55 Notices GIRLS WANTED fram Canada betmeen 6-19 f0 compete in this 'year', 1997 luruîito pageaits. Over $20,000 in prizes & scholarships, including trip ta nationals in Las Vogas. CALL TODAY. 1-800-367-2125 EXT. 218 ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Wed. May 14 at 6:OGpm. Pres em tram 4:30pm ut the Agricalterai Hall, Milton Fairgrvends, Robert St. Feataring: Lots of votique tara tare inci flat ta mail capboard, basset cheat, china cabinet, dressera, tables, chairs, etc. Stained glass lots of primitives (Isola, etc.) Glass & china, iighting, îariy German doil etc. etc. Useai termo. For snf0 fan or phase: LJon Medley Auctianeer 905-878-2647 b~ LOSt or StraVed LOST, Grey & white cet "Borders" 878-4233. 78 Firewood FIREWOOD, herdwaod, ail quenlities aveilabie, speaial an 3 bush corde. Aia f irewood loges eveilable. 905-75-1623 80 For Sale S PC. SOUD Oakc dining romr suite. Excellent' condition. Asking $1000. 878-0746. AZTEC INTERNET ACCESS - Surf die net, wl North HalIon's own home grown internat provider. Corrpetitive rates, walk in service, free business listing. 873-2141 Fax # 873-2596, www.aztec-net.com CHILDREN*S PLAYGROUND deluxe swing set. 2 tree bouses, alida, etc. Asking $500. Ceil 332- 6089. DININGROOM Furniture. 9-pc. cherry mabogany, $1,750. 12 pc. mehogeny, Chippen- dale w/banquet table, bail & de.w chairs, $3,500 & olbers. Excellent condition. Fine quelity. Redy for your home. (Delivoty.) (905) 227-9458. DUFFERIN Pool Table, 4 X 8, 3/4 in. Italien elate, installed, $25 per week. 1-80-267-9466. HAVING PROBLEMS with your computer? Con- tact Eric (905) 875-0531. Aveilable for on-site configurations. Home/Business computera. TECHNICS STEREO system. 5 CD player, dou- ble deck, 200 mette. $10 per week. Free dalle- ery. 1 -800-267-9466. 27" ZENITH sterea TV $6.26/wk. 35' Zenith sterea TV $1 9.00/mk. Free Detivery. 1-800-267- 9466. COMPUTER SPECIAL: PENTIUM 120 WITH CD drive, fax modem, Windoms 95. $17.S0/mk. 1-800-267-9466. 18" DIGITAL Satellite System. 80 channets free for one year. Only $7.00/mk. 1 -800-267-9466. SEAT Sale. Freshen up your dinetle/diningrooni chairel Rail onde. Limitod quantities. From $18.95 os. seat. Febnic & labour includoed. Ride Ouslity Cuetonm Uphaistering. 875-4427 9-9. SIT ON IT, don't ait in il. Replaement foem for cushion. Residential/CommOrcial. Fields Uphaistery, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., 7 days weekly. 875- 4427. SPRING Savingel No PST an any uphalatery or- dor-April onlyl Sofas f rom $598. Safabed huom $4M7. Chairs from $196. Specials on dinette/ diningrom chairs. lnterest free accounts. Free pick-up/delivery. Senior discounts. Ride Ouality Cuetomner Uphoistering, 7 daseweek, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. 875-4427. rAi Give Mom somethiflg special this year. Unique Gifts, Great Prices. OPEN HOUSE May 99:00 aml- 9:00Pm May 10 9:00am -6:00Opm 360 Pine Street Milton 8788-431 2 FAMILY GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 18 8 AM. -12 NOON 792 & 790 GRAHAM BELL COURT Lats of stuiff. New & aid, crodonza, TVs, cor radios, bouehoid item, fumiture. Something for everyane. 2 HOUSE GARAGE SALE 748 & 750 FROBISHER BLVD. SATURDAY, MAY 10 8 A.M. - il A.M. GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 10 8 A.M. - 12 NOON 14 & 33 VICTORIA STREET GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 10 8 A.M. - 1 P.M. 514 ROSEHEATH DRIVE Lois ai Kide stuff & sometbing for everyoneî RAIN or SHINE GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 10 8:30 A.M. - 12 NOON 293 CARDINAL COURT GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 10 8 A.M. - 12 NOON 879 BIRCH AVENUE SOMETHING FOR EVERVONE! GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 10 8 A.M, - 1 P.M. 841 WILLOW AVENUE IThroe kida home froni University - beds, dressera, TV's, lampe, books, lots more. GARAGE SALE & CRAFT SALE SATURDAY, MAY 10 9 A.M. - 1 P.M. 601 LORD SIMCOE COURT SOMETHING FOR EVERVONEI LOTS OF CRAFT SUPPUES & CREATIONS, GARAGE SALE SAT. MAY 1OTH. 7 AM - 12 NOON 810 CABOT TRAIL CHILDREN-S TOYS, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS & FURNITURE & MUCH MORE! GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 10 8:00 A.M. - 12 NOON 469 GOWLAND CRESCENT 83 Vendors Wanted «CALLINO ALL VENDORSw MILTON HOSPITAL AUXILIARY STRAWBERRKY FAIR JUNE 21 & 22 1997 ARTS & CRAFTS SHOW & SALE FOR APPLICATION CONTACT FIONA HODGSON 1-905-878-4880 GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 1OTH. 8 AM-1 PM 550 HAYWARD