24-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 30,1997 e e Charluy Fllzwhlskeys 2 Blirine Seccer 1 Chariey Fitzmhiskeys poured on the pressure to outohine Shrine Soccer. Nicholas lzzi mas unstroppable, scoring twice whule Justin Ferrante and Kriotina Lace stopped aimoot everythieg in goal. Vikram Kalia scored ton Shrine Soccer atter tak- ing the bail] ail the way doco fid, ieaving the pack behind. Alexandra Kennedy and Sara Stockall mode some great savles, maing if an euciting game for ail. Lions Club O Hunt Plymouth Chryslur Jeep 2 A game feul ni excitement, wifh everyone playing very meli. Amanda Casa and Brandon Denham shone n tire nef for Hunt, while Thomas Gingras and Kyle Mark Boyd scoreci the fîrat goals 0f the season for their team. Under 6 Comhined Apple Auto Glass O Milton Jaycees O Great defeese by both teamo pro- vented any goals f rom being scoredl J.D. Davies, Michael Miller andi Jillian Miiof worked the nets for Apple Auto Glass, chile Andrew Brown, Bruce Clilford and Pedrum Ghahara shared goaltending dufies for the Jaycees. Raymond Steel Lld. O Zak's Pltarmacy 0 Anlother scoreleas garne, with botir teama warkiag hard ta outsmart the goalies. Moily Cressan aci Jacoir Young were galies for Raymond Steel. Un7der 7 COMh)ined LaRase Bakery 2 Bank et Nona Scella 2 Tirexe lwx leonîs treoleci speclaors lx a greal gamel Kyle Johnsoni anci troci Mazzscale scereci for LaRese takere, and Scott Sîneer cinîcied lwe geais for Baak et Noea Scelia. Geai tenciers en Lath cornu sucre eeulsaricigý Kîmheriy Crîleph aire Arîancia Niecinieluki fee tank et Neya Scelia anci Jay Giinxy aci Doenic Lîzzî for La Rose takery Great etixrt by ireli leares. Congratulations ex yeer tîrul game of lthe seasani Under 9 Boyrs Alpine Mature 4 Reclewef i Automotive 1 Alpine Motors reaxeci up their motors ta zoom pat Rockwell in their first game 0f the season. Jordan Gleeci scored the first goal 0f the game for Alpine, anci mas qaickiy follomeci iy a pair from Nicholas Horbaz. Luke Hurtwick rouadeci ouf tire leam's score, white Michael Brans put Rsckmeli an the scareheard. Greg Cawoa wos stroeg in net for Alpine, flot aiiow- ing any goals on, and wan relieved by Nick f-forbasz at hail time. Stephen Jackoon and Mark Ciaesseno ohared net duty for Rockweii. Red Star1 Milton IDA 1 What a great start to the seasonl Ross Gilmoar opened the scering for Red Star. Great defensive tack- ling by Thomas Colt ins-Pallett and Witiiam Wells and encellent goal- keepîng frem Nick Renan and Eric Taylor et IDA kept the bail oat et fheir net. Robert Rabino equatized and prýduced a gond reseit for both teamo. Red Star received ntrong performances trom Kevin Marshall, Steve Marks and Nathtan (I neariy scored a goal!) Hicko. Graham Offieroki and Eliott Levrman-Pinean manned the net for Red Star. Scott, Batenchuc 2 New Mechanical 1 Exciting season openerl Scott, Batenictuk, led by the goaltending tandem of Jarrett Grant and Tyler Stevens and the outotanding defen- oive pinys ot Ray Socha oatfanted the otrong New Mechanicat team. Scoring for Scott, Batenchuk were Jameo Krapez and Lance Codner; reoponding for New Mechanicai mat Ben Clifford. Milton Oplimisi Club 8 Milten Jaycees 5 n the firl game of the neason, t he Jaycees came 0ut otrong on the firat f00 minutes, keepiog the Optimista hemmed in their omo end. However, the Optimiota weathered the storm and came out oo top at the final witle, courteoy of goals by Johany Guzzola (4), Riley Graydon (2), Stuart Phiip and Kevin Miller. Scoriog for the Jaycees more Aadrew Sturgess, Aadrew Walls ani JolI Lynchr mur a hait trick. Adam Rieteran ard Brian Lee were strang dl net for tre Jaycees, as score tronc Tril arrd Michael Harnett for tIre Uplirnîsîs. Balle teaniu sîrnalc be cerrgratulatot for as excellent first game, Unlder 9 Girls Acton $3 B Tim Hertees 6 A cool evning praxidei lire rigîrt conditions for aur irni-inatoc play- ers. Maay chaces tar masi players dariag this egrly seassa garne. Nicole Gilbert scareci tmice for Tim Hortons, aiarg with Diana Campbell, Mereditir Campbrell, Kathrya Detattîsta and Caitlia O'Connor. Jenniter Warzooek andi Katrina Albert shared tire sirutout. Sheppers Drug Mart 3 Millen Dodge Jeep1 Bsth teama playeci aery well during the tirat irait, with goals scareci fac Shoppers Drug Mort by Braako Harper and Gillian Doino. Great goaltending by Caittie Brown and Megun Johnoton! The second haif tam Milton Dodge Jeeps; Nancy Webb score their tirot goal, anomereci by Shopper's Gillian Qointan's second goal of the game. Second Itaîf net minders more Valerie Burke and Lauren Presniak. Muddy Duck 1 Michael'. Oplical 3 Moddy Dock's lone goal was scored by Ceurteey Coulombe t rom a blasting kick. Lauren Grant shomeci ber strong dribbiing ekilîs on the formard fine, while Katie Ward cov- ered the detense fine effectivey. Michuel's Optical playeci a strong game ap front having goals scored by