2 0 1 N. L AWNBRO y MO W ER, alumlu m do ac k, needs tune up. $35. 878-6437. 4 DAYCARE TODDLER BEDS, $5.ea., umbmella stroller, $10, woodert end table $15., bookoase, glass doors. $15. 876-2482. 5 FT. X 5 FT. Theropane on aluminum trame, $90 oscli. Oluanethy of fumace shoot matai. 905- 878-9250. 60 GAL Electric Water Heater, $75 0.B.0. Cali 854-0186. B3ABY DWARF Bunnies, 1 b"ac, 1 white. $10 each. Phone 875-0592. BABY Dwarf Rabbits, hand raised, nice colournng, $10 each. 876-1299. BAYCREST DRYER, blook and wo"k gmeatf $60. 854-0830. BEDRO SUITE, dresser, double bed, maltress, w/framelheadboard.Wood finish. $95.08.0. 878-1920 aliter 5:30. CALCULATOR, 1906 CASIO fx-6300 graphie saientifc widi manuel. $50. 876-2947. CCM, MENS 10 speed bike. $60., one Sega- Gensis & games. $30. 878-9928. CHESTERFIELD, gold striped & chair. $100. Server $75., Card table. & chai. $100. 876- 2592. COFFEE TABLE, long, wooden, aval shape. $100. 878-6576. DOG CAGE, large, plastic, like new, $75. Cost $140. 878-9984. EXERCISE EQUIPMENT Bonch Press wflog ox- lenslweghis $75. rowing machine, $20. 876- 4204. FREE BORDER COWE pup ta gaod country home only. Need ta visa. Bannie (905)854-0229, 691-6719. FREE KITI'ENS, litter trained. 9 weeks aId. 878- 9586. FREE toas good home, 5 adorable kattons. AIl calaurs, 6 weeks. 90-659-3475. FREE TREE for Firewood. cut & take home. 876- 4998. FREE, FRISKY, young semi obedient loving maIe ShephordVHusky. Very intelligent. 873- 0298. GENDRON BABY Camrago (removable top for transpoutation. Goad condition. Asking $40.878- 7375. GRADE 8 Gradiationi Grey sports jacket. size 36 R, wamn once, $30. 878-1475. GRADUATION boys 3 Pce. suit, aize 12 - 14, ex- cellent condition, $50. 875-1296. HEAVY DUTY Kenmore upnighl vacuum cleaner, 2 speed, very good ondition. Asking $20. 8750284. JANE FONDA Treadmill. $100. 0.B.0. 878- 7311. JOLLY JUMPER, $10. Padded Bontwood rock- ing chair, le rnw, $0. Phono 876-2542. LAWN-BOY Lawnmower, 20 in. cut. Good work- ing condition. $85. Cali 878-738. NINTENDO (original) 3 cont-ols (1 turbo), 1 gun, 10 gamea, $75. 878-7783. SHOVELS, pair of shovels $2 for bath, 878- 5309, Jim. STEREO STAND, $15., lamp $5., oficedeak $30. 876-2482. SUPER-SINGLE Watorbed, complet.. Pin. bookcase head board. Thmee drawers in bae Two sots of shoots, $100 0.8.0. 878-1668. THREE LAMPS, $25. ach. 878-6576. TODDLER BEDS & umnbrella stroller, $10 oach. Cal 876-2482. USED BASEBALLS, good condition, $1 each. 878-5309, Jin. WINTERHAWK HOCKEY coats in good condition. Tyke Io Major Novice. $15. 876-4876. W1RE DOG CAGE Medium (36*X30") $15. 878- 1920. UIh~~ ISarah Jane Hughes bas graduated trom the IUniversity ot Western Ontario with an Honours IBachelor ot Science Degree in Food &j Nutrition. Sarah wili continue ber stadies towards becoming a Registered Dietilian aI Hamilton Generai Hospital in a Dietetic Itrsi.Congratulations to eue "Little Sweetý - Toolh'. We are ail so proud uf you. Thomnas & Marley. IÀ