The Canadian Champion, Tuesdav, June 10, 1997-9 Bi1Way is closing rt1 tîv5ý 11h \l e N ud \a 1 iI,ý 1Iý as h t(1 department store will end ils 20 ptus year affiliation wiîh 194 Main Street East on June 25. "The building bas been sold and our tease expires at the end of the month. We were unable toi sub-lease tl from the new owner,' said Mr. Staley. Local shoppers may nul bave ta go without BiWay service for long however, as plans ta relocate in town are underway. Mr. Staley is currently pursuing two specific sites and hopes to be moved into une by the end of the summer. The store's 12 employees will be transferred to the Oakville franchise until that happens. "Our new store will go with the ultra-modem trend BiWay bas recently established. We'll have bright new fixtures and a dynamie new sign," Mr. Staley added. In the meantîme, Main Street's BiWay will otfer massive clear- ance sales over the next three-and-a-hait weeks. Youth centre director 0 from YOUTH on page 1 parents feel otherwise. "They've got a bad rap. Some people get the idea ihat its, just trouble, but they have such a good program." Visitors play sports, video games. watch TV or talk with their triends and volunteers. The centre was Icît without a luli-tîme director in April last year aller Chris Jarvis, a Milton Bible Church pastor who over- saw its opening two months carlier, moved on to set up a similar church-based facility elsewhere. A director was hired for the summer of 1996, but the facili- ty bas primarily been run by volunteers, said Sid Jones, chair of the steering committee. After a long search for a director "who could link with kids," Mr. Jones said, and be at the centre on an ongoing basis, Mr. Elkerton was hired. The new director said the and paint the place. The addition of a weight and fitness room ks next on his agenda and longer-termn goals include provisions for high school drop-outs to take carre- spondence courses and students in crisis to receive counselling. However, funding --cur- rently provided primarîly by area churches and service clubs - will play a large rote in whether his visions turn into reality, he said. That means finding corporate sponsorship is another objective. Mr. Elkerton, who spent his childhood in orphanages, foster homes and on the street abter his parents were jailed, "has a real heart for the kids," said Ms Strode. The new director said bis life turned around almont overnight at the age of 20 abter, on the streets of Toronto, he spoke with a Salvation Army worker about religion. I-e's now an ordained First Nations first thinga he dîd was dlean, Gospel pastar and focuses bis remnoving 25 bags of garbage, work on helping street kîds. Sales & Leasing NOW! Occpaional Therapy Ca nsnAssesmentand Teatmen 811 Grahiam Bell Crt. Milton, Ontario Sheila Buck, B.Sc. 0.1(C) Phone/Fax: (905) 878-8381 Q:My mother lives at home alone. 1 arn afraid that she may fail in the bathroom. What can be done? A: An Occupational Therapist can complele anin home assessment to determine her risk for falling, areas of' concern with regards to the home cnvironent and then make recommendations for easier ways of doing daily activities which may include the use of' assistive devices such as a bath hench, hand held shower and hath satcty mat. Q I have back pain and find ht difficuit to sit for any length of time at work, or to do housework at home. What can 1 do? A: There are miany back supports avaîlable which cao be used inchairs toincrease muort f'orth hack when sitting. An Occu ational erapist cao rccommend the best support t1Cor you, as well as look at your work environm-rent and r'ecommend changes to heights, distances and methods of completing the job to reduce pain. Body mnechanics and methods of completing actîvîties are also Iooked at in order to determine casier, and Iess painful methods to do housework and, where required, recommend devices which may make the task casier. Shieila Buci. is a cei-tified accupational iherapisi. For fuirther information or- 1< arr-ange an in-homje o.îessnen, cciii 878- 8381.