Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jun 1997, p. 38

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E- 38-The Canadian Champion, Tuesdlav. June 10. 1997 145 General HeID Watéd CRUISE JOBSI Cataiag an International and Na- tional cruise lines. Vear round positons. Free roren/board. Men/women, Cati M F Os i Op t.~i Smo. 1-504-641-7778, ext. 0204C22. DAYTIME TOW TRUCK DRIVER needed immediately. Apply in persan ait Durante Enterpriaes. 8473 Highway 25 Narth, Milton. DO YOU UKE CANDLES? Partylite Gifta Ltd. of- fers yau an appartumty ta earn extra incarne white enjaying besutiful candies and accessanres. Yau have the freedamn ta determine your awn incarne and haurs. We affer excellent campenation. Far mare infarmstion cati Brenda at 905-876-1295. FULL TIME POSITION, Chauffer/Hsndymard Gardner. 905-854-2685. HAIRSTYUIST wanted far busy Salon in MIltan. Phone 878-8637. HOSTESSES*HOTS -& Maître D' required. Cati ta arrange an interview, 876-0499. PART TIME TOW TRUCK DRIVER. Same ex- penience required and drivera abstract. Phane 878-8836. SHIPPERIRECEIVER required immediately for growing campany in Miltan. Heavy lifting required. Muet have awn vehicle and valid Driver's Liense. Experiencoed candidates please for-ward resume ta: P.O. Bax 2248, c/a The Canadlian Chamipian, 191 Main Street E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9. MUFFIN BAKER for Overnîght ahlft DONUT BAKER Witt train. Please apply in persan ta. 575 ONTARIO STREET, MILTON **JOB FAUR * HERE WE GROWAGAINI Tiredof$6.851r?NowRecruitung: PACKAGERS SORTIRS FORK LIFT WELDERS SENERAL LAIGURERS Safety boots required - Car an asset CalI 631-9920 or APPLY IN PERSON: 850 Leglon Rd., Unit #8, Burlington Local distribufion lirmn requires a sell-mofivaled WAREHOUSE MANAGER Dutiex inctade operating compsterized shtpping systemn, supetvisingW co-ordinatrng 10 Emtys rn prcking/ packing arders, bonded warehouuu maintenance. Previoux esperience reqaired. Farward rssumes:Box 5025, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers, Oakvitle, Ont. L6K3S4 Cashway Buil.ding Centres requires D UIC DRIVER/YARD PERSON (Port time) An understonding of lumber & building moferiols with previocu reloted experience o definife osset. Must be o teomn ployer witli high stondards of ces- tomer service. Bud yoer corner on o solid Founda- hion, pleose forword yoer resurme by June 30 to: Ron Goruk, Yard Forernan, Cashway Building Centres 700 Main St. East Milton, ON L9T 3P6 Whie ,e thank ai pariciponts, nly thoe sntedor on, iee ilbe cont,îed. No phne cois please CASH WAY WANTED AZ DRIVERS *Full Tîme e Local runs -2 years experience aClean abstract - Police clearance (905) 873-2138 150 Sales HeID laakinj for a bilingual <Engl./French>, self motivatled, enorgetic & enthusiastic Custamner Service Persan ta seore an in"id sales desk. cellent telephane mannors and enjoy beng a team player, send your resume ta: 155 SkiîledHI ___ CLASS DZ DRIVER Required for F/T position with AirGas, North America's fargest distributor of industria and speciaity gaxes. experience with cytinder deiivery and weiding supplies wouid be an asset. Piease mail or fax your resumne to: Jim Lowrie, AlIrGas Naîton Mille 310 Steeles Ave. