more calories than il absorbs - easily and eating up to 5 meals a day. - How to easily speed up your body's metabol ism. s How to maxuinize losses of water and fat . How to minimize muscle loss - and even increase muscle mass to get yourbody back in shape. 2. Stick-on SveIt PATCHES. Just put one stick-on PATCH anywhere on yourbody. Replace it with another stick- on Svelt PATCH after 24 hours. Svelt PATCHES contain concentrated fucus. In contrast with most weight-loss products - which only work for a few hours following their consomption - SveIt PATCH fucus is absorbed by your body, through the skin, the entire day and while you sleep - up to 24 hours per day. What is fucus? Fucus is a type of natural algae containing very high levels of certain ingredients. Biologist Duchesne Dupont was the first to discover fucus' s ability to absorb fat and to trigger the "combustion" of fat. Fucus is Here is exactly how the e new Svelt PATCH double- Weight-Loss Plan can help y total of 15, 25, 359 45 and ev than 55 pounds in record now recommended by many physicians to those who want to lose weight, Fucus is very rich in iodine. It also contains an extraordinary amount-l 5%- of certain minerais essential to your body. These minerais are often lacking in our daily diets. How fucus helps your body SControls your appetite. Stimulates your metabolismn: iodine, niacin, riboflavin, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C stimulate cellular oxygenation, facilitates the assimilation of glucides, and helps your body transformn food into energy (and not fat) by triggering Xem etabolism of fat. Control and balance in producing hormones through the very large quantity of iodine which ensuresproperfuncti'oni'ng tfhe thyroid (essential to weight loss). JActson the muscularsystem: thiamine, silicon and potassium, sodium and calcium help nourish muscles and prevent muscle fiqss when losing body weight. ~Eiminates active toxins with iron. Siaintains weight Ioss with indis- pnsable cyanocobalamin ~Helps tlght water retention with ptassium. ICuts fatigue with vitamin C. iReduces cholesterol with niacin. A study published in England in Novem ber 1991 showed that people wanting to Jose weight did so 200% as quickly with fucus than those who tried to lose weight without fucus, with both groups eating the samne quantities of food. advertiserr Are there any drawbacks to the Svelt PATCH Weight-Loss Plan?* Although the SveltPATCHWeight-Loss Plan permnits truly fast, effective results, it is completely natural. It poses no risk if you are in good health. In fact, it lets your body work better. The Plan lets you lose weight quickly and efficiently-and obtain long-lasting results: -By eating up to 5 times a day -Without any medication ' Without strenuous exercise Here is how the Svelt PATCH Weight-Loss Plan will change your life Through the SveltPATCH Weight-Loss Plan, you'll be losing weight 24 hours per day. Even while you sleep. Day after day, you'll see the results on the scale. Week after week yourbody will be transformed- and your figure will become slimmer and more attractive. You will be able to lose your ntirely excess weight effi- action ciently and quicklyand fOU lose a resuits. Do you know ren more what this really means? Itime. wear the fashionable clothing you like, and you'll feel good about it. * You will have greater self-confidence, and a personal image that pleases you. You *will feel more at ease. * You will appear younger and in better health. You will be in better shape, more vital, and more active. * Your love life will be more interesting. * Your entire life will improve. Your spouse, your family, and your friends will find you more attractive. For the first time, a risk-free home trial - with no obligation to buy Just filI out the coupon below and mail it today to the exclusive distributor-the Columbus Health Center-at the address indicated below. You will soon receive the Svelt PATCH Weight-Loss Plan at your home. Justfollow the SveltPATCH Weight- Loss Plan as indicated. If, for any reason whatsoever, you're not 100%7 satisfied with the results of the Svelt PATCH Weight-Loss Plan, simply send the Weight-Loss Plan back tous wthin 90 days, and we will give you a 100%1/ refund. Yes. A ONE HUNDRED PERCENT REFUND. And wc'll do so without asking you any questions. A cheque in your namne for this full refund will promptly be sent 