CRESCENT RECORDS, EXERCISE MACHINEý STEREO, TUPPERWARE RAIN OR MHNEII GARAGE SALE - BARBECUE SATURDAY, MAY 1OTH. 8 AM - 2 PM CAMPBELLVILLE COUNTRY COURT MULTIPLE VENDORS PROCEEDS TO GIRL GUIDEIPATHFINDER INTERNATIONAL TRIP ALSO AVAILABLE BAGGED MUSIIROOM COMPOST RAIN OR SHINEII RANDALL CRESCENT STREET GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 10 8 A.M. - il A.M. Skis, toys, dirt bike, custam sheera, etc. GARAGE SALE 215 LYNDSAY COURT SATURDAY, MAY 10 8 A.M. GARAGE SALE 250 COMMERCIAL STREET SATURDAY, MAY 10 8 A.M. - 1 P.M. RAIN or SHINE Nintondo, variaus business books, some fumiture, somelbing for everyone. GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 10 8 A.M. -21 P.M. Satesque/Callcfrtro, uenoo, booksa, kitcbnmore. iosfwrpneec GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 10 8 A.M. to 12 NOON 105R4TNG FROSOP TOWN RDTS GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY1TH 8:3 A.M- 2NOON GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 1lOTI' 8 AM- 1 PM 354 CAMPBELL AVE.E., CAMPBELLVILLE WEATHER PERMITTINGI 105 Garden & Landscape 3 -WAY Nix TOP SOILa Maieun Raglon', Fîneat Oualty, Wood Frae. 'SOIL SPECIALISTS SINCE 1951" EVERGREEN FARMS: 333-9895 Sà Champion. Fniclay, May 9, 1997-29 105 Garden & LandscaDe CEDAR TREES at bargai pnceas. Aiea avaiabie installation of coder hedges, lattice & picket fence installation and home ronovations, For free estimates u-all 519 853-4042ý FRESHCUT LANDSCAPING. Cal for al your landscaping needa. Specai spring aller 15% off iawn maintenance contracte. 20% senions. 905- 876-2168. GARDENING SOIL, manure, triple mix, sand, grve, troos, shrubs, perennials, annuels, weter gardon suppiies. tickup or Deivery. Tayiar Nursery. 876-4100. MATTHEWS TREE SERVICE. Tree pninng. tre. tapping, trea remnoval, hedge trimming. Free estimstes. Competilive rates. Fully insured. 519- 856-2597. WELL COMPOSTED caite menuro, nio adour. Pick up or deiivery from the farm. 878-9742. 138 Home Improvement DECORATIVE PLASTERING. Interiars and extenaors. RosI rates on comices, ceiling contera, panel mouiding, coiumns, restaratian worc, firepiacos and custaom work ta your design. For al types af piester work from drywai ta, stucco. Cal 825-8760. 140 Handyperson MAN with truck avaiiabie ta do praperty maintenance, clean up, debris, scrap removal. Free estimates, 854-2315. 145 General Helg Wanted Z NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS The Ontaioa Humain Rights code prohibits dis- crimination beceuse af Cge, ses, marital status, race, creed, nalionality. ancestry or place af onigin. ln compilance with Ibis code Ibis newspeper reserves dme nght ta make necessesy changes in adverlising copy. CARLTON C A R D S ... saysit besl' STORE MANAGER MILTON MALL We are looking for a Customer Service arienled leam player to manage aur Milton Mail store. You hava 2-5 years of relail management expe- rience and preferaby have pont vecondary busi- nese education. Duties wiii include hiring staff, training staff, driving revenue yod providing top notch customer service in a card and giht shop. If you qaify please vend resume with valary expectations fa: CARLTON CARDS Mîlton Mati, 55 Ontario St. Milton, Ontario L9T 2M3 Att: Danny Bell, District Manager NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ASSEMBLERS / $7. Hour W. raquire GENERAL LABOURERS w/f h FOOD INDUS TRY erperf enc in MIL TON. MuaI bo flesible with difforont shits and have safety boots. If you are inlerestod, ploaso coma to aur * OPEN HOUSE* gam -lpm on May13/97 at 310 main st., Milton (ElI. Contre) You need ta bring resume, 2 work references & Direct Deposit Information. AJIow Up to 2 hours ta complote Our application procesa. ADIA 6121 rHE EMP OSMENT PEOPLE 6 1 2 1 COUNTRY Henitege Expenience frc. seeas an enIbueiestic self-starter for the Ontario Agnicul- turai Museum Guif Shap and admissions gate. Muet have retal expenoence. Famuiianity wilb e simiier benitege fedhlity wouid be an assot. Inter- ested applicants please cal 878-8151. DO YOU HAVE Horse andlor Riding experience? Bahr Seddlory bas an opportunity for a mature, energelic individuel with excellent people akilis ta work in aur store on e permanent part-âime bais. Muet be aveilebie weekends and weokdaye. Please cal (906)878-8885. NURSERY & Gardon Contre belp wented. Muet bo experienced Full or part lime. Apply in persan with referencos ta: 6711 Hwy. 25, Milton. PART TIME STUDENT required for yard maintenance. For information ceIl and leae message et 878-7371. Straved