Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jun 1997, p. 29

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The Canadien Champion, Tuosday, June 17, 1997-29_ MONDÀY TO FRIDAY ~~ETuîiîî1t Classified90 AMO- 5:00PM 01 Births AMBLR, Alexandre Sarah - Bomn on Nay& 6 1997 at Mount 5mnai Hospital, Torontou ap parents aro Rupert a Celina Ambler. Proud grandiparonls are Brian & lise Ambler of Oakvilie and Kovin &Helen Crozior of Milton. N, ROBERSON, ryan nd Yvonne - (nee Wygergangs) of lIton are pieased ta announce the birth of their daughter Amy Martin&, weigh- ing 6 Ibs. 14 oza., at Joseph Brant Hospital on June 6, 1997. Baby sister ta Megan. Proud grandiparents are Martina Wygergangs of Milton and Bill and Ireno Robertson of London. SINCLAIR, Potar and Caral (Galioto) are lhnilied ta announca the birth of Iheir son Joshua Peter, bamn on May 5, 1997, at 7:34 p.m., weighing 8 lbs,. 13 ozs. Proud grandparents are Anthony and Ann Galiota of Miltan and Dan and Heien Sinclair of &rangevillo. Great-grandfather Trevor Houlden and great grandmother Francesca Galioto. Many Ihanka ta Dr. Suppal and Dr. Chung and the fantastia OB at the Miltan District Hospital. 12 Photographv PHOTOGRAPHY - Weddings, portraits and spe- cial occasions. Reasonably pniced. Referencos. CalSeeor Louise (905) 878-4560. 14 Weddina Se-rvices WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY - 100-115 proofs in album plus negatives. 15 yoarm oxperience. Reli- able and reasonable. Picture Poilect Wedding Photography. 905-639-6710. 30 ueatns ARMSTRONG, Howard James - (Past Master of' St. Clair Masonic Lodge #135, Miltan.) At th. Mil- tan Damisc Hospital on Fniday, June 131h, 1997, Howard Armstrong formerly of Milton, dear brother of Bomnice and her husband the late Gar- don Turner of Misaissauga. Sadly misaed by has nieco Barbara McCallum of Mississauga, nephew Larry Turner of Belleville, great niecos and nephews and Goddaughters Mildred, Jo- Ann and Jane Minnon. Funoral Service was hold at Grace Anglican Church, Milton, on Monday, June 161h. Interment followed in Evorgroen Cemetery, Milton. Arrangements thraugh 1he J. Scott Early Funeral Home, 21 James Street -Milton. HARVEY, Reena - Poacefully passed asy in her 801h year on Thursday, June 12, 1997 at the Milton District Hospital, alter muffering a stroke on Suniday, May 111th, 1997. Sadly mimsed by her husband Hugh of 57 yeasr, mon Allen and hie wife Chariene and grandchildren Rabin & Allan Jr. of Homby, son Hugh Jr. and his wife Tonry and granddaughter Jonnifer of B.C., Sister Grace of Flarida and sisters Uly and Molly 0f California and ail 0f their families. A private lamily service will be heId ail 1he McKersIe-Kocher Funeral Home, 114 Main Street Miltan on Monday, June 16, 1997 with intermoent ta folow at Evergreon Cernetery, Milton. In lieu 0f llowors donations ta the Heart and Stroke Faundation wauld be ap- preciale by the family. 37 In Memoriams HAYNE-JENKINS, CMrt - At the Mount Homo Lodge Nursing Home on Friday, June l3th, 1997. Cyrîl Hayne-Jsnkins, bolovod husband of Lydia. Loving falhor of Michael. Sadly missed by hlm grandichildren Androw, Timothy and Jonathon. In lieu of flowers donations ta 1he Sel- vation Army Hillview Corp.. (100 Nipussing Road, Unit #3, Milton, Ontario, LOT 5B2), would b. ap- preciated by the famnily. Arrangements enlrusted ta die McKersl.