H&G6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 3, 1997 Colour your house beautiful with aluminum windows Almost everonc enjoys watching old black and white n1oircs .shmLm elm.Ihr something mnherently dramatic about a world Ihat's only shades of grey. But have you ever stopped teu lhink about how drab real life would be without colour? While colour has aurrounded mankind un every side and subjected him lu ils influence since time immemorjal, il is only relatively recently we have been able lu use and reproduce colour as freely as we do today. Before the l9th century, only a limited number of dyea and pig- ments were known and these were mainly of organic origin. Only within the last hundred years or su has this piclure changed. Now, there are liîerally lhousands of colours of every imaginable hue available for almoat any purpose. From the bright blues of the sky te, deep fores( greens, colour pervades the producîs we use, the cloîhes we wear-and the homes in which we live. Swiîching 10 aluminum windows can make your hume mure colourful and maintenance free. How9 Firsi of aIll frget abot the oid silver alu mîinumn shades oi the past. Aluminum cao now be colour coated in almost any shade imagin- able. In lad, il is hard tu [mnd a colour-no mal- ter how conlemporary-hat cannot be ulilized on aluminum. Not Just Another Pretty Place But there's mure lu aluminum's credil than juat ils ubvious aesîhetics. That means thal the colour which gues on your aluminum windows is both durable and long lasîing. They won'l ever peel, flake, crack or blister. Even after years uf exposure lu winter cold and summer heat, your aluminumn windows will look as good as new. Because aluminum doesn't absorb moisture and duesn't malt, il provides an ideal base finish. The two most pupular finishes for aluminum are baked enamel and anodic cuatings-buîh avail- able in a wide variely of colours. From an aes- thetic and architectural viewpoinl, Ihis is a major advanîage lu choosing aluminumn windows. And if arc hitecis use- .îuminijm %s ndows for 40 floors, why flot use îlsem for two Iloors? Besides being available in a range of standard colours, custom colour choices may alto be an option. Imagine using a sumpluous teal or ele- gant aubergine and you're beginning lu gel the currenl aluminum window picture. As a consumer, you cas anlicipate a long life expecîancy [rom your aluminura window finish- es. Why do these modemn colour coatings last su much longer? There are three basic reasons: ONE: When il is pre-îreated, aluminumn ilseif is an ideal material on which lu depusil a baked- enamel coaîing or an anodie finish. TWO: Hislorically, aluminumn manufacturera have paid a great deal uf attention to surface fin- ishing qualiîy. As a result, they have developed a wide range of long-lasîing cualings. THREE: Over the years, much research has been dune tu discover paint pigments and binders (the material which holds the pigments and adheres lu the melal surface) that are inher- enlly lighîfasî. This results in the longeaI posai- hie coating lire 00(1er varions ens ironontal conditions. Our homes are more than jusl places lu live. Thcy reflecl our personal sense of style. No îwu homes are exactly the same, because everyone likes lu put lhings together in their own way. Rather than keeping up wiîh the Joneses, devel- uping your own unique style the goal for the '90S. TMe way in which you decorale your home is an outward expression of your individual cre- ativily. And the more individual and distinctive your approach, in fact, the better. Thal's why today's consumers demand a wider range of colours in windows. Choices are limited only by your imagination. Complement any colour seheme with a selection [rom the wide range of standard colours offered by muaI window manufacîurers-from creamy white lu rich earth lunes lu pupular decorator colours and many more choices. Surface texture is important 100 and most colours; are available in high-, medium- and low-eloass formulations. Takes "work" out of Iawn and garden work With aM that our affordable GT275 Lawn and Garden Tractor has to offer, it's no0 wonder taking care of your lawn is no longer work. A 17-hp engine and hydrostatic transmission supply the power and versatfity to cut even the biggest jobs down 'L, size. And with convenient extras like speed and direction foot controls, and a rotary- dial cutting height adjuster, itfs amazingly easy to operate. And its low price makes it 1589 Steeles Avenue East, Milton, Ontario L9T 2X8 PHONVE: (905) 878-2121 FAx~ (905s> 878.4023 18 53 8 SALES ý G U 1 D E