Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jun 1997, p. 38

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145 General Héin Wnnt~d si1 ï .V 1 Local distribution firm requires a oelf-motivated WAREHGUSE MANAGER Doties onclude operatiog computorized shippiog sys- tem, oaperoîsing/co-ordinatiog 10 employeeo on pick- iog/packiog orders, bonded warohoose maintenance. Previoos eoperieoce reqoired. Forard rosumes: Box 5025, c/o Oakville Beaser, 467 Speers Rd., Oakoie, Ot. L6K 3S4 155 SkiIIed HeID Johnson Controls A Fortune 500 Company Johnson Controls ix a teading North American manufacturer of automotive seating. Achieving ouf- standing excellence in the areas of quality, we pride ourselves in ail areas of "Just In Time' manu- facturing. Our strength in our teamn concepts and philosphy enables us to continue f0 improve and axceed our customer expectations. We are now hiring the iollowing positions for oar new Toyota Lina: MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Belonging f0 a team of Maintenance Technicians, the succensful candidate will be responsible for maintaining ail areas of the plant, including production mies, building utilities and most importantly thie tram aimosphere throughout the plant. Knowledge of hydraulic pneumatics, conveyors, jigs and fixtures are also needed for this shift work position. If you are a Cortified Millwright with fen or more years oxoorience. have a working knowledge of PLC programming and troubteshooiing, are familiar with control systema, robotics and automa- tion, you may be the team member we are searching for. SECOND SHIFT M.I.S. COORDINATOR Reporting ta the First Shift M.IS. Coordinator, you will be responsible for the administration of Noreli for over 50 PC's. Proven knowledge oft PC hardware and iroubleshooting esperience required. You must also retain a strong knowledge of communication nefworks including UNIX and VAX plat- forma. Other esperience involves working with electrical controls and Allen Bradley PLOs, opera- tor interfaces and automated equipment. The succesaful candidate must also posseas sfrong computer akilîs including, Lotus 5.0, Word Perfect 6.1, Approach Database, AufoCAD and Microsoft Publisher. If you have 3 years esperi. ence in this field and would lika te work on a sfeady afternoon shift you may be the candidate we are looking for. Please forward your resume f0: Human Resources Manager JOHNSON CONTROLS LTD. 5205 Park Hill Drive Milton, Ontario L9T 5G8 Fax: (905) 875-1849 ______ NATIONAL GROCERS CO. LTD MISSISSAUGA CLASS "A" MECHANIC NIONT SHIFT- WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAY We are looking for a fuIly eXperienCed liCensed truck and trailer meChaliC to service our corn- pany fleet. lnterested candidates must have the following qualifications. Good Diagnostic skills, welding eXperienCe and the ability to work inde- pendently in a unionized environment. Your own tools will be requîred. Please forward your resume to: 6100 Freemont BIvd. Mississauga, Ontario. 15R 3V7 Fax # 905-712-3285 No phone cails please. Only Ihose baing considered will be conlactad. 2 _~ 16 f i e i _ _i BUSY MILTON OFFICE us seeking an energetic part-lime Receptioniat with flexibility to work some daya, nights and weekends. Excellent communication alîls, as ami as typing and com- putera a must. PIcase send resume to: Box 2247, c/o The Canadian Champion, 191 Min Street Milton, On. LOT 4N9. 87e23e ibu ICI ice meiD MILTON Buay Medical Office requires a PART TIME DICTA-TYPIST/RECEPTIONIST Please forward resumne ba: BOX 2249, c/o The Canadîan Champion, 191 Main Stroet E., Milton, Ont LOT 4NO 145 e@nîà-rql Heln- tati SALES &LEASING NEW &USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SELL - LEASE LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 1992 MERCURY Grand Marquis L.S. New tires, brakes, superb condition. Fully loaded. on,; $12.850. FuI y certified. 905-878-5048. 1990 MIATA, blue with hardtop, never seen snow, 52K, womien driven. A must tb sea. Best offer. 905-877-2521. 1985 PONTIAC 6000 STE, 4 dr, new partgo conition. Cerfified $3,000. flrm. 877-1624. 1983 GMC Fuil Size Window Van. $650 as as. 877-2328 (leave message.) 1982 4 door, 6 cylindler, Ford Granada, 92,000 K, motor, brakes, exhaust and wheels il excellent, needs body work, $1,000 oa ksfm. 878-1920. AUTO INSURANCE We inaure new divers, those with tickets/accidents, no insurance. Best rattes. Ci Warren, 519-853-4284. 