Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jun 1997, p. 25

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Only a trio turns out for healti By KIM AR!NOTT Sjpeo.,ù to lite G haonpomn Maybe it was the wind. Maybe tl was apathy. Or maybe, as I-lIton Centre MPP Terence Young suggested, area residenîs just tbink tbe Ontario guverniment is doing a great job on the health care Iront. Wbaîever thc reason, only tbree people turned out for a town hall meeting on bealtb care issues organized by Mr. Young recently. Altbough Canadians arc telling lederal polîsters $bey arc cs7ncemed about changes $69 healtb carc acruoss the country, Mr. Young said be docsn't receive nsany local catIs un the issue. The MPP represents a portion of soutbemn rural Milton. "I think maybe peuple are giving (Oakville South MPP) Gary Carr and I the benelit ut the doubt on this une," he said, as he sur- veyed the 150 ernpty seats as the I-lton regional building audito- rium. Despite the small gruup, Mr. Young osent througb with bis Crown protects 000 our unity By MERLE LANGERYT Special to The Champion The Qucen as Canada's bcad of' stalle înay be mure important than ever ni these limes of' unity debates anid culturaîl influ- ences, acco7rding tsi t1e Monarchist Leoigue gît C'anada. 'The muonarchy guarancs tbe personal rigbts of' irodîviduals and stands l'or the 'we' in uniîy," said Jiohn Aimiers, domin- ion chaîrman of' the urganization. "Wben wecre ligb$ing over wbat arc sumeitîmes petty thingo. ose bave to realiLe that must of the wourld doesn't enjuy the same frec donis we du.' Mr. Aimers' cumments osere made ai a special meeting ut' the league beld at the Oakville Public Library recently in honor ut Lady Teviot. A genealogisî and wife of a member of the British House of' Lords she is on tour $0 discuss the rote of the Royal Flouse in the United Kingdum. Mr. Aimers himsell'bad just comple$ed a to9ur ut seven westerns cities in eight days $0 talk about the Icague and $5s goals. "There was a very positive response from the media as well as the mnember- sbip." Mr. Aimers said. The league was iormed in 1970 to pro- mute a better undersîanding of1 the consti- tutional nsonarcby witbîn Casnada and 00w boasts approximately 16,0100 members in 3(0 chapters oscross tlie country. l'ho grsîup bas inîtiaied issu neos educa- tiotal programs in the last year. including an informations package gecared to students iii grades 4 - 10), as well as ibeir own oseb page (http://www.monarchist.ca). Results bave been lavourable su l'ar-, accordîng to Mr. Aimers. "Althuugb it's 00$ a particularly emo- tional reaction, young peuple are loyal $0 the crown as a proud boast ut' Canadian identi$y," Mr. Aimers said. "Il sets us apart from American influences." The league assert filait the monarchy and its institutions have belped shape a distinct Canadian identi$y that can resist Amenican social, cultural and economie inducements. "In the U.nited States you swear, aile- giance to thbe state," Mr. Aimers said. "In Canada, it's a mure personal caîl ut' aIle- giance. We're a quieter, gentler nation." The Queco wbll bc visititîg several Catoadiati cities this sunmmer. wbicb o Ill ilsuo mlark 50)0 yers of tnonarcby in Canada. 'I don't like tu catli t a vsit or a tour," Mr. Aimers said. "It's really a humecom- ing." Those intercis$ed in the League can cali John Aimers at (416) 975-2608. loile gg9 il r gî ton 'S i l pois ho '.îooos oS h Ile i ca ue de ii system. lie empbasized the government bas lived up to its promise $0 maintain bealth care funding, and has, in fact, increased it from an overail budget of $17.4 billion tu $ 17.7 bil- lion this year. "Where we baven't made reductions in spending, absolutely, is in health care," Mr. Young said. Cuts to hospital budgets by previuus govemments bave created an inefficient system of ball-filled buildings, requiring the govem- ment to close hospitals in urder tu rationalize the system, Mr. Young explained. Adding the savings are being reinvested in areas wbere need for service is growing, sucb as long-termn care, community-based agencies and neos technologies. Lucally, Halton hospitals have benefttted from extra funding provided for institutions in growth areas, he said. Reinvestment funding bas also been provided to Halton branch- es ut the Victurian Order of Nurses ($187,000), the Canadian Red The Canadien Champion, Tuesday lune 10, 1997 -2M Icare meeting C ï $o ý (Xi0 5)5> i llgt h()gg 11og\i g )fg (stigo ix)0go 5 1 , Î6 ouîog baiîd The provincial Tories also invested $125 million to open dialy- sis clinics in more than 10 communities, he added. Cathy Hecimovich, une of the three people who showed up for the meeting, was actually hoping $0 gather opinlions, rather than provide them. As a manager with the Halton Community Acceos Centre, which provides access to home-care and other communi- ty-based services, she was hoping to, glean some ideas on ways the centre could better work with the public. On the whole, Ms Hecimovich said she is pleased with the changes she is seeing in health care delivery. "It's positive that there's a reinvestment in community care," shte said. 'mr feeling good about it. t'm pleased with the system and 1 think it is guing $0 work better." However, Ms Hecimovich expressed conceras about the gov- emnment proposaI $0 download responsibility for public health programs to the municipalities. 48MO WkIt kmvf 4 U& ýoi Mi egeiq u~ ak For 24 days only, gel 1.9%/ nu limit 48 înonth financing on A 1997 Taurus and Sable sedans and wagons. The countdown begins Jonc 7th and ends June 3Oîh. 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