Crowd embraces Chris Hadfield [ * fromn ASTRONAUT on page 5 childhooij, whcn his dreains of t»ecorning an astronaut "were a flat impossibility. 1I want kids to realize this (space travel) is what Canadians do, and that onc of their own is involved. This is oomething they can do," he said. He told the crowd of two Canadian astronauts who wilI be space-bound within the next year. The Milton native himself hopes to malce another trip before the tantn of the century. Lt. Colonel Hadfield is actively involved in every mission the space program under- takes. He was the firot Canadian to operate the Canadarmn in space, and is hoping to do s0 again when construction ot the inter- national space station begins. Canadians, he explained, are involved in every aspect of the space programt includ- ing science development and medical research. "This is an exciting, unique time for Canadians and the space program. We're among the tirot generation to sec a perma- nient presence in space. Canadians don't have to be învotved in this, we choose to be involved. It's a greal feeling to be on board a train that's leaving earth. Within these kids' lifetime, thereill be people living on the moon, and perhaps on Mars as well." Having already fulfilled his dream of space travel, Lt. Colonel Hadfield said bis next wish is t0 'make a space walk'. H-e contends this will be entirely differ- cnt from bis first joumey and won't neces- sarily be better or worse. "It's not a competition. You don't stop eating just because you've had a great meal." he said. FPOOtO Dy UHAM FAINE Enduring the rain and trying to shield her school pro- ject was Laura Thomas, 10, as younger brother Andrew, 8, took a photo and mom Colleen sheltered them with an umbrella. The two kids later got autographs tram the astronaut. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 10, 1997-19 Milton 44 Main Street E. 878-4168 187 Guelph Street 877-6926 Aeton 273 Queen Street 853-0911 un. HALTON CREDIT UNION Everything your financial institution should be.] Otfer ends June 30, 1997. Subject to change without notice. Some restrictions may appy._ -VU»iOMU-JITf eI e sIIO IN 1 e-TRCTR M.A.R.C.H. Waler Famnace Systems Gas Propane andM -Heat Pamps - Air. Ground Etectis Femacea &Water Sources -Hrgti EXme iency Ai F Iters -Central & Room Air & Hemidit cms 785 Main Street East 876-1138 (Service) 875-2700 (Sanes) DELREX ALUMINUM LIMITED *Alumînsmn Awnings -Canopies *Eavestroughs -Storrm Doors *Rooting -Windows *Sidîng -Fascia *Sottît in Living Colours Aso a tutt lin ot replacement windows 877-5383 MILTON ALUMINUM LTD. 5"SEAMLESS EAVESTROUGH SOFFIT AND FASCIA St DING WINDOWS AND PATIO DOORIS Cali for a frac estimeate 878-5214 M.A.RUC.H. MECHANICAL LTD. PARTS FOR WashRrs -Dryers - Raeges -Freezers -Refrgeratems DeshwasherS 785 Main Street East 876-1138 Acrosa frm the GO Station Indîvîdual avd Gousp cososelling sessions available for issues corcernîno. self-esteemn anger and grief cenflict reselutionc preblein selving -persenal grewth y counselling prorided fat Women, Mec, A4dolescents and Chitdren Donna L. White MilIon/Guelpi (905) 878t-635ti GEORGETOWN PARALEGAL CLINIC 232A Guelph St, Georgetown Censuiting in: CWorkmens Compensation cCanada Pension Disabilities c Sesail Claims 1-800-566-8566 or 873-2718 SPTIC N PUMPINO Robert Noble Lsd. -180 fI. nf hose for crossing lawos, 3 radio dispatched truckms to serve yoa. Oenuf Wei# # ho-1 Jre - Pee b.em k'. f. ".f (Son pump et leasi every 3 ycs) Neyer use colored or asoibe pty toial paper. <519) 883-0500 Actio Answering Service 878-6869 OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE! 0 S.MASTER GLOSS LTD. - Vinyrl & Aluminuca 1sa crest SIdlng & Windows Rcynoids Dcaler 5" Sesinleas Gutters 30 ycars expcerece ERROL MacPHEE (905) 878-5337 U m ANTIQUE LUMBER Since 196e For rustic restorations ana reproductions e Weathored bornbourds e Hond-hown booms e Whitopino & homlock flooring e Rod ook & othor hordwood flooring from ro-sod boum s For ail your antique lumber needs (ail Wost Uncoin Barnboards & Booms 905-643-8878 or 1-800-719-9051 *:JlyI e =901;1 =jPOA e O S e sensitive and caring assistance ;egai services for a i aspects of probating the estate of the dcae * iIestate services from time of death to final distribution of the estate are handled by our senior lawyer wvith over 22 years experience Fuirlong Coffins Barristers & Solicitors 64 Ontario St. N. Milton LUIT 2T1 ph: 878-8123 fax: 878-2555 evening and xveekend appointmnents available 1 FLOOe.. Get Ready For At Halton Credit Union Y Uý RATE A SPECJAJJ RATE- Rates low as Specia1 Bonus florrow $15,O00 or more and you'li1 receive a drive away VACATION PACKAGE* of your choice at one of eight great destinations. (Don't delay lhnited vaeations availlable) .Se-e yotir loan *peeialist today or (*ail <sur tele-boan boiume ait 1-8881-562-68144 ran. contracting ltd. Ds SPRING IS HERE FOR ALL YOUR RENOVATION NEEDS BIG OR SMALL WE DO i r ALL! ýj 878-8625