200 Vehicles for Sale Cashvway Building Combres requires D LIC DRIVER/YARD PERSON (Port lime) An undarstandîng of lumber & building maferials wiîh pravious related experience a definite assai. Must ba a feamn ployer wifls high standards 0F cas- tomer service. Build your career on a solid Founda- tion, please forward your resumre by Jane 30 lo: Ron GOruk, Yard Foremaon, Caahway Building Centres 700 Main St. East Milton, ON L9T 3P6 Wie wthankoal partcipant, ony tse selected Ieo ineiewewec Ibe cont ed. No phone allepleese. CASH WAY wý 30-The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 6,1997 :155 Skilled HeID RAGLAN INDUSTRIES.l now hirnng TRUCK and TRAILER MECHANIC for their Milton DivisIon, We -ire acrcopting applications from expenienoed Truck and Coach Mecharucs for permanent, fuilt ime positions. Applicants must have experience in Traller Hydraullc, Electricl and Pn.umatc Systana. Wald- Ing ablity an assaI. Send resumne lo: RAGLAN INDUSTRIES INC., MILTON DIVISION, 140 MARKET DRIVE, UNIT 1, MILTON, ONTARIO, LOT 3HS WELDERS for their Milton Division. Must be sliled in MIG Welding of steel, alummnum and *hardened plate. T.I.G. sbdIlty an asset. Send EXPERIENCED HAIRSTYLIST REQUIRED FOR ESTABLISHED SALONI PLEASE CALL 873-6027 170 Davcare DAYCARE for one fu§ âmne avilable. Woodward & Wilson. Phono 876-4978. EXPERIENCEO 18 ye.ar old pursuing E C E availabla to babysit. Any aga. Reasonable rates/ excellent relerences. Avaîlable June 23. Mandly, 8784955. RELIABLE DAYCARE available. Fenced yard, playrooni, receipta. 878-8773 SUMMERIFULL/PART-TIME DAVOARE. Hot lunches, nutritious snacks, crafts, outdoor activities, CPRI/Frst Aid, flexible hours. Rlellable mother with reasonable rates. Receipta, references. Sharon, 875-2609. 202 Business Services SECRETARIAL SERVICES - Resumes, letters, reports, spread sheets, flyers. Please ral 878- 5108 for fsst & efficient service. 210 Personal ABUSED and afrald? For help cil 878-8555, a 24-hour criais Une for abused womnen. Hiton Women's Place as an emergency shelter avail- able for abused womien and iheir children in Hil- ton Regmon. AI cais are confldientiil. ARE DRUGS caualng you problems? Narcotics Anonymous can help. We meet Frlday nights at Grace Anglican Church, Min Street, Milton, ai 8:00 p.m. ARE YOU BEING affsctad by sommeons ea"a drînking? Ai - Anon Family Group monts each Monday night 8 p.m. at St. Paul's United Churds, brick door (parking lot entrance.) 1-800-891- 4862. EVANLY RAYS...Police Use Us. Rated #1 in Canada. Love, money, cameer, lucky rs. Achleve succeas, $2.99minute. 18+. 1-900-451-4055. NEAVENLY PSYCIIIC $2.99min. 18+ 24 hours. 1-900-451-3783, Daily Horoscope. 1-900-677- 7770, $5.00 - 24 hours. 18 DRINKING ouaîng you problama? AI- coholica Anonymous meet Tuesday nights rit Gracte Anglican Church, Min Street at 8.30 p.m. 1-800-91-4862. PREGNANT AND NEED A FRIEND. Caîl BîrthhIrh, 875-1245. 230 Vehicles-for Sale MÉý CREDIT PROBLEM? No credif or bad crecit On UIC, FBA, WCB, Bankrupt? Need another chance? Short of cash? We cari helpl Future Car r eit. 906-339-6700ý 280 Wanted to, Rent GARAGE large enough for 4 vehicle asnd sonne worldng apace. 905-875-1772, beave message. WANTED TO RENT APARTMENT, PART OR WHOLE HOUSE OR BED & BREAKFAST FRON JULY 16 TI'ROUGH JULY 31 DORSET PARK AREA PREFERRED REFERENCES PHONE 875-3425 WE WANT bo rent a houe with in-law potential. We cari take possession immediately. Phone 876-2864. WANTED LARGE BARN TO RENT 876-4998 285 For Rent 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOME in North Oakville available Auguat 1. Shows weI, $1,050/mont, plus utilifies. Cali Kerr Reaîty Management Ltd. (905) 876-0407. AVAILABLE JUNE, bright and cheery, 3 bedrooma in Acton. Garage, nice neighbourhood, gas heat. $895 i.. No dloga please. To view Seil 519-853-5658. 290 Apgrtmnents For Rent 1 BEDROOM APARTMAENT in Milton available' for rent. Please calI Antonio Vidiri at Realty World, Millpond Realty lnc. 876-0633. 2 BEDROON - part of century farmhouse - private entrance and own wrap around porch. 4 appliances. No pets. Suits couple. $875 + hydro. Immediate. 905-854-0536. 2 BEDROOMS avaitable now, Acton. Freshy decorated, 2 appliances. No pets. References required. 878-7398. ACTON, two bediroom apartment plus basement a laundry facilities, $700+. Also one bedroomn apartment, $550 plus. 519-853-5080, (519) 853- 5352. APARTMENT Single, 1 bedroore, $650. Campbeilvîfle. 854-2193. MLLSDE TOWERS -82 MLLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Dedroona alleble on bus route, fruahy deorted, 2 upplianoos, on.ml" Icindry, lcIesu &Il utlls <excepo Phone à @obe> Free Pearking, ne pets. Relerncea required. 905-876-1249 ApplytIo Realdent Mangr - MODEST, WELL KEPT top levai of 3 bedroon bungalow availahle July lat, looking for caring, responsible, dlean and non-smoking tenants. Professlonal or retirod couple preferred. No pets. References. $850. plus portion of utilities. 878- 0383. ONE BEDROOM apartment in country home. N. of Milton. Garage, walkout, patio, suit single adult. $600. plus utilties. 853-1368. TWO APARTMENTS, quiet ares, centraty located, parking, yard, no pets, references. 844- 9340e84-6273. TWO BEDROOM apartreent ba sub-let in Mikon. CalI (905) 337-7087. TWO BEDROOMA apartreent and garage. Avalt- able now. Ail utliities indiuded. 875-0678. TWO BEDROOM apsrtment availabte. lm- mediate ooeupancy. Calf Laurie. 905-876-2161. 300 Rooms Available FURNISIIED ROOPA atartg ait $70.00/week, kitchen privileges for working persan. Gentleman preferred. Weekly. 878-0225. QUIET, FURNISIIED, bedsiting more. Cable, on bus route, woreîng person. 875-1874. Lot AIl Milton know about your.. COMING EVENTS in The Canadlan Champion Phone 878-2341 or Fax 876-2364

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