Malboeuf says: Reform will run conservative aenida - from MALBOEUF on page 7 built Up their profile and will contest seats across Canada. He dismissed poli resuits wbjcb suggest Reform support is low. He said polIs gave Reform only seven per cent of the vote before the 1993 election, in which they recejved 23 per cent. Mr. Malboeuf acknowledged that the policy of advertising for candidates seems an act of desperation 10 an outsider but he claimed it is designed t0 bring new people into the political process. He said he origi- nally answered an advertisement to see bow f ar along the party would allow him 10 go. He pointed to the candidacy of Brian Escb, a poîttical neophyte who graviîated to the religious rigbt, as an example of the open process. "The Brian Escb thing proved anyone can gel involved," Mr. Malboeuf said. "It also proved that the radical rigbt wing doesn't control the party. He only received 10 votes out of 166." Mr. Malboeuf said there are plans 10 bring Reform Party leader Preston Manning 10 Milton during the campaign, however details are not yet firm. Liberal Finance Minister Paul Martin and PC leader Jean Chareat have both made appearances locally. "I could say tbe other two candidates need tbe help," said Mr. Malboeuf. "1 don't tbink we need tbe photo op. The party decides where Mr. Manning will go based on which ridings need the boost and on his travel schedule." Hc said crime and justice, taxation and jobs are tbe main issues in the election. According 10 Mr. Malboeut, a Milton small business operator, many of Canada's largest companies said tbey will likely reduce staff Ibis year. 'Tbaî's wby we're baving an early elcc- lion," be said. "Unemployment and interesl rates will climb and overaîl economic numbers will not be so tavourable in tbe next six-lO months." Mr. Malboeuf said political credibility is anoîber issue. Hc said botb Tories and Liberals cannot defend a string of broken promises includ- ing ones on; tax increases, culs lu health care, tbe GST, NAFTA and a national day care program. "Does tbe fact that 1 bave no political experience burt me, or is it more in my favour?" asked Mr. Maîboeuf. *'We need fewer politicians in Ottawa and more people witb common sense." Mr. Malboeuf could sot resist taking a sbot aI the generous MP pension plan in wbich Reform Party members bave declined participation. He compared il 10 recent cbanges lu tbe Canada Pension Plan wbicb require Canadians 10 pay bigber contributions and receive lower retirement benefits. "We would bring the MP pension plan more in line witb private plans," he said. The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 23, 1997-9 Ladie CarCline. Date: Place: Sat., June 14 18 Commercial St. (at Bob's Auto) Time: 12 noon - 2 pm Tickets: $10.00 Ai proceeds front this clinic will go to St. Paul's United Church Building Fund. Auto OBIS PLCEAUTO ATmOiV EIR' R IC p . e. ** e FO MO E IFRAINC 878e926 Advance polis If you can't vote on election day, Monday, June 2, you may vote at the advance polis. The advance polis wilI be open on Friday, May 23, Saturday, May 24, and Monday, May 26, from noon to 8:00 p.m. See your Confirmation of Registration notice for the address where you can vote. If your name is not yet on the voters list, you can stili register and vote at the advance polis or on polling day. Remember f0 bring identification that shows your name, address and signature. For more information, e cali Elections Canada at 1-800-INFO-VOTE (1-800-463-6868) TTY/TDD: 1-800-361 -8935 I nternet: Electians Canada is the son-partsas ageecy respensibie for the cornduct of federa' electiens and referendums. Il pas knew samneane who Sas difficulty readina. please expiain the contents of this advertisemneit. ESections Canada Élections Canada