10 you. This is a written, formaI guarantee, enabling you 10 try the new Sveh' PATCH Weight-Loss Plan without any obligation on your part. -ent The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 13, 1997-21 Only read this if you have and your new, totally revitalized life. .Act now. Don't wait until later. That decided NOT to benefit way you might forget-and later regret from this risk-free trial ofler havin >2missed this special introductory offer enabling you te take a home n oa ,utn obligation to buy. Fi out the coupon Perhaps you believe you're a special, below right now and mail it today. difficuit, or desperate case. Orperhaps you' skeptical. That's A a n v l* A C perfectly reasonable. If so, at least take Sp e sUp The Body'h,' a trial. Just out of Sp e s .i pure curiosity. Show M etabolism And the Svelt PATCH Weight-Loss Plan to 5 your physician. Ask Bur sU a hisorheropinion. If, u n p F t for any reason, you Globe international - Augusi l6th, 1994 (7 million readers) are not totally satis- fied with the resuits, just retum your Svelt PATCH Weight- Loss Plan. You will be reimbursed infuli. This trial will have cost you nothing. Not one penny. As you can see, there's no obligation on your part. We are prepared 10 make this kind of unique offer, only because we are convinced that you, like thousands before you, will be pleased as you never have been previously by the results from your Svelt PATCH Weight-Loss Plan. You wili soonreceive yourSveltPATCH Weight-Loss Plan at home. And you will see yourself lose weight quickly, every single week. You will see the results really work. You will see your body trans- formed-and enjoy long-lasting resuîts. You will be proud of your new appearance You will soon see for yourself how quick and effective Svelt PATCH Weight- Loss Plan resuits really are. You wiIl be very pleased with your decision. We guarantee this formally-and in writing. Free: If you mail your coupon before 5 p.m. Friday of next week, we will include, in addition to your shipment, a free magnificent surprise gift. Doctors: If you are a doctor and would like to receive the Svelt PATCH Weight-Loss Plan, just enclose your business card along with your letterhead and the coupon below. Each SveIt PATCH Weight-Loss Plan is accompanied with copies of numerous scientific studies on fucus and on the Svelt PATCH. Coupon for a 90-day risk-free trial -with no obligation to buy Mail today to: Columbus Heatth Center Svelt PATCH Weight-Loss Plan 38 Auriga Drive, Suite 264, Nepean Ontario K2E 8A5 Y 1s would like to take an at-home risk-free YEtrial ot the niew Svelt PATCH Weight- Loss Plan. flis agreed that: if, tor any reason whatsoever, I'm not100% satistiedwiththe resuits ot the Svelt PATCH Weight-Loss Plan 1 can simply send the Weight-Loss Plan back 10 you within 90 days. tf 1 do, you tormally agree in writing to give me a 100% refund. And you'Ildo so without asking me any questions. A cheque in my nametfor thistfull re und witllpromptly be maited to me. This is awritten, tormai guarantee, enabling meto try the new SveltPA TCHWeight-Loss Plan without any risk or obligation on my part. In accordance with this written guarantee, please send me (in a plain, unmarked wrapper> the Svelt PA TCH Weight-Loss Plan that 1 have selected below. El My surprise tree gift (I am replying before 5 p.m. Friday ot next week). ClI 1enclose a t3 cheque CI money order for a total of1$__ made out 10 the Columbus Health Center 1 want to lose Duration Svelt PATCH Special + Shipping + Tax Weight-Loss Plan introduc- and Total including tory price handling CI 4 to 8 pounds 2 weeks 114 SvefftPA TCHES S 29.95 +$S 3.69 +S2.36 $36 CI 8 to 15 pounds 4 weeks 28 Svelt PA TCHES S 49.95 +$S 5.19 +S3.86 $59 El 15 to25 pounds 8 weeks 56 SveIt PA TCHES $ 79.95 +$S 8.84 +S6.21 $95 Ci 25 to35 pounds 12 weeks 84 Sveit PA TCHES $ 109.95 +$11.55 +$8.50 $130 CI 35to 45pounds 16 weeks il 2Sveit PA TCHES S $129.95 1+$13.04 +$10.01 $153 [3 45 pounds and + 120 weeks 140 Sveit PA TGHES S $149.95 1+S15.47 + $11.58 $177 NB, NS and NF residents, please add 8% ta your payment for HST. r3 Miss First Name- El Mrs. El Ms. Address... CI Mr. 1 qQt npmp ________________Town________________ Province Postal code L . Date of birth ilJ L1 LU 1 Monfh Day Year E3 1 would prefer payinig on receipt(C.O.D.), although this wil I cost me $7.00 extra tor 0.0.D. and insurance charges. ZP-BC