The Canadian Champion, Fniday May 30, 1997 - 25 Novice Mavericks hold off hard-charging St. Catharines 9-8 l'ie Mi(ton ias cick no vce lacittsse tcaîn stavcd off a laie comneback by St. Catharines Tuesday ai Tonelli Sports Centre -for their second win ibis season. The visitors scorcd the tinal two goals of the contesi, including one with jusi 1: 12 remaining, buit Collido i cnticly undo sonw e arly dainage ni a 9-8 loss îo the Mavericks. Milton enjoyed 4-1 and 7-4 period leads en rouie to viciory in a pciialiy-frec affaîr. Thcy now sit ai 2-1-2 on the year. Mati Lenardon and Creighton Reid anchored (lie oti ice \e til tihicc goals .tpicc antd a coini- bîned îhree assisis. Also providing a sîandoui pertormancè was Maîî Chuchînach wiih iwo goals and a pair of helpers. - Chris Pedulla, meanwhile, sank one goal and assisîed on a second wih Jeff Kiiehen drawing titi cc assii and Robic Ii iit oti [ýosoitl Collard and Elgin Reid contributcd single helpers. Sound goalîending came from Nate Grenke. His main nemesis on the night was Dan Ziraldo, who scored once and assisted three times. *H SAAINCPORTSDY A 0,19 Todd Forsyth first again ait Flamboro For the second tîme in the stîll young Flamboro Speedway season, Todd Forsyih and the Milîon-based Racers Edgc ieam were vic- torious via posi-race disqualification. The local contingent won last Saturday's Challenger division feature, afier Wellandport's HarryTopp was disqualîfied. Piloîing the Racer's Edge car, Forsyth had 10 make bis way to the front from the 10ih siarting spot. On one occasion, he wenî down the front sîreîch on the ouîside oil two other cars, but wîsely backed oifthie ilîristle and avoîded whai could hiave been a had wreck. Mion's Andy Whcllcr bet tont coineback kid Carl MeKellar in the Street Stock class. Holding on ai the wire, Whelleî won by a hall'a car Iengih. He îook over the lead from Breit Travis midway through the race, aller hounding the Dundas driver for eigbi laps. Glenn Colling compleîed a sîrong Milton sbowing witb a fifih-place finish in the Canadian Vuntage Modifieds division. Sports camp for youngsters Pre-registration for the l8ih annual Milton Sports and Finess School will be beld nexi Fniday, June 6 ai Milton District High Sehool from 4 to 7 p.m. In conjuniciion wiih the Hallon Sports and Fitness School, the local program will once again ofter two onc-week summer camps - beiween Aug. Il and 15 and Augusi 18 and 22. The cosi for each week is $85 for one child and $75 for each additional child in the family. The camp -held ai Milton District High Sehool - s open to boys and girls six 10 13-years-old. For information, caîl camp coordinator Brian Arsenauli ai (905) 689-3245 or 847-0595. 4 E. Nichols hits stride in track Carnie-Ann Nîchols has wasted lîtile lime finding her stide on the provincial junior duaiblon circuit. rî ý 1M In only ber second ever duaihlon, the 16-year-old Bishop Reding student paced hier way ho a - fourih-place finish in Claringion Sunday ai the provincial champi- onships. Building on sirong Halion and GHAC (Golden Horseshoe Aihlelie Conference> perfor- mances with the Royals, shne cov- ercd the gmueling 5-kilometre run. 30km bike, 7km mis course in jusi over iwo hours. SenSonl Compeling wiih girls up to ihree years older ihan ber, Carnie- ïp Ann missed the bronze medal by fi n- ale a matier of seconds. She iraveled to Hamilton's Milton District and MeMasier University yesîerday C. Drury high (Tbursday) where she atiempied achools' basebail teamas ciosed out the regular season Mon- day. At Ieft, Milton District pitcher JefU Langie was on the mound whiie (above) an E.C. Drury runner suid safeiy into sec- ond. In the end, Miiton District pre- vaiied 6-4. Photos by Graham Paine Carrie-Ann Nichols io earn her second siraighi OFSAA (Ontario Federation of Sebools Aihleiic Association) bcrib in boih tbe 1 ,500m and 3,000m. Gagnon gets focused The Milton Springers Gymnasis Club closed oui ibeir 1996/97 season witb somne grass- roots competition recenily, as the six and seven-year-olds per- formed for family, friends and peers ai an mn-bouse meet. Participants were judged on execution of specific skills raiber than routine scores, wiih top fin- ishers earnîng ribbons for iheir efforts. Julie Gagnon proved to be the most aggressive on vauli wiih firsi-place honora for both sîrongesi mun and besi pre-flighî. She also eamned top marks for ber dive roll on floor. Besi swings and overaîl presen- tation on bars weni to Erin Baumeisier. Judges were also impressed wihh bier cariwbeel, back walkover combinalion on floor. AlIma Ferguson executed the only successhul cartwbeel on beam, and won the overaîl pre- sentalion category as well. A sound tloor routine - feaiuring ail the basic elements - eamned ber yel anoiber nod for overaîl preseniation. AIl three girls were recognized for their front rolîs on beam. 8UY ONE 1.1 .~ Ilunch buffet and large beverage * 3A î £ gEEUE treguir pice and geto a Pirraluchp uffto ru iado O t Hwy. 25 &Derry Rd. PiZV potslcsadMe 875-4890 d ncîn 1 nl tMitnPlm u. yf Jfi I Ltlafe »Jtmeoioi ovst