-Cocfier Funeral Home, 114 Main Street, Milton. MANNING, Regînald Albert - On Sunday, Juno 151h, 1997, in New Zoaland, Reginsid Manning, husband of the late Amelia (Milly) Manning and husband cof Ruth Manning. Ho was a Iaving father ta Lotre Manning (liton> and Doug and Vivian Manning (Barrie). Ho will bo groatly misad by his grandchildren Janice, Jim, Andrew and Jesse Barton and Corey Manning and ane groat grandacan Zachazy McDonald. Ho was a brother ta L. Bueil Manning (Toranta/Kingston) and Katrina Manning (Nowmarket). Hia lama us dooply toit. Reg warked for 38 yoars for Canadien General Electric (Head Office) and was a member of Ouoonmway, Royal York and Westminster United Churches. A Memonial Ser- vice will be hold atISt. Paul's United Church, 123 Main Street Milton on Wednomday, June 181h, 1997, at 11:00 a.m. In heu af flowers donations ta the Canaclan National Inatilute for the Blind, the Arthrtim Society or thé Canaclen Cancer Society would b. appreciated. RUDDELL, Frederick - Passed away suddenly June 13, 1997 aI has home (R. R.3, Georgetown) Fred Ruddeil in his 791h yoar, brother oaf Newton and has wife Marion and brolher-in-law of Flora Ruddell. Predeceased by his brothers Frank and Jack and has sisters Jessue Starkt, Annie Klahn and Louie Alexander. Ho will be madly missod by has many nueces and nephews. Frienda were received at the J. S. Janes and Son Funeral Home, 11582 Trafalgar Rd., N. of Mapie Ave., Georgetown, 877-3631, on Sunday from 2 ta 4 and 7 ta 9 P.M. Funeral Service waa held in Mh chapol on Monday, June 16 at 1:30 P.M. Inter- mont Groenwcod Cemolery, Georgetown. In memnory contributions ta the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appedated. 35 Memorials Jim Strain 190 Ontario St. Milton 878-6522 Monuments, Markers, Bronze Markers, Cemetery Lettering 37 In Memoriams ZULIO, Vîrginlo I n laving memory of a Husband, Father &Nana, Juno 17, 1994. Always rernembered, loved boroyer. LYour FarnlUy. MESSERVEY, Pal - In loving memory oaf aur mothe who oait us June 16, 1990. Though her smile us gone forever And her hand wo cannaI touu*u Stil wo have sa many memories Of the one wo loved so much Her momory la our keepsake Wilh -which wo'll nover part God has her in has keeping We have her in aur hesrt Sadly missed li always Un aur heurts ROY li DENISE 40 Card 0f Thanks' BRUCE & JEAN SMAILL would like ta thank ail aur relatives, frienda and neughbours for 1h. giffa, carda and messages of congratula- tions on the occasion of aur 501h Wodding Annivorsaay. A apeciai 1hank you ta aour family for giving us 1I% parly. Il was greal 1 Sinc.rely, Bruce à Juan Smai. 40 Card ot Tiani<s The family of the latte Johnannes van den Boom of Oakville (Village of Bronte), would like to expreas their thanka for the carda, visitationa and flowers. Special thanka go to Father Paul and panash of St. Dominicas Roman Catholic Church. Also to the aix palibearera ocho were Johnas nephewa. The Famlly van don Boom THIE FAMILY of dhm lste George Ingils wislh ta express sincore thanka for flowers, donations, cards, food, friends who oonsoled us. The ambulance and hoapiti care was superb. Rev. Glen Soderholm's touching words and song were complote witii Revi kMati Hcogsteens asassling. Scott & Miche4e Early and palîbearers were very efficient. The Blair ladies deserve a lhank you tco. Marlon InglIs li FamIIy 60 Auctions AUCTION SALE For Mr. & Mrs. Rosa Harbottie, at their farm, Lot 9, Con. 3, Nelson 1vp., Halton County, 6575 Twiss Road, Kibride, Ont. SATURDAY, JUNE 21 at 10:00 AM Sharp Sale consiating 0f Complete clearing of Tractors and Farm Equipment and Machinery; Trailers; Boat & Motor; Antique Farm Items; 42" cut Toro 12 h.p. Lawn Tractor; Wood aplittera, Rototillers; Houaehold & Antiquea plua plenty of Miac. Items. Please aee the Wellington Advertiaer or The Woodbridge Advertiser (week of June 16th) for more complele liatings. Preview and regiatration atart 