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 1Y4 or Phono: (905) 878-8330 or Fax: (905) 878-6855 160 Office HI MILTON Busy Medical Office requires a PART TIME DICTA-TYPISTIRECEPTIONIST Please forward resumne ta: BOX 2249, c/a Th. Canadian Champion, 191 Main Street E, Milton, Ont LOT 4IN9 170 Daycare DAYCARE for aon fui time available. W=oodward & Wilson. Phono 876-4978. SUMMER/FULLIPART.TIME DAYCARE. Hot lunches, nutritiaus snacks, crafts, outdoor activities, CPRIFirst Aid, flexible hours. Retiable mather with reasonable rates. Receipîs, references. Sharon, 875-2609. ABUSED and afraîd? For help caI 87-55a 24-hour crises ine for abused wamen. Halton Womee Place la an entergency shelter avait- able for abused women and ireir childi'en in Hal- tan Region. At cala are canfidiential. ARE DRUGS causing you problemrs? Narootca Anonymaus. can help. We meet Friday nights at Grace Anglican Church, Main Street. Milton, at 8:00 p.m. ARE YOU BEING affected by smrnons ase' drînldng? AI - Anon Family Group meets each Monday night 8 p.m. set St. Paul's United Church, back door (parking lot entrance.> 1-800-891- 4862. EVANLY RAYS ... Police Use Us. Rated #l in Canada. Love, money, career, luckyris. Achieve succes, $2.99/minute. 18+. 1-00-451-4055. FREE PREGNANCY TESTS. Phone 875-1245. I-EAVENLY PSYCHIC $2.99/min. 18+ 24 hours. 1-900-451-3783, Daily Horoscope. 1-900-677- 7770. $5.00 - 24 hours. I9 DRINKING causîng you problema? AI- coholica Anonymous meet Tuesday nighls aI Grace Anglican Church, Main Street ait 8.30 p.m. 1-800-891-4862. 230 Vehicles for Sale 1990 AIEROSTAR VAN, great shape, onty as- king $3900. Cali 875-3736. 1990 MIATA, blje wit hardtop, nover seen snow, 52K, women driven. A must ta see. Beal affer. 905-877-2521. 1989 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN blue, excel- lent condition. Air, tawing package. Ceifled. $4,500. 0.8.0. 905-878-0500. 1987 ROUSSEY TRAILER FR.P, 48 ft., barn door. Cati Terry, 905-854-0946. 145 General HeID Wanted FINANCE/ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR Rpqired hy MCSS funded son al serst. qny As part of the management tears and sLIpervsi g two staff, responsibilities wrtt inctude ai aspects of accounting, payrott, etc., preparation of financia statements, government and board reporting, interna prolect casting and anatysis etc., etc. Experience with non-profits preferred. Must have excellent computer and communication skis. Send reaumes with satary expectations to: Box #2367, lndependentlFree Press 211 Armstrong Ave., Georgetown ON L&G «X5 1 230 Vehicles for Sae 1985 PONTIAC M00 STE, 4 dr, new pants, good condition. Certified $3,000. firm. 877-1624. 1983 OMO Fuit Size Windovw van, $650 as s& 877-2328 (leave message.) AUTO INSURANCE. We masure new ves those witi ticets/acc is, no insuranc. Beat rates. Cal Warren, 519-85-4284. CREDIT PROBLEM? No credit or bad credif. on UIC, FBA, WCB, Bankrupt? Need another chance? Short af cash? W.t can helpl Future Car Credi. 905-339-700. SALES &LEASING NEW &USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SELL - LEASE LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 Make it RICHARDSON CHEV -OLDS -GEO For Your Next Car Or Truck Purchase 878-2393 270 geal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Those with dlaims againat dhe ESTATE 0F GRACE ELEANOR ANDERSON, laite of Miltan, Ontario, Retimed Schaat Teacher, wha died an February 27, 1997, are notifled ta send full particulars ta the undersigned by JuIy 4, 1997, after which the Estate witl be dsbibuted with regard oniy ta dlaims received. Dated at Hamiîltan, June 3, 1997 THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY 46 King Street East P.O. Box 710 Hamilton, Ontario LON 3K7 Eatae Trustes 280 Wanted to Rent GARAGE large enough fer 4 vehicles and same working space. 905-875-1772, ave message. WE WANT ta rent a houa. with in-lsw potental. We can teke possession immediately. Phono 876-2864. WANTED LARGE BARN TO RENT 876-4998 285 For Rent 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOME in North, Oakville, available Augual 1. Shows weli, $1 ,050/month plus utitities. Cati Kerr Realty Management Ltd. (905) 876-0407. