au-îhe>Cnadinçhmpioi Tuésday, lune -1-7, 1997 &e0i/stoe0 BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY OPEN HOUSE Ï ARE& ELVA HOWDEN a n en flous e ebebi the RY 50TH WDIGANIESR (June 7, 1997) AT THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION 21 CHARLES ST, MILTON ONJUNE 22, 1997 1:30-4 30 I)m fIest wislhes oniy FURNITURE LAWN SALE RAIN OR SHINE! SAT., JUNE 21 9 AM - 3 PM 11998 WINSTON CHURCHIL BLVD. 1-1/2 mi. N. of Msyfield Rd./River Dr., Georgetown New ready to finish handcrafted furniture, Grandfather dlock, deaka, deacon benches, hutch & buffet, harvest table, pedestal table, china cabinets, corner cabinets, TV armoire, dressera, night tables. wardrobes. coffea & end tables, bookcases, dry sinka, washs.tands, jelly cabinet, quitt racks, TV video cabinet, TV stand, magazine tables, magazine racks, sofa tables, microwave stand and much, much more. Dring a truck, take it with you! STREET GARAGE SALE BAT. JUNE 21ST. AM - 12 NOON Se1 CHILDYS DRIVE RAIN OR SHINEII YARD SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 21ST. S AM.NOON 244 BELL ST. RAIN OR SHINEII GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 21 8 A.M. - 2 P.M. 792 CABOT TRAIL 0Iýlm i m I I * I lmVUyOMMT GRADUATION Joannt Patricia Hopkins gradaated from tht Univtrsity et Western Ontario with an Honoars degree in French Language and Literatare.. Joanne will continue her stadies at Tht Foondation for Montessori Education to par- sue her dream of becoming a tacher. Congratlafiono & Love Mom, Dad & AIl Yoar Family We are very proud of os! GRADUATION Scott Martin gradsated Jase 17, 1997 with Honours fromf Hamher College School of Business. Congratalations Scott and Good Lack in your new carter. Love Mum, Oad & Alison BROG-I TO YOU a GRADU 1 Ba - -- -- - 105 Garden & Lanciscape GARDENING SOIL, manura, tipis mix, sand, gravai, treas, shrubs, parennials, annuals, water gardan supplias. Pickup or Dalivery. Taylor Nursary. 876-4100. RJR LAWN & GARDEN CARE. Specializing in grass cijtting, rasidanial or commarcial. Best ratas. 878-5737, Stava. .120 Lvestock SCENIC Wastarn Trait Riding. Guidad or' Unascortad. Aiso, Day Camp, Milton area. Nadaean Servicas, 95-854-3300. 125 Animais Boarded HORSES BOARDED. Excellent facility, 2 arenas, grassed jumping ares. 100 acre century farm with haccing. Lassons. Daiy turnout. Soma part âma wor available. Phono 875-0592. 138 Home ImDrovement DECORATIVE PLASTERING. lntariors and extariors. Bast ratas on comices, cailing cantars, panai mouiding, coiumins, restoration work, firaplaces and customn work to your dasign. For ad types of plastar work from drywall to stucco. Cai 825-8760. 145 General Help Wanted NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS The Ontario Humain Rlighis code prohibits dis- crimination because of age, sex, marital statu, race, craed, nationai ancastry or place of onigin. In compliance with finis code thns newspaper reserves the rnght to mai necessary changes in adveulising copy. ACCEPT1NG Applications. Oakviie -basi d vertisung companyi looiçing for Fulitime Caer Minded Individuels. Positions range froni Mail- rom in Msnagement with Paid Trasing for in- experienoed entry levi applicants. For interview oeil Sand. 849-1642. Students also welcome. 1 45 Generai HDWnted COURIER. Established, honest Conmpany paying commission waalcly. Staady runs from Milton wiih guarantead minimum. Lots of oppor-twnitias to in- craasa your incomae. 905-454-42.68. CRUISE JOBS! Catatog on International and Na- tonal cruise uines. Yaar round positons. Free room/board. Man/woman. Cai M-F Sa-10p catltma. 1-504-641-7778, ext 0204C22. GREAT PART TIME incarne apportunity. Door to door canvassing for ragastared chantias. Neat appearanca and ability to work in a team almosphara. Hourly waga plus bonus. Cali 1 - 800-791-4075. MOLLY MAID is taking applications for residan- tial claaning. 5 days par waek. Drivers licansa raquirad. 876-1672. PART TIME SECURITY OFFICERS requIred Apply to: JOHN PARM, TORONTO AUTO AUCTIOUS, SECURITY OFFICE, No cais accepted on Tuudmys, 875-2919. lri PART TIME lfflSALESPERSON Sales person raquired to work part Uime in our plumbing and alactrical departmants. Applicants should have a basic knowtedga in both aras and be able to, work a flaxible schedule. This is a permanent part-tUme positon ideally suitad to a semi-retirad individuat. Application forma may be pickad up at: Home Hardware 385 Steeles, Ave. Milton 227 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. 1,9T 1N9 878-0050 'ATION 145 General HelD Wanted SERIOUS APPUICANTS need apply. Craw Managers niee to supervise door to dloor canvassers. Raiuabie vehicte and vaiid drivers license required. Wage plus incentive. Cali 1 - 800-791-4075. 160 Office HeID MILTON CHRYSIER requires for tineir Service Dept. a Service Writer/Cashier/Warranty Clark. Data Entry axparience necessary. Wiiling 10 tran proper applicant. Please apply in person with resume 10 Milton Chrysier, 81 Ontario Street, Milton. Contact Service Manager, Rick Raduka. Between 9 -4. No phonie cals please. SECRETARY/BOOKKEEPER required with conmputer experience. Simple accounting. Fax rasumne 10:905-875-3635. 170 Davcare BEGINNING September, ane Home Daycare Opening available for full time child, undar 5 in- fants walcome. Receipta always given. 876- 4415. CHILDCARE available for ait ages. Fulitime & parttime summar. Trafalgar & Steeles. Karen, 878-9053. DOES VOUR CHILD need s loving environment? Mother of 2 citiens crafts, staries and lots of fun. CPR/First >Jd. Cali Tammy 875- 4210. NANNY wanted in my home <live-out) Kllbride ares. 40 hours per week. Flexible hours rewired. On occasion transportai requîred. References required. Non-emoler One child 19 moniha. E.CE. an asset. For further information contact 336-2185, evenings. 175 Domesi EXPERIENCED, reliable Housecleaning. Raeernces. Excebn raies. Lobs, 878-306 or Tnicis 876-2248. GgIR91GE