8:30 am day of sale only. Terma are caah or cheque with proper I.D. only. Auctioneer Don CoIing (905) 877-0117 CLEARANCE AUCTION SALE QUALITY HOME FURNISHINGS, Wednesday, June 18, 1997, Agricultural hall at the Fairgraunds, Robert St., Milton. Sale Turne: 6:00 pmi - Preview 4:00 pmi We have been inslrucled 10 liquidale by public suc- lion an oulslanding collection of qualily sofas, love seafs and chairs, includiag top of the lins European leather suites and custom fabrics, handcrafled pine, oak and mahogany furniture, decoralive items, esquisile reproductions, iffany style lamps, Delfta porcelain, modemn prinîs, selecion of qualily Persian carpels, colleclibles and more. This is your opportunity to furnish your home wilh enduring qualily - aIl sofas are guaranleed for one full year. See you aI the sale! Terms: Cash, Visa, MasterCard Barbara Richards ICCA "A Touch of Class" Auclion & Appraisal Service. Phono 705-726-2120, Fax: 705-726-9043. Conlract Auctioneer on behaîf of EuroClass Auctions. Presidant: Auctioneers Association of Canada. Member: Ontario Aucti oneers Association and National Auctioneers Association. AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18 AT 5:00 PM FOR MR. & MRS. ROGER WILSON 13261 1 OTH LUNE, HALTON HILLS SMERWOOD & GORDON HUME AUCTIONEERS (905) 878-4878 AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, JUNE 19 AT 6:00 PM AT I4UME'S AUCTION FARM 9313 FOURT4 LUNE The contents 0f a local Milton home SHERWOOD & GORDON HUME AUCTIONEERS (905)>878-4878 6 otor Strayed "REWARD" - Did you notice sarnone witi INo Cernent Sun and Moon on Ihoor oudoor wall? Ploase cali - Mine were stoion! Plesse retumn. 878-3819. BLACK CAT, Simba, long hair, bushy taau, Hayward a Laurier. Saturday. Reward. 878- 4976. FEMALE, Jack Russll Torrer, white w/brown spots. Ontario SUJLaunoer Thursday, 10 years oid, answers Sara, 878-2711. MISSING - Large black & white maie cal, Laurier! Ontario area. Answers ta 'Kosmo*. $200 Reward, 876-2848. MOTOROLA Car Phono. Please cal 875-1079. 78 Firewood DRY HARDWOOD AVAILABLE "Tme Service", topping, lrimming cabling "Fencing wood, chain, link, 'interlocking atone.* 'Concrete, work.« Rotaining walls", «Decks«, Rooflng' General Landscaping, yard maintenance." MILTON FIREWOOD & LANDSCAPING. 876-1629. FIREWOOD, hardwood, ail quantities available, speaial on 3 bush corda. Also flrewood kWg available. 905-875-1623 80 For Sale 18 IN. DIGITAL Satellite System. 80 c4lannels free for one year. Only $7.00twee. 1-800-267- 9466. COMPUTER SPECIAL: Penium 120 with CD drive, fax modem, Windows 95. $17.50/week. 1 - 800-267-9466. DININGROOMS, 9 pe. cherry mahogany, $1,750 & $2,800. Executive suite wilh banquet table, 6 lt. breakfront china, govemnor Winlhrop Seoeary, executive desk, odd tables. Ouality ait ils besl. Ready for your home. Free Delivery, (905) 227-9458. TECHNICS STEREO System, 5 CD player, double dock, 200 watts. $10 per week. Free delivery. 1-800-267-9466. COURT SALE - BALDWIN COURT SAT & SUNDAY JUNE 21ST & JUNE 22ND. 8 AM - 12 NOON GARAGE SALE SAT. JUNE 21ST. 8 AM - 3 PM 829 WOODWARD AVE. GARAGE SALE SAT JUNE 21ST. SUN JUNE 22ND. 8 AM 3038 CAMPBELLVULLE ROAD SOMETHUNG FOR EVERYONEI COME AND 1 SEEII GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 21ST. S8AM -12 NOON 827 HEMLOCK DRIVE TOYS, GIRLS CLOTHES, WICKER CHIAIR, TRUCYLE, 10 SPEEDS, PLANTS. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONEII MARCELLUS AVE. ANNUAL STREET SALE SAT. JUNE 215T. S AM-1 PM RAIN OR SHINEII REMEMBRANCES i die formn of donations ia Tho Miltan Dimtrict Hospital Faundcation are appreciatied. 1

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