2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 27,1997 L5z &Dit7iEZ an2JI itaff WŽ'oL20 E YEÇnfl2fEz <Vi£ciEF, *gL&1/ ýý4 0 l a,9gE ýEuf En LenE. ff you. ýa T LLEi.L[toni a/Êouat naitag9e t/2Fta2y an1 it'i ozn4~ eto azza,2pE an? a/+eLtnent, ca/I JE-nnfEz at JSecatJc at 95 Il4anS. a POTREl R lob 159 SEt 119l SET $249 _ DOUBLE' 149 SET* 249 DOUBLE 189* SET 299 OLEEN ý 189 SET 319 OSEEN _239 SET369 LKINS 399 SET 519 FACIORY DIREC PPJCES M liiil 31110Mi N Candidates in crossfire lover bill "ICriminals do flot register their weapons."1 BICK MALOEUF '-z ,CêL O*# NO TAX ON ANY MATCHING MA17REi i*r PLUS FREE s 1éè"u BED FKANESSE 29_ .-8 FR E E EKNý..49ST51K PIu-OWS FCOYD I IEUEFTNSF E 1 iAEF L DDE 9from SHOOTOUT on page 1 'Citillinais k1o no thei Handguns currenily must be regîsîcred, hut -ask any policeman where the handguns are in Milton and they don't know," hie said. He added that there's a lot of anger ovcr C-68 in Hlaton's farm- ing community. Gun control in the formi of the bill isn't the answer to crime pre- vention, said Conservative candidate Raiph Sehoitens. Uc said there's no proof that the gun bill wili work and calied it M a "typicai Liberai fax grah. "It fies in the face of honest citizens,- hie said. NDP candidate Jay Jackson said the legisiation needs Io bc reviewed 10 "deal with lthe core issue, which is crime. It's going 10 cosi millions Mf'dollars "It MeIs inl and it's not paoticularly entèrce- the face of ahle." However, Mr. Reed, quoiing honests statistis hie says show ihat one citizens." woman in Canada is shot tb ................. death every six days hy sonie- one she knows, helieves the bill RALPH wîii be effective and asked con- SCUDUENS stîtuents 10 give il a chance. 'Something is needed 10 tumn _______________ a smaii percentage of irrespon- sible gun owncrs mbt responsi- begun owncrs." Hc addcd that hc'd be happy 10 taik to constituents over the issue. 1I supported the gun bill, but I f'eit il could bc mnade hetter. i "Something is needed to turn a small percentage of irresponsible gun owners into responsible gun owners."9 JULIAN REED T $39_ _ 149 E _269 SET439 UEEN ..299 ST469 NG ....459 SET699 ,CT PRICES 1 lNSA tYE 1 MT lSBE -o.W.1. 9 pm. =ISA IThursFnl.-9p.mI üMji Saturday 9.6pm ilda 1-5 pm. was one of' 30 MPs who made presentaiions 10 the justice com- mince, which resulted in 72 amendînenis.- Green Party candidate Bill Champ took an even harder fine on the issue. Referring to party poiicy, Mr. Champ said in a prepared statement that hie helieves ail handguns. except those siored pet- manentiy ai tiring ranges, shouid be hanned, and ail hiunting rifles shouid be kepi in secure storage areas outside the home when not in use. "Guns kili things and they don't do much cisc. The Green Party wouid make it very diflicult for anybody, especiaiiy criminais, Io possess a t-irearm." While ssetland preservation and ouloorsinen's group Ducks Uniimited have dispiayed signs opposing the bill, and the issue hias been voiced ai ail-candidates meetings, Mr. Scholtens said gun control îsn't a major election issue. Hc said the media has made il a big issue, but constitueîîîs' main concemn s the t'uture of« heath care. HALTON ADOLESCENT SUPPORT SERVICES VOLUNTEER FUND RAISING ENTHUSIASTS URGENTLY NEEDED We are a non-profit, charitable organization that supports more than i1,000 Halton youth and families each year with their struggles. Many of the youth are horncless, physically and or sexuaily abused or they are experiencing behaviourai. emotjonai or psychiatrie difficuities. The demand for our service is increasing, but the past few years we have lost $500,000 of government funding. We started a Fund raising campaign to offset these losses and ensure that any youth or famiiy with troubles is flot turned away without the service they require. Some exciting ideas have been discussed but we are lacking the manpower to carry them out. We need volunteer fund raisîng enîbrîsiasts to help us with our campaign and increase our public awareness. We need volunteers that are dedicated. reliabie and able to carry out a projeet as part of' a tearn. Corne and dispiay vour talents aoc> heip suotPt "Today's Youth ... Tomiorrow's Proise' Contact (905>63~9-00215 ext. 232 l'or more information. I - Il! 'J SLUMBER REST 5 YH (il %K %%III" to tLiz SPACE SAVER METiqqL FUTON BUNK