D cit lineThe Canadien Champion, Tuesday, May 27, 1997-17 Dateine'Champ says he offers an alternative Dateline ts a tres lsting cf ccmng ve only. The column is available ta local com- munity groups to assist in promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groupa may usé this service. We can only guarantée one iaaue of publicity closest f0 thé date of thé occurrence although more insertiona are poasible if demand is 10w. Notices for Dateline should be handéd in et thé office of Thé Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed ta P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed ta (905>878-4943. Thé final deadliné as noon Friday for Tuéaday's édi- lion and noon Wédnescday for Friday'a édi- tion. Datéliné items will flot bé accéptéd by téléphone. Tuesday May 27 The Calling New Parents Group meets at CHERISH Parent-Child Centre, 540 Childa Dr., tram 1:30 ta 3:30 p.m. For more information, cal] 825-6060, exit. 7365. The Canadian Mental Healtb Association (CMHA), Halton branch, sponsors an intormation evening on légal issues involved in séparation and divorce. Lawyers Paul Milîman and Ann Stonér address the issues of custody and property as well as ather common con- cerns such as how much should a divorce cost, how ta choose a lawyer and when ta use mediation, at the Halton Regional Health Depariment, 251 Main St. E. The évent is part of the CMHA's Seminars for the Separated series. The costi s $6. To register, caîl Susan Phair or Lesley Hensbaw at 845-5044. The Twins Plus Association, a self-help support group for Halton and Peel parents af twins and triplets, meets ai Grace United Church, 156 Main Si. N., in Brampton at 8 p.m. Meetings feature dis- cassions, guesi speakers and lamily social events. Cati (905) 454-4504. The Campbellville Women's Institute holds an old-fashioned alternoon iea aI Si. David's Presbyterian Church an Guelph Line in Campbellville Iront 1 to 3 p.in. The esent is being field in celebration of' tire institale's 60th anni\ersary. TIse Haillon Vaginal Birth Alter Cesarean/Cesarean Awareness Group mnels ici provide infornsaîon, support and topical discussion for tbose interesied. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. The tapie is selecting yaur team and place of birth. For more information and directions. caîl Susan ai 842-3385 or Michele at 634- 2191. Wednesday May 28 Il's Hot Meal Deal Day ai the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., from t11:45 arn. ta 1: 15 p.m. Seniors are învited ta join in for great food and fellow- sbip. For mare information, caîl 875-1681. The Evening Star Rebekah Lodge Na. 79 holds Euchre Night at the Oddfellaws Hall (next ta Knox Preabylerian Church) on Main Street at 8 p.m. The cast is $3 for cuchre and lunch. Everyane is welcome. Cali 878-9280 for mare information. Si. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St. E., presents an evening aI hol jazz featur- ing Rab Hanter and the Paradise Valley jazz Ensemble front Scoitsdale. Arizona. Admission is free. For more infannation, catI 878-8895. The Haltan Won's Cenitre presents 4Closing the Sale' with Donna Harrisan, financial planner and sales tramner ai the Network f'or Entrepreneurial Women. The seminar takes place aI the Quality Hotel, 754 Bronte Rd., iii Oaks'îlle tram 7:30 ta 9:30 pro. The cost is $6. To regisier, cati 847-9104. Thursday May 29 The Vicioriiin Order oI Nurses holds a foot care clinic ait the Milton Seniors' sée DATELINE pagé 18 F3y 8RAD REAUME The Champion Bill Champ is trying ta pravide an alternative for votera on Jane 2. Mr. Champ has accepted the Green Party nomination for Halton in the upeoming federal election. "I was worried about doing more harro for thé parsy than good if t wasn't prepared," said the 25-year-old Georgetown resident. "Sa far it's been qaite an experi- ence." Mr. Champ said the introduction of proportional repre- sentation is perbaps the biggest issue for the Green Party. H-e feels that if each party earned seaus in the House of Commons in proportion ta the number of votes t hey received, politicians would require broad support ta advance courses of action, and smaîl voices would be He saîd New Zealand recently moved ta, ibis type af gavemrment, which also provides for the election of local representatives. In addition, thé Green Party calîs for a four-day work week ta help ease unemployment, a différent way of thinking about work ta assist thé many contract and part- tirné workers, a move away from global économies and a more productive way of measuring économiec output. .". 'We agree with eutting payroll taxes, bécause jobs is c the most important issue," said Mr. Champ. "We think it will help the unemployed get off (welfare) benefîts." Thé 1995 University of Toronto graduate in astronony ,%ae and philosophy also said there are social and family ben- efits to having another day off each week. Hé said gov- érrmnt should forgé policiés that make additional labour esee CHAMP page 18 Bll Champ ONE LESS THINGI TO WORRY ABOUT.rM Unlil SEPTEMBER 1997 * Purchase your new air conditioner or heating systemr between Junel1st &Junel15th, 1997 and get a FREE winter cover. (Valued at $75) eeepaymensaoalable to residenta cusaomeson approaed a edi thr0u5 Union Oas. Os s t sa ou de replacement paris and laour, NC re rgean ar system rechargang Cal for detais sos AI elr 1 L ENNOX 1 1