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, available Juty laI. $995 monthty + uuities. Phono Dnnas, 878-7200. AVAILABLE JUNE, bright and cheery, 3 bedroons in Acton. Garage, nice neighbaurhood, gas heat. $895 +. No dogs piesse. Ta view ca 519-853-5658. 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE, 2 appitances, central air, $ 1.100. Availabie Juiy 1lst. Application befere viewing. Mark Mattalieu, Realty World, Milipond Reaty Inc. 876-0633. 4 BEDROOU Detached House, centrai air, 5 appliances, avaiable Juy 1. $1100. 878-2232. COUNTRY building lot. Ready ta, build your Dream Home, 5 minutes N 0f 401 ai James Snow Parkway. Natural gas available. $128.800. Phono 905-875-1719, 905-854-2467. sINcE 1930 NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOUI Know someone who's getling married in 3 months or more? 1'Ploase cati us: Community Welcome Linda ... 854-1563 MarIlyn Armstrong ...'875-0519 Wedding Lorie ... 876-1238 25For Rent MODEST, WELL-KEPT %op levei af 3 bedraaen bungalow available July lat. Looking for caing, responsibie dlean and nion srnokarg tenant Protesarona or retired couple preferred. No pets. References. $850 plus portion af utitities. 878- 290 Aoartments For Rent 2BEDROON - part af century farmhause - private, entrance and awn wrap around parch. 4 appliances. No pets. Suite couple. $875 + hydro. Immediate. 905-854-0636. 2 BIEDROONM, Basement Apartment, $850/man- th~ including ail utilities. Available June 15, One bedroom, $650/plus hydra. 878-3636. 2 BEDROOMS available now, Actan. Freshly decorated, 2 appliances. Na pets. References required. 878-7398. 2 BEDROOMS available now, Actan. Freshiy decorated, 2 applianoos. Na pets. References required. 878-7398. ACTON, two be&oom apartment, plus basement & laundsy facilities, $700+. Aiao arie bedroom apartment $550 plus. 519-853-5080, (519) 853- 5352. APARTUENT Single, 1 bedraom, $650. Campbellville. 854-2193. CONWAY MANSION. Under new management. Completely refurnished. 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments, tram $595/month. 333-9846, 12- 8 p.m. MILLSIDE TOWERS -082 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 li 2 Bedroome aval on bua mute, frushly dicorata, 2 appIlinca% on-alto Indry, Includes aIl utilita (excipe phono li ciba> Frmi paiddng, ne pes. Raferencai raqurgd 905-876-1249 Apply ta Readeont Manage ROCKWOOD, large 2 bedraam, well mainteined, centrally located, credit check. $710 indlusive. Na pets. 873-8144. TWO APARTMENTS, quiet ares, centrly lacated, parking, yard, no pets, references. 844- 934tY844-6273. TWO BEDROOM apartiment and garage. Avalt- able nw. Ail utiities icluded. 875-0678. TWO BEDROOM apartiment available. lm- 29 hrdA em n~inBEDROOM/LIVINGROOM ta, rent. Share facilites. Female preferred. 876-244. 300 Rooms Avaiableý CLEAN quiet house has Roomi for rent. Suitable' for working man. Central Milton. $100iwveek. 878-0882. FURNISHED ROOM stering ait $70.00/week, kitchen pnivileges for woruing persan. Gentleman preferred. Weekly. 878-0225. ROOM FOR RIENT, Share houa.. Downtawn Milton. Near Go bus. Male preferred. 87-2442. 315 Commercial & lndust. REASONABLE INDUSTRIAL UNITS for rent. 1,600 - 3,200 sq. ft. Secreterial Services on promises. 905-875-1200 or 1-905-277-9347. 320 Office &-uins Sace FOR RIENT - CAMPBELLVILLE - Commercial Office Space; 600 sq. I. self contained building, newly renovatad, avajlable July 1sf. 905-854- 9895. âz-r Keal Estate 295 Shared Acenmmndqtinn

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