7398. ACTON, two be&room apartnlent, plus basement & Iaundry facilittes, $700+. Alsa one bedroon apartment, $550 plus. 519-853-5080, (519) 853- 5352. APARTMENT Single, 1 bedraom, $650. CampbelvilIe. 854-2193. CONWAY MANSION. Under new management. Campletely refumished. 1, 2 & 3 bedroani aparlmeints, frani $595/month. 333-984, 12 -8 p.m. MLLSIDE TOWERS - 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bêdrooma aallatil. on bus raft, frsshly d.cor.t.d, 2 çpoes, on-mit lewdry, IncW«d &Il utdlte <except phlone à cab). Fr.. paring, no pet. Roferencon r.qulr.d. 905-876-1249 Apply ta, Resîdant Manager 295 -Shared Accommodation EROOM/LIVINGROOM ta rent. Share' facilities. Female preferred. 876-2844. 300 Rooms Available LARGE fumiahed roani with fridge, stave & sink,' $75 & $85 weekiy. Gentlemen preferred. 878- 0225. 315 Commercial & Indust. Prop. REASONABLE INDUSTRIAL UNITS for rent. 1,600 - 3,200 sq. fil Secretarial Services an premisea. 905-875-1200 ar 1-905-277-9347. 325 Real Estate 181 HARVEST DRIVE. 3 + 1 Bedrooni Backsplit, close ta schaols/ hospitai, finished basement, 1 & 2-1/2 baths, separate diningroam, garage, A/C, fully fenced lot avaulable immediateiy. AskIng $172,900. Phono 878-0662. COUNTRY building lot. Ready ta build yaur Dreani Home, 5 minutes N ai 401 at James Snaw Parkway. Natural gas available. $128,800. Phono 905-875-1719, 905-854-2467. 'FOR SALE - 1 Acre Eacarpmient Lot in Grimsby. ResidentiaL $16,000. 878-8501. 2 AR-af girila roller skates, size 4 & size 5, $10 each O.BO. 878-1293. 5 FT. X 5 FT. Therapane on aluminuni trame, $90 each. Ouantty af fumace sheet metal. 9R5- 878-9250. 5 GALLON air tank $25. Car rack, $35. Sandra, 876-3380. BABY DWARF Rabbits, $10 each. 1 white, 1 black, 875-0592. DAY BED, white (like new) $75; Student (Wood desk), six drawers, brwn, $35. 87504343. GREY floor mats ta fit Wurdstar, New $70. Cali 878-1293. LAUNDRY pump with checkvaive, great for pumping ouf pools, $60. 878-1293. MARINE BOAT batteries, starung battery $50. Deepcycle battery, $70. Aiso compasa $45 & flusher $2. 875-4343. PROM GRAD Dresa, red haiter style, size 8, as- king $80, wom once. Cal 87-4217. SELF propelled iawnmower, aider style motor aeized, needa flxed, no time ta fix, have spares ta fix. $40. 878-1293. SHOVELS, pair af shavela $2 for bath. 878- 5309, Jim. ..... r ..... $3 549. 0 $2999* *PER 3.87 LITRE. TINT CHARGES MAY APPLY BERGSMA' PAIT & WALLPAPER *CUSTOM COMPUTER COLOUR MATCHING NOW AVAILABLE * 217 Main St., Milton 8376-49221 1111111111111IL BE7]DAUTIFUL PAINT SALE ENDS Tu"1S, SATURDAY!I Right n2o5% - expert advice from your Regal Aquavelvet Benjamin Moore dealer Latex Eggshell Finish plus our best quality paint at aur very best pie ARe,$425 Now that's Beautiful! $2299*

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