32 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, J une 10, 1997 How te use fertilizers efficîently in your Iawn and garden Fîîrtunateîy, The University of Tennessee Agricuttural Extension Service is in the business ol hrlping 10 ensure that lime and fertilizers are efficiently osed by homeowners and farmers alike. The University of Tennessee Soit Testing Laboratory in Nashville provides homeowners and farmers wilh lime and fertil- izer recommendaîtons based on the resulîs on a soit test. A soit test identifies when these materials are not needed, thereby con- serving natural resources and reducing the potential for environ- mental harmn. When soit testing does identify a need for fertilizer, only amounts needed to meet plant requiremenîs are recommended. lks i5 1, La. L'i , sl(s 5 I ti l ii ii On the contrary, îhey become a part ol the solutionî in providing Tennessee homeowners with nutritious garden produce and/or healthy, attractive lawns and omnamentals. Always avoid over-application or indiscriminate application of lime and fertilizers to your lawn or garden. For example, more lime than needed can cause micronutrient imbalance or resoît in an increased loas of topdressed nitiogen 10 the atmosphere by a procesa called volatization. This is especially true when urea-containing nitrogen fertilizers are used for lawn or garden maintenance or sidedreas applications. Another good example is nitrogen when supplied in excesa of plant requirements. High amoonts of nitrogen may promote vege- frUnion Gas in obstai th e cmforo air conditioning in your home. Because right 110W there's no payment for 90 days, * plus a $100 saving* on any installed air conditioner purchase! Don't wait for a sweltering August night to buy your air conditioner. Beat the rush and do it 110W. And save! Cali 876-3017. ,Dfreipyin s ,sil le îs Ls.ii5 as rsic i1 Lu tier on, tIrovei sreit. AH ethr ofier mot appsls ica le st el frot sei Ji sie2el'97 Threae i set tip tees or early payrneit pensalies for Ssstanssss Calli as ot Se detail Lum ited .Of f er!. Order before June 21/97 $100 Of f* Air Conditioning 0 mniongas U Bring ~MiKL nge Rg i nt y wmpswu r 1 if Liepi o ilca' e o! 05 o. Lt il il11 al icili, N [il Ï ilI 0( i' CLI h\ 11W plants lias greater potential for ending Up iii our ground or surface waters. Most nitrogen fertiliiers can greatly contribute to an increase in soit acidity when used in large amounts. This resulîs in increased need for lime to counter the effecîs of low soit pH. Wiîh each soi] test report, the University oif Tennessee Soit Testing Laboratory makes appropriate lime and fertilizer recom- mendations for any of your lawn and garden cropa. For more detailed information of how, wben and why to soit test, request a copy of the University of Tennessee Extension Service Publication (PBIO6I) "Soit Testing" from your local Extension office. Don't guess about your lime or fertilizer needs. Join us as a part of the environmenal solution. Avoid over-fertilization by closely following established fertilization guidelines basedi on soit lesting. Soit sampling boxes, information sheets and other educational malerials are aiso, available at your county Extension office. Take advantage of the benefits of sout testing. Heat pump heats, cools, and makes hot water Home beating and coolmng takes a lot of energy. Add in waler beating, and you've got almost two-thirds of your annual energy bill, according to the Edison Electric Institute and the National Rural Electrie Cooperative Association, two national elecîic util- ity trade associations. A single electric tecbnology is now available 10 help reduce the energy used for ail three fonictions. The integrated electric heat pump from Nordyne exceeds tbe latest Department of Energy requiremenîs for home heating and cooling eficiency standards. And in addition, the integrated beat pump can also heat the water in your home using lesa energy. Developed in conjuniction wiîb the Electrie Power Research Institute, the elecîrie utility indusîry's research and development arm, the integrated eleciric heat pump operates in the samne mani- ner as ail electric beat pompa do. Lt transfers heat instead of creat- ing il. To air condition your bouse, a beat pump transfers the heat from inside to the outside. To beat your bouse, the beat pump operates in reverse, transferring heat from the outside 10 the inside. Transferring heat takes less energy than creating il. Using leas energy can help you save money on your elecîric bill, white it protecta the environment. WATERFALLS Complete Design and Construcion 724 Main St. E., Milton ln Dean Woalley 876-2836 Landscape Architect 0: las it difficuit 10 add a water feature to my Iandscape? A: A water fecature may be as familtar as a swimming pool or as progressive as a wetland. Lt c<îuld be a dramatic watcrfaLl oir dignified lily pond. Whatevcr your waîer vision, it must be carefully planned by an expcrienccd professional. Considerations ahould inelude the safety of users, the loication oif tIse fecature and the style oif the design. New lechnology and products bave allowcd Landscapc Architects to create water features that go beyîînd the bastcs. Many consurners and even some contractors are under the miseonception that water features are unsafe f'or kids and pets. They also believe water only runs downhilî and sttll water becomes stagnant. These are obstacles we can easiîy tivercotue. Waterf'aîls and slreams alîow parents ti have peace of mind without deep water poînds. Energy efftcient pompa can produce spectacular water effects tndoors or (tut. Water docan't just run dliwnhiII anyoîore. Water adds life to a garden and energy to a rosim. lndoor ponds may be used t(i purify the air and entertaîn the soul. The importance of water to our everyday existence cannîît be oversîated. As you look siutside and watch the melting snow think of what you can do when yîîu jost add waîer! Article supplied by Deant Woolleý, Lid.slcope A rchIitec, MacKinnro,î Watefalls and Ponids. Contact MacKinnon Waterfalls and Ponds tii reserve your place at our free Aprtl workshops and seminars. Moîst seminars are Thursday evenings and Saturday mornîngs.