1S-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Juna 6,1997 HI-5 HAIR &TANNING SALONi Uh~~J~ of t!8ý À76 > w_33 7 Photo by GRAHAM PAINE In the swing Jeftrey Newton, 5, and friand Zachary Ramsay swing away the aller- noon at the park on Laurier Avenue near Tonelu Sports Centre. High Annual Retums Average Annual Return of the "Beating the Dow Strategy" over the (ast 25 years* (Net of Fees and Commissions!) 16130Yo* TARGET 10 Strategy Returus (Net of Fet) $10.000 *Histoicolly tf thre Dow Snoategy hod been oppied tirrough ti Trust uehicle when selectng stock5 Low VolatilIty Target 10 Strategy's Worst 5 Year Average Return Since 1972 8.78%/ (1977-81) Investments Restricted to dhm 30 Corporalions Included in the Dow Jones e * Coca-Cala * GM *b GE* *Boeing e Disney e Exxon* *3M a AT&T *Walmart* l"Beats dm. Mairlet" *Dow 25 year Av9. Return 12.76% *Ta rget 10 Stra tegy 16.13% s969/ of US Mutual Fund Managers Fail ta do this. Ask about the Target 15 Trust: 20 year Returu of 20.5% ave, the les 25 yenrs, cveutors woud hove reolzed nuý l 1 3% aueroge annuel return SAVINOS BONDS NOW AVAILABLE TO ONTARIO RESIDENTS AND CORPORATIONS RATES: Step-Up 3.00% in year 1, 5.25% in year 2, 6.00% in year 3, 6.50% in year 4, 7.00% in year 5, 7.50% in year 6, 8.00% in year 7. SPECIAL FEATURES: CASHABLE Every 6 Months (june 21 and Dec 21) * uaranteed by the Province of Ontaria e Maximum purchase of $250,000 Investar Iocks in high 2 ta 7 year rates and bas the ability to receive origi1nal principal and interest every 6 manths .g uaranteed. This feature allows investars ta take advantage af higher interest rotes ,if they came alang. For more infonnruion and purchases cali Rob Rubino orjody Cou Ison at the numnber below. ROB **IN OR eOYCUSN P3 * -- :DOMINIO.N Attention Gonservative Equity Investors TARGET 105 TRUST à, 1 - 1 sowc Li