Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 1997, p. 14

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14-The Canadien Champion, Friday, Mayi 30, 1997 Peiz stili miffed about Bell Sehool Line Phase Two of'reconstruction on hold * a Canadian citizen or permanent resident? * 17 or older and out of echool 12 months? * unemployed? -currently receMng El (Employment Benefits); or -recelved UI (Unemployment Insurance) wllhln the aest 3 yrs YOu moY b. eligibi. for sponsor.d closs ln: 19W.lç C0m"uthilzed&cceswflng Applikoffons Provides the requlsite skllls to worc wlthin the computerized accounting area of today's workforce and a basic understanding of eccountlng, ACCPAC, & Simply Accouniting 9 weeks, beglnnlng June 30, 1997 6-WCIE Microsoft MOfie Basic and intermediate leveis in Microsoft Office; Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Intemet. Cail Milton ACT Centre 110 (905) 875-2272 Funded by Hurnan Resources Development Canada tbrougb his property, and then back out 10 the road. H-e asked that diiching be includ- cd in the reconstruction to alleviate the probleru, whîch he claimed causes substan- tiaI crop damage. John Matthews, Milton's director of public works, said ihat the mater is fun- nelled tbrough the area by a nalural swale. Mr. Pelz agrecd the walercourse only cxists during spring runoîf or afler particu- larly heavy rains. lic cl)nlcnded that a dîlcb, dug by resi- dents across the sireet, who previously owned both lots, is thc main sourcc of the excess water. "You arc saying ihis diîch was dug by the previous owner, so the problemn bas existcd l'or 23 years," said Councillor Brian Penman. Mr. PeIz wavcd around piclures and a > "What we are after is a little less heat and a littie more light."1 COUNCIOR BRIAN PENMAN By BRAD REAUME The Champion Bell School Line reconstruction oppo- nent Don Pelz kept the tire of his discon- lent smoldering ai Monday's meeting of town council's general committee. Some councillors lt their exasperation show through. At times thc discussion came close to boîling over. Mr. Pelz, a Bell School i mc rcsident l'or 23 years, bas opposed reconstruction of that moadway sincc thc projcct was pro- posed somc tive ycars ago. On Monday council was poised 10 give ils blessîng 10 the finaI phase of the plan but will recoîîsider options based on Mr. Pcb' concernis. Mr. Pelz complained thal runoff water is bcing tunnelled across Bell School Line 11. ~ U1JEC~ SCIENCE DIET HY 630GCANS: 156GCANS CANEDV!FEUNE =1 Lirrl2 cases/braily hl2 cass/amdy. DOG FOOD MANNNMCE L~~ :9l1rge4 Locaion in Brbmpton, Burlingion, E& A. O c Skoile Ottawa, Edmonton PARROTSI ON PARADE lL THIS WEEK'S FEATURES IN OUR BIRD DEPARTMENT..J COMI CAL.$ aftaflokp& CONUIRES Wooffmfhw-mMIan-m"a-Dt READY TO GO HOM~E -HEALTH GUARANTEE - <ARE SI-EET - FULL PAYMIENT REQ IRED FI$HY $PECAL$! 1 BIO-CARE 4 OZ ,-F Visit our state-of-the-art omputenized (LEAN. SEMINARS Fish Depatmnt with the biggest and NATURES ar S.ir i~ best selection of flsb and fish supplies mi BARK IU 4 8nYrQwsn& the area. Ask about our incredible15 day 8 QT.* Burlingion: May 31 fiahguaranteeREPTILE LIGHT BULBS ue2 CONGO 4 ELECTRIC$At44 2t as-" rnmest B.pn:J.l 7 ETABLUE 200FF &spebwb Loandon: lune 14 EAC344 JOHANNI WEACHLodn Jue4 COE EETH July 12 MALE $ 194 BUNIC $194 ~ M M B AHYGRO SELECTION 0F W *Ail Classes wili be EACH: EACH PRE-FORMED PONDS! 1helel beimeen 1 - 3 pm. BIRDUS TRPCAFS REPI POG eI SMLPT GROIC e. r - --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -i SEE US 1 : i cuuPI E E WmIHPURCMAEOFANY BY F4LBGT IEN THE UG DOG FOOD OUON EXPIRES )UNE 5,1997 1 k .- ------ -- - - ---- J V Wake Up The Liberals_ %eet JayT Jackson on June 2nd ~IIp ja7jLCkon rV- Muhasi.d b, Me. Quag ia OSli Agent for Jay Jackson ADVANCE TICKETS $10.00 AT THE DOOR $12.50 COME OUT AND ENJOY YOUR FAVOURIT COUNTRY STARS AS THEY PERFORM V1R'I1ALLY LIVE ON 2 GIAMr V1DEO SCREENS FOR TIK T.A88011 OR87 -72 - Proceeds f0 be donated to the Milton Hospital Foundation and the Milton Chapter of the Canadian Cancer Society. Mau 1- copy of Milton's official plan as bis cvi- deisce that the drainagc pattern mas îl nalural. He muade a thinly vciled Ibreai to suc if bis conceros wcre not addressed. "You have been bere on Ibis projcct for l'ive years now and Ibis bas neyer becs raised,' said Councillor Jobhn Challinor. * see DISPUTE page 17 m VALID UNTILTHURSDAY, )UNE 5,1997

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