Elizabeth Clark (2) and Fiona Sinan. Under 11 Boys Dura Building Systume 2 The Canadian Champion 2 Both teams had a gond start 10 tht season with 2 goals coming from Dura Building Systemo in the firot hall courtesy of John Watts and Jamie Webb (assisted by Phitip Tingtey and Matthem Teeter). The second haif sam a strong seies of attacks from The Champion with their first goal cuming from Robbie Wilson. The Champion haci three penalty kicks, mith one scored from Michael Coman. Johony McMahoo and Biily Scheele mere the goalies for Dura. A good game f0 see! MilIou Eleclrlc Moturs 0 Tim Hurluns 13 A xery ooe-sided game, with Tim Horton scoring non-stop. Nicholus Durante anci Bradley Cousins mere hasy an the Motors net, white Marc Caulombe kept the shutout ta hlm- self. Some of thre scorers for Tim l-lrlaas more Carrer Tru, Max Firchom aci Nica Jackliîr Unider 11 Girls Hertz fi Belamy's O Tire seccer seasan gel nil le a taxa slart for lire Hertz andi teiaîey's leanru. Thre leams were eveeiy ieiatclied resalling ix a te garne. the Hertz Ixors score very cioex te scerirt on sexeral occasions. Wrle gaxci goileadrxg iry Sarah Samuelson and Shannon Miller for tire Hertz leam, and Yvonne Sliekers aci Jesse Rietma for telmny's. Under 13 Girls Primes Priutieg & Promotions O Sangeant Farms5 Stephaoie Freeze led the Sargeaot Forma aquoci with 3 goals mhite teammate Ruth Hamor aideci tma. Michrelle Merritt aci Christia Steotiford were anheatahie in net despite ai rang offensive play fram Ardca Braxch aci Andrea Dimaoa Under 14 Boys Nortel 3 Ouality Inn 2 An enciting opening te the seasont The boys pfayed cet f and kept the bail moving despite the colci ceath- er. Domenic Meleca and Graham Patterson each scored tor Daality, Inn, chule Darryl Langstone and Douglas Whiteing tait ied tor Nortet. Doaglas alto scoreci the game min- ning goal on a penalty kick near the end of the garne. The nets were abty mindeci by Neil Lambrick for Nortel andi Dave Buck and Panlo Meleca for Duality Inn. Under 15 Girls Clarkeas Golf 2 Hallmare 1 f-aiimark playeci a gond offense, but couid nef penetrate the detense helci by Afyssa Adamo andi Astof fa Loura. Shaina Loche playeci a strong tormard and alter the second try piace i n a beautifal goal. In the second hait duning a bld ucrambie in front of Haiimarkts nef Fiona Siicock pushec i in the nef. Unlder 17 Girls Beuny's Famous Deli 2 Enin O Milton had their winter uniformo on for the first game 0f the t00t00 aif Thompn field. The temperature mode ail players alert! Most of the play mas on the midfieid, with both toams gettiog good chances hefore Milton broke the ice. Sharon McArthur broke baose midmay thraagh thre tirai huit. In tire second hait o leaci posa iry Erîn Kieto oilewed Heother Rallwaon ta hreak awoy axci score tire ansurance mark- or. Hoalirer Camerei leek lire uliuatut for Berury's Milton Magic Rep Reports Baye Under 10 Milton Optimiet-Saickero 1 Cambridige 2 Milieu Maguc li lire game an lire secondc irait Exon lhaogh Milton coiamnateci the play, Cambridge meai aheoci mrea they scareci tire final geai. Gsad defonsxo play by Daniel Smereka aci Chirrs Wheeiihun. Milien Optimist-Snickers 0 Cambridge 1 Milton Magic put forth a gooci effort n Guelph daring tire May long meekenci Congratulations la Ciris Whoeliiran, Mailhem Pruce anci Aodrem Patter miro ooch receiveci MVP amorcis ai the laurnameat. /1 O O e ~e e ýreminders for An enjoyable soccer season requires-ygu assistance! Please do flot hesitate to approach your chlld's coach and offer toi help in any of the following areas: assistant coach, team manager, orange or refreshment organizer, car pooling and game report writing. Vour help will be greatly appreciatedli Please rernember to bring the players to the game or practice 15 minutes before start time. This allows the coach and the parent assi stant to, titi in team Iists and arrange starting lirte-ups. Please encourage your chlldren to be rellable and committed to their team by doing their best f0 maie most of their games and practices. During the summer months, we realize that you may be away 1on vacation. Please inform your coach if you cannot attend a game. And lest but flot Ieast, let's remember to support our refer- ees!! They are volunteers, some for their first season, and are doing the best they can. Without our referees and coaches, we cannot play the gamre! Boys Under il Slect Tryo uts June 7, 11:OOam Robert Baldwin Sohool Cali Frank Czikk 876-1852 CFA Level i Technical CIinic Saturday, June 7 8:30-4:30 Milton District H.S. Cali Bruce Carlin 875-4588 Welcomne ta GoId Star Donguts! New sponsors of our Girls Under 19 Team. Thank you! Team Photos wiII be taken Saturday, June 14. Check with your coach for speciflo times. Canstar Soccer Cami returns to Milton JuIy 14-18 & JuIy 21-25. Ask your coach for a registration form or caîl Canstar directly at (519)657-4723. Don't miss out on the fun! 1