Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 1997, p. 8

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8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 6, 1997 I~I Cano MiTuEFNANCIAL CaU for free consultation 875-9990 192 Main St. E. (Acrsssfrom The Champion) «'Drury celebrates -S*xya-l a a for waltz Deaf Educati*on Theun asamsix W eek w ith prkle Cari Steinsauser of Joyce Boulevard won third place in Ontario By SEVELeBANCfor bis 'Merry-G-Round Waltz' in thse Music for Young Cbi idre Byeia S The LBCmpionS Composition Festival. The Grade 1 St. Peter's ScIsool student was Specal t TheChamioncbosen among 615 kids in tbe age six to, eigbt category. Silence will speak volumes this week at %. Drury. The oca sebol or he daf bîc C.opnss 20 elmen 'ne competition was open to tbe more tban 13,000 students of Tahe landhg school sortdes lro h acmr s es soe ntao wl Music for Young Cbildren, a private, Kanata-based musical begin celebrating Deaf Education Week tomorrow instruction business wbose clients are as young as four. (Wedneday).Carl first enrolled witb thse company in September, studying Educating province-wide instructors and instilling pride in piano, rhythm, singing, tbeory and composition, said teacber deaf culture are tbe two main objectives over tbe next few days 0VJ"He's quite a talented little boy," sbe said. -explained Education Week coordinator JoAnne Goure.Calaibenmdbeir b Mnv.-9,tWt' s Lstae secondu ycar we ve organized activities at the scbool. Our goal is to include as many students and tbeir families as possible in tbe celebrations," said Ms Goure, witb the belp of inserpreter Nick Markin. One o : th e bgetdeaf schools Canada, E.C. Drury will bost 40 t50 teachers from other leaming centres in Ontario Wednesday andi Tbursday. TIse aim will be to pass on leading-edge instructing techniques, particularly in thse field of computera. "It's ver>' Also on sebedule for tomor- ewarding to be row's kickoff to Deaf Education île to pass on my Week is a province-wide corpe- education to bigIs sebool students. younger Participants in thse Optimist studets." Club-sponsored contest will be studets.11 judged on visual presensations of "My Vision of Tomorrow's DiE BELl World". HigIs sebool winners will receive $1,500 scbolarsbips wbile gifs certificates will be award to top eiemensary finiabers. One Isigb scbool student looking forward to tbe compesision, as well as otber week-long activities belsi in conjunction witb May's Deaf Awareness Montb, is local resident Drekel. TIse I 7-year-old OAC student began sutoring pre-teens this past winter ansi aspires to become eitber a deaf education instructor or psycbologist. "It's very rewarding to be able to pass on my education t0 younger students," Derek saisi. Higbiigbting local festivities will be Saturday's Signing Hansis Annual 5km/2kmn Run (Walk/In-Line Skate). Students and teachers will make a cross-town trek in their campaign to raise money for extracumeiular activities and pro- grams currently not being serviced tbrough govemnmens fund- ing. "We've received many substantial grants fromn local business- es ansi outlying corporations, including $500-plus grants fromn companies wbicb we'll be featuring tbrough T-sbirt logos Saturday," saisi Ms Goure. "TIse support bas been very excit- ing." o) Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Carl Steinhaser, 6, of Milton took third in Ontario for a piano waltz h. submittad to an ugo-levaI Inter- national music conteat. because it sounded like thse familiar amusement ride tune whi le he was composing it. He wrote out tbe eigbt-bar waltz on paper and mailed it to Kanata, wbere Music for Young Chiidren officiais played and judged it. Proud parents Norm and Andrea Steinhauser said Cari bas taken music theory lessons in the past but bad neyer piayed tbe piano unful last fail. "He's got a lot of talent," Mr. Steinhauser said. "He practices on bis own. He cornes so me and tells me it's time to practice." Students across Canada and the United States participate in the competition annually, Ms Epp said. This year, there were 13,093 entries in il different levels. Winners were chosen in ail levels from eacb province and state, and international tirst, second and third-piace winners were awarded among tbem. The aim of the festival is participation, Ms Epp said. Cari received a certificate noting bis tbird-place acbievement as weii as a Music For Young Cbildren commemnorative sticker for taking part. v'Heartworm case surfaces ini Milton dog By KAREN SMITH The Champion A local veterinarian is wamning dog own- ers about a killer canine disease tbat bas surfacesi in thse Halton ares. A case of beartworm, spread solely by mosquisoes, recently sbowed up in a dog taken to Milton's Maplewood Veterinary Hospital for a check-up. "This illustrates tbat beartworm is pre- sent in our canine andi mosquito population andi if your dog is nos on prevention, then be or abe is as risk," saisi Dr. Debbie Hawkins of Maplewood. TIse dog, a nmale rottwei 1er adopsed by Milton people fromn the Burlingson Humane Society, basi to be eutbanized because tIse disease was toc, far along, Dr. Hawkins said. Heartworm is a large parasitic worm of thse roundworm family that tbrives in a dog's beart, she explainesi. It feesis on nutrients in tIse bloodistreamn and can grow to between 15 ansi 30 centimetres. In severe cases, up to 500 wonns may infect a dog. If left untreatesi, the disease can permanently disable a dog or eventual- ly kili it. TIse disease apreasis wben a dog already infectesi witb Iseartworm is bitten by a mos- quito, Dr. Hawkins saisi. WIsile taking biood, the insees also picks up immature baby worms. Then, over 10 to 14 days, tIse worms grow into larvae ansi are transmitted to other doga during tIse mosquito's subse- quent bloosi meals. TIse larvae eventuaily travel to tIse new dog's beart wbere tbey mature ansi com- plete tbe life cycle by producing new Worms. Alarmingly, by the time symptoms of Isearsworm appear, tbe effecta on internai organs may be too advanced to be treatesi. Or, if it's nos too late, a lengsby treatment program coulsi be necessary. Typica signa of tIse disease are chronie cough, labouresi breathing, premature fatigue, general lack of energy ansi beart attack aliter exertion. Dr. Hawkins saisi the tbreat of Iseartworm is reai during the mosquito season. 'We know it's around. Last year tbere were 500 cases in Ontaio in doga." A simple bloosi test conductesi by a vet- erinarian can quickly determine wbetber a dog is infectei. If it isn's, a preventive pro- gram shoulsi be initiatesi as soon as possi- ble, Dr. Hawkins saisi. "We encourage ail dog owners to bave tbeir dogs testesi annually in the spring ansi staresi on prevention." mLIdconu to ttt BIILabarrnfln QrMatt 2aanquet 2-catt &c «Dtc JORN US FOR THE BEST STAND UP COMEDY ar2' 6içî MD Entertainment and the Bavanian Chalet present -49 YUK VURIS Complimentary BRUN CH DNE U featuning Larry Horowitz, Russell Peters and Dave Hook Bava rian SUNDAI',MAI 117'H DAI, MAI FET- SURAMAY 10TH Chalet Git$59 Y114:30 - 83 Doors Open 8 pmn e Show Time 9 pmn ghlrn31 795 Dne u i Tickets $10 in advance, $13 at the door Certificate for Chzldngs 3-12:02Ô 795 D 95e Muls-.9 Door pnize available. Every Mother Lrnited Space - Reservations Oilly Chiddren 3-10 $8.95 324 Steeles Avenue East, Milton e Ca1878-7934 for Reservations' ab~ n ......... .

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