16 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday June 10, 1997 Cool reaction to new ice charges By BRD REAU!'AE Coui~îllor Wallv Hutnier s îslde hat the Milton v, suitl serine! p~O111 eu Ycl Ii The Champion ire raies are comparable with other ccnters but for leisure services that could be coming irom user said those places have much more elaborate facili- fees. Councillor Colin Beat said Milton is ripe for The complaints were iced. tics. a private company tocornein and build an aena A decision to shift an additional $9,700 to users "Our i ssue is the timing of the notification," said Councillors debated the merits of moving the ni leisure services as part ni municipal budget figure skating instructor Tracey McQueen. timing of the budget process f'or 1998 but were plans was coniirmed recently. "We've rented ice for 25 years and every year stymied by the municipal election slated for this Council sympathy produced a close vote, but in there is an increaae 10 reflect inflation. The timing autumn. Mayor Gord Kràntz warned them that nof. the end counicillors stuck to the new tees. of ibis increase is inappropriate for our sport. Il in mattler when they set the budget they would be hit- The complaints, while rnentioning increased difficult to colleci money after the fact." ting some group after the lact. costs. were actually directed at the late notice. Ice She added the îown as not providing any more Councillor John Challinor suggested setting an tisiîtg groups in parttcuiar were concernied about service tn exehange t'or the higher tee. ice rate for a longer term and chastised colleagues the, added ditticty in collecttng tromn indisîdual "li sympalhetic but 1 have a budget that basi tofr expressing concern but taking no action. tîsers. be balanced," said Mr. Hunier. "I'm ni ni increasing "You can't sut there and express concerns and Ice tees for idrili gIrîîrps Wtll rise tW $121 per taxes tri subsîdize the cosi of' services which then ncut do anything about it," he said. In the end litîur. cmuttctllis lieard. rîîughly what. tther should be lied iii user tees"- counicil agreed 10 consider ice tees as pari of the munteipalîttes charge. Mr. Hunter added that overaîl the Town of' 1998 budget but balked at taking an carly position. 01l :49 M R PIN ' f ,~5S'l' 3.' se uay""" SIil S23$72S22bae on 24 oh , lee f , r Cmfit 'o q ,a ', ,,s-e o' ap.,, cled' iS.- and1000k, ry , deag mt,,ao, applp y $2,95 o mpya 'N, 97 Srm LSRgaCW44)u"ab '$ 1 an al"s. ppi cal ae N, 97Epoe D ,SM- 67D ilS hl "5"S05i pay i299 bmel01 24 *"fiCS.O5 lem th ap-d- - or mi ~~05 ioes 1 -d mi-ed psy..,. I.,Iqse, '5.o Il.gihysîî 920 si.o s, Fr ,"t ulfe t, .o t,>dtolsand18,00 it f' fa'"'Ige st-on ppl 133'5il PaYeit01 i-aenttad re l Ofepe.cGmfigh,(S70). iene, nd l apOabl -m ..Fe, 997Rane, ebe VI -hP EP0-57t.1182 Ù.24 ,5,51 as Sellinq com Pickup In C Sellinq sport-Utility L In North Americal- Fash ion flot q uite dead yet By MERL LAGRT Special to The Champion Despite what everyone thought, the 77 students scheduled 10 graduate on June 23 f'rom Sheridan College's highly acclaimed Fashion prograin may not bc the last. "A college-wide memo went out aaying that the president (Sheldon Levy) has set up a committee 10 assess the possibility of re -opening the program"- program co- ordinator Joy Morgan told the Oakville Beaver, The Canadian Champion's sister paper. "Their findings are due by September and the earliest the program could re-open would be the faîl of 1998." Both Fashion Management and Fashion Technique and Design were among 10 programa eut by former president Mary Hofstetter in December, 1995 in response 1o a provincial funding reduction 10 the college of $7 million. Mr. Levy was reached at the Brampton campus and confirmed that a committee has been slruck and ils decision is due in the faIt. Award winning designer and Sheridan graduate Linda Lundstrum ta on the panel, along with members of the Sheridan coin- munity. "Il was a commitment made by the pre- vious president," Mr. Levy said, adding that the program was suspended, flot closed. 'Vie are now honouring that com- mitment." Should the committee decide to reinstate the program, the question of format will then corne into, play. "AIl aspects will be looked at including cost," said Mr. Levy. "In other words, is it worth il?" Fashion is stilî a part of the continuing education branch of the college and facul- ty and equipment are still available. The question surrounda the post-aecondary level of instruction and the studio space used by those students bas already been designated for other uses. According to Mr. Levy, that will not be a problem. "Other adequate space la available," Mr. Levy said, adding that faculty members have already approved altemate locations. Mr. Levy indicates in the April 25 memo that since taking office in January, he bas received many commenta about the quality and reputation of the program, and thia must be the tirat measure for any dcci- sion. The terma of reference for the commit- tee are preaently only available on the col- lege web site, but the memo stalles "Input from the community will be invited and is very welcome." 'Net grows According 10 Kate Johnaton, manager of the business development center at Halton Region. business intemnet use is growing. The center is otfering several avenues 10 underatanding this growing medium including seminara, internet listings and important sites for business information. Ms Johnston said a year ago only 30 companica liated in the Halton business directory had an internet address. Now there are more than 300 companies with an intemnet presence in Halton, represent- ing about 10 per cent of the total number of buainesaes, abe said. For more information on how 10 make the medium work for your business caîl Access Halton at 825-6000.