I v SUNDAY 24 PU 181 Satok $159.900 ROSS Runnaft in attendance Comm Dnweawh Ruat Hau. Smrices 876-040 SUN DAY 2-4 PM- 2130 Derry Roed $419,000. Jean Snowden in attendance Rainas mhtcw- Realy Corp. 878-7777 SW4DÏAY 2.4 -m 100 MHIslade. Pho. 2 $179.900. Sales Rep. in attendanice Asaux Milaine Realty Corp. 878-7777 SUI4DAY 2-4 PM 9419 Hwy. 25 <Dir N. of 401 estaide) $245.000, Florence Walter in attendance Ramas Mlltowne Raty Corp. 878-777 SUNDAY 2--4 PM 68 Miles si. $149.000. Sales Rep. in aitendance Mealty World, Millpond Raty 8764633 SUNDAY 2-4 PM 271 Satok Cres. $189.900. Joyce Hagevik in attendance Royal LOPage 8081 EstaIe Services 878-101 SUNDAY 2.4 PM 237 Bouslled $194,900. Sales Rep. in attendance Royal LePage Real EMta Services 87848101 SUNDAY 1-4 PM 5655 Sixth Line (South of Britannia Rd.) $225.500. Carole D. Budworth [n attendance Royal Laaga Real Hsae SerIces 878-101 SUNDAY 2-4 PM Lot 1, Country Lane (lai Line S. or 15 Slderoad, Moita t) $319.000. Sales Rep. in attendance Royal LaPage Real Hsae Servces 8784101 support centre Lesbî.sns and wornetî ques- port and/or wornen questioning tloning their sexual orientation their sexual orientation. can find support at the Halton For more information or to Rape Criais Centre. register, contact Karrie Hatton, The centre offers a support group co-ordinator, at 825- group for lesbians needing sup- 3622. MOUNTAIN BIKE With Every Certif led USED VEHICLE PURCHASE for the month of -Drap by the Dealerahip for Delelîs. LINCOLN MVERCURY M 0 T 0 R S L 1 M i T E D 655 MAIN STREET EAST, MILTON Il 875-3673 - - _______ M 1floto ttY Ç2RAHAM PAINE Big moneyi7 literally The Halton Spartsmen's Association farmally transferred the money raised tram club fundraising ta Miltan District Haspital recently. Pictured abave are (tap Ieft) Arnald Powell (tap right) haspital faunda- tian member Carol Wilsan and Jack Snaw, club treasurer. IUI1 1 L r fu1- COME OUT AND ENJOY YOUR FAVOURITE - VIRTUALLY LIVE ON 2 CIAN V1DEO SCREENS FOe IKESC 8801 OR 8-: 72 Proceeds f0 be donated (o the Milton Hospital Foundation and the Milton Chapter of the Canadian Cancer Society. fnldr&Rlnology f8t1etiIism Honnit Aronson, mi, opc High Blood Pressure? 6 year Clinical Research Trial If you have high blood pressure or are being treated for hicrh hinnAr racer you May medication provld 905 337 0040 W&b W -l uJ.a lu be a candidate ed throughout the trial V.ICd[alîff@nu i 4-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 6,1997 Sex orientation