OUR READERS WRITE. THE CNADIN CHMPIO Parent worried about strangers in schools Dear Editor: Although I've voted many times before, 1 neyer paid attention to the way the polis were set up. This year, however, was dit- ferent. i don't know if it's because I have chl- dren in schooi or whether it has more to do with the probiems of strangers around our schools. Their presence bas created a larg- er degree of awareneas about schooi secu- rity and who's coming and going. So what takes place on election day after the schoois have talked to the kids about strangers and tried t0 takes some precau- tionary measures (anyone without a name tag docan't beiong)? They open the doors of the schooi to who knows how many strangers. No won- der the children gel confused. l'm confused. Personally, 1 feut that it wasn't and isn't neceasary l'or voters to enter the main school itself to vote. i don't know abotut ail] schools, but 1 do know that most of the poils in my area werc set up in the gyms. A majority of schools have separate out- side entrances to their gyms, which is why i can't figure out why those entrances were not used. Maybe some schools were different but the ones t checked on had no one monitor- ing the halls to make sure that these people (strangers) were going straight 10 the gym and then back out immediately. I think a better set-up should be contem- plated because to me ihis ia not safe. la there a reason, for example, why people could not enter and exit the poils by the outside door and have the interior gym dooirslocked? 1 think this is something that should be thought about and considered before another election of any kind takes place. Most parents wiii agree that our children's safety is our number one priority. tan't that what voting and our future are ail about? Cindy Manovich Milton 7:30 AM t 7:30 AM t 8:30 AM t 11 :30 AM àéi_ 7:30 AM Gates open 10 thse public and exhibitors o * 11:00 AM Registration of ait show vehictes S10:30 AM Tlm Hortons' breakfast for ait exhibitors * 11:30 AN Pancake breakfast with sausages ta 3:00 PM Entertainmrent, remote contrat car racing, children's comer and other events ail day long. 3:00 PM Awards presented to the best cars in thse show. «NEW TINEI Seo otjr web site at http:/Iwww.aztec-net.com/-classics The lisat deal ln town, just $6.00 par personi $25.00 par vehicle, ail vehlies must bouat toast 20 years oid. Ail proceeds ta the Canadlan Cancer Society lb. w ub ' - .1111 iU7OU~k. t~= _ _ The Canadi, *ok tostatakresi~ii a tanmt and tmeslile cais OhIatk kikiMU RiOi lA Test cooling etticiesy in ci and kVC ven *Imact kk Nom and Riaok tuann il PHONE: (905) 878-7200 FAX: (905) 878-5265 *SOME CONDITIONS APPCO distinctive ludie fashions an Champion, Tuesday June10, 1997- 7 SERVICIE HOURS 4DAY -FRIDAY: SATURDAY: Complete selection of machine-washable mix and match co-ordinates. Available in 100% cotton or 65% - 35% polyester- cotton blend. Sizes 8 to 20 (your choice of many fashion colours). ANNUAL KORE TFrancisca SALE ,401%OFF MANY MORE IN-STORE SPECIALS SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION e ALL SALES FINAL OPS UNm 12- p MILTON MALL 55 Ontario St. 878-1414 TRAFALGAR VILLAGE BURLINGTON MALL 25 Cross Ave., Oakville Guelph Line 844-5361 634-3882 Aise in Aurora, Guelph & Kitchener Armit. Ridge Gof Ci b A Â~~Te PeuIect Six-Pack~. DIES SUPER DAY et KSEMh ONDIT 1% uf&IBrnh '5*OFF 12 Loal 90878MW44 Dou 410 e3n one 30 0 AGAINST CANCER 10' Annual Show - Father's Day - Sunday, June 15, 1997 Antique, Classic, & Modified Car and Truck Show Cedarvale Park, Georgetown, Ontario Mi 8:00