10 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday June 10, 1997 _________________ Cops to lose their mops for good cause Crime Stoppers -- t- -1 i.Ml-0F H AL TO0N *tram FUZZ on page 3 Udillonioli $ý0( uo l. k lrsl'L $12,0(x in Il montbs. By 1996, more than 500 police ollicers in Alberta (including females) shaved their heads. To date more than $450,000 has been raised through AN (onstal Mffllîollan tit hcard 4l tir, ca paigint hrougb reading tIse Canadian Police Association Magazine a few months ago. Since then he has been working quietly behind the scenes organizing Halton's campaign. The officer Donations for Cops f0r ('sn br c x made' ai any oi the local police stations in H.slton, ou ai dise Halton Regional Police Headquarters on Bronte Road. Milton's new police station is on Childa Drive. THE WAIT US OVER. The first 36 kilometres of the 407/ETR Express Toli Route, from Highwvay 404 in Markham to Highway 410 in Brampton, are open. The 407/ETR wilI save you time and stress. For pennies per kilometre, you'II zip across town. No toîl 1booths vvilI hold you Up. No holdups will slow y&su dlown. And for a limited time, you can test drive North America's first alI-electronic toil highway f ree. No charge. Except the charge you'II get out of driving it. Zip across town on the ETR. Is it really non-stop? WiIl it save you time? Find out for yourself. The ETR is possible thanks to a small electronic transmitter called a transponder. lnstalled behind the rear viewv mirror, the transponder tells the highwvay's overhead antennae the times and points of entry and exit. The system bis you m onthly. * But you don't need a transponder for the test. If you already have one, instaîl it now and see how it works. No charge. And you coutd win a daily prize or a grand prize. To order a transponder or find out how it can save you time and money, caîl 1-888-407-0407 or for local calîs, 905-264 5330, or visit our wvebsite on the internet at www.4O7etr.com. *If you don't have a transponder a licence plate recognition systenl captures a video image of your plate and bills the registered plate owner the per kilometre toit charge plus an extra $1 toit per trip ta, rover additional processing costs (But flot during the test drive period.) A e 407 eM Express Toi! Route Z Pick up a registraton formi at thse follovWng retailent in thse GracIer 7'oronto.area. Cops think burgiaries connected Detectives believe two burgiaries at homes in northwest Milton are related and Crime Stoppers wants te know who was involved. On Monday, June 2 between noon and 3:20 p.m., two homes were entered through unlockcd rear doors. At both the home on No. 10 Sideroad near First Line West and the house on Fourth Line West near No. 15 Sideroad, rooms were ran- sacked as the thieves removed computer equipment, entertainment systems and jewelry. The preliminary estimate for the value of the property stolen froro both locations totals more than $10,000. If you happened to notice anything sus- picious in the area that day or since, of if you think you might know who was involved, Crime Stoppers would appreci- ate your cali. If you have any information that leads ta an arreat in tbis or any other case, you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1.000. You need not give your name and your information will be treated with complete anonymity. Crime Stoppers does not sub- scribe to caîl display. Caîl 1 -800-222-TIPS or 825-TIPS. Crime Sloppers of Halton ig operated bv a board of directors made U4p of 18 civil- ions froni ail areas of Halton Region. Tire rewardfiond resirtsfroni thefinancial sup- por ofbusiness, idi strv sne clbs andprivare citieis. Fundraiser at Pineland The Halton Region Conservation Authority is hosting a fundraising dinner - "Make Hay for Conservation" - ai Pineland Farm in Homby Friday, June 27. In addition ta a barbecue dinner, the evening will include numerous raffles as well as a live and silent auction. Proceeds [rom the event will be used ta renovate and expand the R. Ross Craig Visitor Centre at Mountsberg Conservation Area. Tickets are $50 per person and are avail- able at the HRCA office at 2596 Britannia Road iitaBurlington, or by calling (905) 336-I1118. SHARON PRESSÉ R.N., LLB Barrister & solicitor Suite 301 205 Main Street East Milton 876-46*56 FAMILY LAW & DIVORCE