Wurr wants to sec his relatives before he loses sight to disease afromn YOUNG MAN on page 1 "At the time we adopted him, we were given hardly any information but now adopting couples can find out non-identifying details about the mother," explained Mrs. Wurr. Other details have been uncovered with the help of Parent Finders of Guelph. Through interviews with longtime residents of Campbellville - where his mother once lived - one of the agency's investigators bas found the woman worked at Mohawk Raceway ssîtb her hoyfriend, a United States citizen and groomer aI the popular horse racing track. She came t rom a large family of nine or 10 children. The investigator also suspect's Warren cou-ld be Donny's real last narre. He was born James Warren and ai the lime it was common tor adopted chitdren to take their parents last namres as middle names prior to being given up. investigations have otherwise revealed little about bis mother's whereabouts. Research of old voting lista or directories at Milton and Georgetown public libraries has turned up no information in this area. ,lit would be so nice for him 10 be able to meet and see anyone in his birth family while he is still able 10 see. Losing your sight is tragie enough but as a young Hope to raise $2. milon mani knowing that you may lose your sight before ever seeing your biological relatives sure muai make the world seera bleak," said the investigator, who request- ed anonymity. Donny said be'll continue bis search for as long as it takes to tind at least one member of bis birth family. "The firat tbing I'd ask my birth mother is why she gave me up. As for my brothers, I'd just like to ineet themn and ftnd out bow tbey're doing." While equipped with only skeîchy details, Donny bas Wurr family luck in bis corner. Both Judith and sister Sberry found their real motbers years ago. 'The situations surrounding these otber cases were mucb different, bowever," Mrs. Wurr said. "In my case, my aunt adopted me and told me later on while I knew Sherry's mother before she was even born. "Donny saya he can't ever give Up though, adding tbat somewhere, aomeday he may stumble on a dlue that completea the puzzle. "Everyday he wakea up and says 'Today might be the day, mom'. The search bas become very important 10 him." 'Me Wurr family welcomes any help with informa- tion regarding Donny's birth moîher. T1hose with any details are asked 10 phone Judith Wurr at 1(519) 763- 1649. Carnations for MS this week For three days beginnîng stations and on Street corners. balance, extreme fatigue and paraI- Thursday, May 8 volunteers acroas Research bas provided some ysia. Ils cause is unknown, cure Ontario will offer carnations in resuits. In 1995 a type of beta inter- undiscovered and course unpre- return for donations that support feron was approved for relapsing- dictable. research mbt Multiple Sclerosia remitting MS that was shown 10 'nie MS Society expects te, t-aise and services for those fighting the reduce the frequency and severity about $2 million from the Cain- disease. of attacks. paign, witch bas managed to col- Volunteera will be located in MS attaeka the central nervous lect $27 million aince ils inception mails, office towers, public transit system causing numbness, bass of in 1976. 1995 CNEI( BLAZER LT 4X4 199 SAFARI M1 One owner, white/ grey leatSer, auto, air, power One owner teaIlgrey dloth, air conditioning, power wiubes, Seat, windows. and bocks, cassette, white bettereil power locks, cruise, cassette, ronoing boards, 8 passeoger. tires, tilt, cruise, on/y 62,000 kms. bug dtblector, deep tinted glss. Only 5,700kms. $25,977 or lon.e $375136mio. 81707 a sa S27i aram. 1994 RCK PARKA VENUE 1994 DwOUICE LESADRE One owner grey/ grey cloth, fub/y toaded, ino .eOe co white/grey cloth. Fs//y /oaded inc/odîog se.On/y 8/1 000 kms.ste power seat, os/y 71,00kms. OR LEASE $18.9M oir Jeasa $339124 Mo. 1Oiily $17,866 $35924 Mû. 199 ÎRAND AM 1994 SEINIRD W/i/e/greY clubh V6, air atoo poereeîodows pocter bocks, One owser b/ack/graphite dlotA, 5 spd. manua, air croise, tit, casset Balance oftactory warristy 0nty 3900 cond. power bocks. AM/FM otereo catis., Os/y kns. 83 OOOkmo. $16,887 or ieas $285136 meo. $9977 Or Iran $154 24 meo. 1994 DUICk RESAL 1994 GRAND PRIX One ownor, jade/OnTy ciotil V. auto, power winilow Seat, Ont ownor burgundy/burgundy cloth, air, auto, power iscks, tlt, croise, catss. oni 33 OOOkms windows, bocks, tilt, croise, caso., only 75, 000 kms $16,477 or lease $223124 mo. $13,873 or béase $259124 me. 1994 OMC PICK-UP Ont owntr, bIse/bIse dlotS, V, auto, air, tilt, croise, bed- linr, alloy whetis, on/y 78,000 kms $16,888 orlteaso $319124 me. *LEASE BASEO ON $2.000 OOWN + APPLICABLE TAXES, taT MONTHe SECURITY DEPOSIT & LICENCE. ALWAYS MORE TO CHOOSE FROM "W! WARRANTY & SERVICE WHAT WE SELLN 199 TRANSPORT One owoer, tealgray dloth. V6, automatic, air cond., AM/FM sterto cassette, 7 passenger seating. Only 71,000 km. $16,5os orilas$5u 6o -M