[Mississauga crosses the Une r Counc ilor Rick Day is upset. ..in îîuc , u bdivi.sioi l at reccot occtlng C u c l B According 10 Milton's director of public works John Maîîhews, waîer holding ponds for a Mississauga sub- division have been buili on the Milton side of Ninîh Mr. Maîîhews reminded council ihat the natural S Line souîh of Derry Road. drainage of the area bringa waîer mbt Milton from II The ponds are 10 conîrol waîer runoff trom the Mississauga. MacMeadows subdivision in Mississauga. S "At what noint is the ; A., ') 1A[- Scouts may camp near quarry Day asked. "Do you need a building permit for ponds?" Councillor Brian Penman suggested developers in Mississauga were able to build more homes on their aide of the boundary because they located the ponds in Milton. Mr. Matthews said there could be as much as 20-30 acres of land used for houses that would not have been if the ponds were in Mississauga. Mr. Penman said drainage in the ares was t0 be dealt with under construction plans for Highway 407, which is proposed 10 be built a litile west of Ninth Line. However, because that project is delayed there is no master plan in place. According 10 Mr. Matthews the private consortium which will construci Highway 407 doca not want the extra liabliîy of dealing with untreated water. Mr. Day suggested the property the ponds are buili on is provincially owned. He insisted on an investiga- tion as 10 ownership and possible transfer of the prop- erty and responsibility of the property owner. 'There are thousands of acres.of property in Milton owned by the province," said Mr. Penman. "If' a pri- vale company can oftload their problems onto Milton then we have an obligation to investigate." Milton town council is conaidering a rezoning appli- cation t0 allow a boy scout camp jusi north of the Dufferin Aggregaîes property on Sixîh Line Nassagaweya. A clearing on the property would he used 10 build bunkhouses, picnic sheltera and an equipmenî shed according 10 Brent Clarkson, acting as agent for the owner. As many as 120 campers could be on the site ai any lime according 10 Mr. Clarkson, however moal camp- ing will be done by amaller groupa of about 50-60, uaually on weekends. The second stage of the zoning application process is expected 10 reach counicil in laie June. OId sait replaced Council recenîly agreed 10 spend $23,754 on a new brine chiller 10 mainiain ice ai John Tonelli Arena. The old unit, which auper-cools waier before il is pumped beneath the concrele ice pad 10 keep the ice frozen, is about 30 years old and aI the end of ils use- fut life. Despite a leak in the sysîem the unit was maintaîned throughout ibis pasi winter. Alternatives wcre insestigaied and found 10 bc con- siderahly more expensive, council heard. Candidates getting wired Municipal election candidates across Ontanio are now accessible on the internet aI www.municipal97.com. Candidate plalforma, pictures and citizen teedback forms are al ibis website. Links 10 candidates' personal websiîes or munic- ipal websiîes can also be eatablished. The municipal election is set for ihia November. The site will not be complete until aIl candidates file. REGIONALNMUNICIPALITY0F HALTON PLANNING & PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT NOTICE-..uý 0F ROM) RENAMING NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 210, paragraph 111 ofThMe Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amendeil, and other powers thereunto enabling, the Regional Municipality of Halton proposes 10 pass a by-law to rename the following streets and/or sections of the streets within the Town of Milton: Current Street Name Location (lFromfro) PropQsed Street Name 5 th Line (Regional Road 8) Steeles Avenue to 5 Side Road - Nassagaweya-Esquesing Steeles Avenue to Town Line 5 Side Road (Regional Road 22) Appleby Lmne (Regional Road 8) lXemaine Rd. (Regional Road 22) On Wednesday, April 23, 1997, Council approved Report PPW38-97 authorizing the road renaming and advertising of the above noted streels. On Wednesday, JuIy 9th, 1997, in the Hallon Room aI the Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario, Council through ils Planning and Public Works Committee will hear in person, or by bis/ber Counsel, any person who dlaims that he/she wil> be adversely affected by the proposed street naine changes and who applies te, the Regional Clerk no later than Friday, June 27îh, 199710o be heard. If no person dlaims that he/she wiIl be adversely affected by the proposed streel name changes, the by-law will be prepared, approvedi and the naine changes registered at the Registiy Office. Further information conceming the street naine changes can be obtained from: Mr. M. Krusto Transportation Technician Regional Municipaliîy of Halton Planning & Public Works Department 1151 Bronte Road Oakville, Ontanio, L6M 3LI, (905) 825-6030/878-8113 ext. 8142 JOAN A. EAGLESHAMa REGIONAL CLERK Mw.region.halton.on.caJ THIS FATHER'S DAY GIVE DAD G»U") A S p clFUTURE FLAMES TAMyg Future Flames is family Owned and Operated Since 1986 NO Start Enjoying The Great Cooking Convenience VM Iyý A Natural Gos Barbecue Can 0f fer.. AdMkNoPayments 'ii Sept '97 Broi King.~ eee FUTUFRELBABQES NlO NOaeda QEW 406 Sers . bes&Oakll 4155 NT Fairiew t., 'HlIng SPEE. 9 338WAR to76 68-97 fet OA MO.: US.1 m6 * R. 0a-p