iSý--The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, June 10, 1997 Milton's Oldest Famfly S Owned Insurance Brokerage Established 1934 4OFONTARIO 216 Main St. East, Milton 0 <,os> 878.2326, 876-4665 Fox <gos) 878-5139 JLpielemafls Participation in the BIG BIKE for Stroke helps your organization: build teamn spirit, show its sup- port of a community event and support research into Canada's most neglected disease, STROKE. -T-GIE H Seck immediatt medical alknLion ifyou have any of tese symptos. Tante St. r~le rJames Stý i~ot~teMQrtin St Ch_______ 19~re St CHERYL K. SELLORS MICHAL T O'GORMAN CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTS 10 1 - 1:3 Charles Street Milton,. Ontario LUIT 2G5 Tel: (905) 878-1258 FaLx: (905) 878-2259 vve nnrng I<)u Bu rower os rropane. Restdential * Commercial - Industrial * Agrtcultural Automotive Propanle and Conversions 878-2318 130 Thompson Rd., Milton sERVICE - SAVINCS - SELECTION TEAM *Fifh Whei *Dicken's Restourant *Gordon Fooés *Ha4m1, ustourant " Chorlil Fd*zwhisk.y's " Spokes & SIop " Re/MAx " Wahiing W.awsll " Beiomyls Madoethiouse "*Ontario Auto Collision Corstar CAPTAIN PHONE Troy Newton 878-8"41 Keith Mackay 875-096,4 Roger Mason 878-6680 Uisa MacNeii m5W30, 3m.s Dionne Houston 878-8161 Garfield Adlen 878-6697 Matt Burger 876-7676 Gary Thiomas 878-7777 Tracy Jamieson Gavin McKnight Marilyn Reck 878-8366 876-1186 875-4477 For information on participation or to sponsor a participant please cali the team captain Iisted above. If you wish ta join a bike as an individual, Ontario Auto Collision Corsaor is looking for riders. To book anothor bike cail Helena Donaldson or Debbie Ferguson et 875-3237. tEj" 1 LEVER CO. LTD. ffca te 'ie«ee CAMPBELLVILLE, c4«4ýG Sales Representative ONT 878-9375 w ~* I New - Alln "aBettere1 327 Bronte St. S. Milton, Ontario L9T 4A4 Business: (905) 878-4444 Res.: (905) 878-4944 6 ro adXoom viny(foforing C.I.L. paint rPerof(ooring ceramic tifes waffcoverings custom b(inLv ~k, s 0J~4 a interior decorating assistance (q) Paints (k srn 340 Main St. E. 878-3435 Milton District Hospital e e-alt cae e healhe comuie . 30 Den-y Road East 878-2383 c~DERLAN Aerospace Canada Ltd. Spar Precision 180 Market Drive, Milton (905) 875-4000 Fax (905) 875-4082 ROBERT <PIE) LEE B. Se. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY Life - Disablity - Annuttes - RRIF's - LIF's Mltowne Inisuranoie Agency Il&td. Group Life & Health & Pension 245 Commercial St., Milton L9T 2J3 Office: 878-5786 Fax 878-3692 Res. 878-1150 i ______________________________ i M m